In this post, I will discuss the Witten Index in the context of 4-D N = 1 gauge theories on , a Riemann surface
of genus g times a torus
where in 2-D, the WI is
and by Jeffrey-Kirwan path-integration, we obtain
with the classical and 1-loop contribution derived from the index of a topological twist on
via the partition function
and crucially noting that the effective action
is topological on . Take 4-D N = 1 gauge theories with a non-anomalous
-symmetry, located on
with a
twist. Given that
has modulus
, the Lagrangian is given by
with the supersymmetric Yang-Mills Lagrangian,
the matter kinetic Lagrangian, and
superpotential interactions. For Abelian gauge-group factors reasons, we must also include a Fayet-Iliopoulos term
where the parameters of the background are the flux
and flavor flat connection are
and lives on a copy of the spacetime
. Now, define
Then the semi-classical and one-loop contribution consists of the following pieces:
the semi-classical action contribution is from the FI term
the one-loop determinant for chiral multiplets is
with elliptic functions
So, the one-loop determinant for the off-diagonal vector multiplets is
whereas the vector multiplets contribution along the Cartan generators is
and the fermionic zero modes on is
Thus, combining, the final Abelian formula is
and there are no boundary contributions since the integration domain is compact.
In the non-Abelian contexts, W-bosons contributions are factored by re-summing over and excluding the roots of the associated Baez AEs for which the Vandermonde determinant is zero
Now take a supersymmetric Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory at level
which is equivalent to bosonic Chern-Simons at level
at low energies. The semi-classical and one-loop contribution is
turning on a background for the topological symmetry. Hence, we can derive
with the charges of the points at infinity being and
Given the natural assumptions: ,
we get
where the known and central is the number of ground states of
Chern-Simons on
To Witten all roads lead: take
chiral multiplets of charges
-charge 1 so one does not face the parity anomalies in the
-symmetry. In the Witten-index context, the semi-classical and one-loop contribution is

with controlling the flavor-symmetries-background for up to one combination that could be reabsorbed into
, and
controls the background for the topological symmetry, and, in order not to face a gauge-parity anomaly, we insist that the following equivalence holds:
To compute the Witten index, set , and then the poles are at
hence the sum over generates the following
with being the roots of the BaezAEs:
hence the index
is the Witten index of the theory

On the flip-side,
becomes, up to sign-rescaling, the number of solutions to the BaezAEs.
Now, to compute the number of solutions, divide the chiral multiplets into two groups:
Thus our WI- equation is
Defining the positive numbers
we can conclude that the number of solutions to WI-E is
yielding the total Witten index
and implicitly defined by
In subsequent posts, the total Witten index will be used in rather deep ways crossing many fields of mathematics intersecting theoretical physics.