Mathematics is the music of reason ~
James Joseph Sylvester
James Joseph Sylvester
In my last post (part 1) in this series on the Witten-equation, I showed that the genus-zero Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence amounts to the assertion that there is a degree-preserving isomorphism between the two state spaces and that after certain identifications, the small -functions coincide, thus, the ‘Picard-Lefschetz‘ Witten relation, for
Keep the quantum product
in mind throughout the Witten Equation post-series.
In this post, part 2, I will connect the Witten equation
with the Gromov–Witten invariants and the Kähler-Witten integral in a deep way via the Dubrovin connection (see below) in the context of quantum cohomology, with the Dubrovin connection and the Gromov–Witten invariants playing a central role on the corresponding throat-bulk smooth projective variety. Let me change notation from my previous post: in this post, let from part 1 refer
, the Calabi-Yau smooth projective variety corresponding to the Witten-potential, and
the even part of
, and
the metaplectic moduli space of
-pointed genus-
stable maps to X of degree
. The following Kähler-Witten integral of
is central to this post
with and
being the evaluation map at the
-th marked point and
being the universal cotangent line classes. Now we can derive
Let me fix bases ,
– being the identity element of
– is a nef-basis for
– each is Kähler-homogeneous
– and
are Poincaré-pairing dual
with the rank of
. To get to our quantum cohomology analysis, let the Novikov ring
and for
, we write
and now we can get to quantum cohomology. Letting
be the
coordinates defined by the basis
such that
, we hence get the genus-zero Gromov-Witten potential
with the first sum is over the set of degrees of effective curves in
So the quantum product can thus be only defined in terms of the third partial derivatives of
where is bilinear over
therefore defining a formal family of algebras on
parametrized by
and that is the quantum super-cohomology of
and has a Hodge–Tate type:
. Since
is a Gromov-Witten scheme over
, letting
be a topological neighbourhood of the origin in
, then the Euler vector field
Note now that the grading operator is definable via
with projection to the first factor. Hence, the Dubrovin connection is a meromorphic flat connection
defined by
the coordinate on
. Now, by the Poincaré pairing, the Dubrovin connection equips
with a Frobenius manifold with extended structure connection, and thus the genus-zero Gromov–Witten potential
converges to an analytic function, allowing a definition of a Fredholm-Calabi-Yau measure for the Kähler–Witten integral, due to the quantum product
and allows the Gromov–Witten invariants
to be metaplectic invariants on the homotopy group-manifold of again due to, and since it is, equipped with the quantum product
As we shall see, these two relations are key to the unificational uniqueness, up to isomorphism, of M-theory and Branewold cosmology.