Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics ~ Dean Schlicter
The unification problem in physics has at its heart the problem of time: quantum physics, via the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle between time and energy is not compatible with the Einstein notion of time as coupled with space that gives rise to a ‘smooth’ spacetime continuum. John Wheeler and Bryce DeWitt did successfully resolve this incompatibility via the Wheeler-DeWitt equation: however, at two high prices. One, time ceases to play any dynamical role in the universe since it occurs idly in the equation, and secondly, by metaplectic geometry, there can be no quantum cosmological universal metric definable: see below on that deep problem for defining a notion of time-directionality in quantum cosmology. In this post, I will try and analyse the ‘metric problem’ and leave my analysis of the Page-Wootters ‘solution’ to the WdW problem of time for another post. The metric-problem in quantum cosmological settings with quantum gravity is that it arbitrarily varies on the configuration space of canonical gravity. Let me dive in. The central role in canonical gravity is played by the Hamiltonian constraint, with ,
key as we shall see, and the Ricci scalar on a three-dimensional space, and
the cosmological constant, and
the lapse function.
The coefficients depend on the three-metric
and play the role of a metric on
, the space of all three-metric associated with a manifold
. These are the DeWitt metric and are given by
due to the Riemann-Ricci condition on , one modifies it via a parameter
This gives the class of Wheeler-DeWitt metrics given the quantum version of the constraint
we have thus the WheelerDeWitt equation
Notice, the Wheeler-DeWitt metrics above exhaust the class of all ultralocal metrics on
Hence, they do not contain space derivatives. The inverse metric is then
with . In the case of general relativity, which corresponds to the choice
, the signature of
is, at each point of space, given by , hence vectors in
can be lightlike, that is, they may have vanishing scalar product with respect to
On the other hand, there are sets in superspace where the infinitely many minus signs in DeWitt’s metric reduce to one global minus sign. The Wheeler-DeWitt equation is therefore truly hyperbolic, which has deep consequences for the arrow of time problem in quantum cosmology.
Now, the obvious question is, what happens for other values of ? Clearly there is a critical value
for which the betta metric is degenerate. In the case of
we have positive definite and for
indefinite. This is clear when one introduces new coordinates on
given that the line element in superspace can be written as
We are now in a position to study the connection of the sign in the WheelerDeWitt metric with the attractivity of gravity as well as possible cosmological consequences. So let me say something about the sign of the acceleration of the whole three-volume
and being a coordinate-independent quantity, I thus need the second time derivative of derived from the Hamilton equations of motion
being key to the matter Hamiltonian depending ultralocally on the metric.
Putting all of the above together, we can derive
Now, by using the constraint equation
We can therefore deduce that gravity is attractive if the sign in front of the integral is negative via the following
This can be confirmed by analysis of terms in the above formula: gravity is attractive if a positive Ricci scalar contributes with a negative sign to the acceleration. This occurs when , which is the critical value for the metric
So a cosmological constant acts repulsively. Thus, the attractivity of gravity is intimately connected with the indefinite signature of the Wheeler-DeWitt metric as can be attested by
with matter terms. The deep point now is that the Wheeler-DeWitt metrics have an indefiniteness that cannot allow us to integrally-measure any directionality of time as can be seen by the Friedmann equation for the scale factor
This is directly the problem of the attractivity of gravity as it intimately connects with the indefinite signature of the Wheeler-DeWitt metric, but indirectly points to a metric-measure problem for any cosmological directionality of time: for another post.
Sunday, December 20, 2015Great work
George Shiber
Monday, December 21, 2015Too kind of you Arne, I followed Edward Witten’s advice when he told me there are no superstring/M-theorists bloggers on social media, I communicate with M-theorists via e-mail on a daily basis. Again, real pleasure to thank you, best wishes, George!