Let no man who is not a mathematician read the elements of my work ~ Leonardo da Vinci
In my last post, I analyzed a relationship between the AdS/CFT correspondence and the Randall-Sundrum brane-world ‘model‘, where the brane-world five-dimensional action is
with being the five-dimensional Planck mass,
, and
is the cosmological constant in the bulk, yielded us, via small fluctuations of the metric on the brane
with being the radius of AdS, defined by
and then deduced the crucial relation , which yields the CFT-brane relation
possessing real physical meaning, as can be seen by
the fact that the four-dimensional massless propagator corresponds exactly to the zero-mode graviton, localized on the brane, while
being the propagator for the continuum Kaluza–Klein graviton modes, gives us an analytic relation between four-and-five-dimensional Newton’s constants. So, at large distances, corresponding to , a small-argument expansion for Bessel functions gives us
Thus, by evaluating the Fourier transform for we get the linearized metric
giving ‘real’ physical meaning to the Newtonian potential: hence the –corrections to Newton’s law are identical between the Maldacena ‘model’ and Randall–Sundrum ‘model’ which entails a deep classical/quantum duality expressed by
However, let me describe a serious problem related to a type of singularity and solve it by RR-compactification on an AdS minus a CFT-brane, with no loss of metaplectic content. As was shown, the AdS/CFT correspondence implies that the RS model is isomorphic to a four dimensional gravity coupled to a strongly interacting CFT. First note that on the RS side, the singular brane in the bulk is very crucial for the two massless modes and two towers of continuum-massive-modes on AdS, and so the field equations pick up a delta function source and the RS background constitutes a solution: the problem now is that we lose the delta function because the brane lives on the boundary, and it would follow that the brane-action cannot modify the field equations which are deduced by fixing the metric on the boundary thus one cannot include the degrees of freedom corresponding to the path integral. I will try a solution based on replacing the brane-action in the bulk with a term proportional to the area of the boundary of the compactified AdS space.
Before proceeding, keep this following relation in mind, it is as deep as it gets
In d + 1-dimensions, the field equations for gravity with a negative cosmological constant Λ are
that admit the AdS space
as a solution with and taking
as the radial coordinate, AdS space can be interpreted as the metric of a domain wall that models our observable universe located at an arbitrary radial position, and spanned by the coordinates
. It is clear that without matter, the metric on the domain wall is flat. With matter on the wall, one would replace the flat metric
with a curved metric
, hence recovering the two basic properties of gravity without a cosmological constant. Now, from an effective action point of view, in d + 1- dimensions the action is
with the Newton’s constant and
the boundary-metric, yielding a Chern-Simons constant
, giving us the modified action
which is proportional to the area of the boundary. The condition for the metric is
and even though the boundary is located at , a solution is gotten by cutting the asymptotic region at the surface
and let the space be denoted by
. By inserting
into the total action and picking
, one gets
with the d-dimensional Newton’s constant is given by
To get an effective action that describes pure gravity without a cosmological constant, we start with the total action where the free parameter
is fixed by
The central point now is that in the RS model, has been replaced with a singular brane action
coupled to the gravity, where is the world-volume embedded in the bulk, and the key point is that the tension
of the brane would be fine-tuned, pushing the cosmological constant problem into the brane! A solution suggests itself by noting that
with coefficient in
come from an AdS-compactification of string/M theory, thus getting a conformally invariant graviton 2-point function using AdS/CFT duality, in turn solving the cosmological constant problem not by fine tuning but by the presence of a critical boundary action induced by such compactification.
Hence, from
we get
with the curvature tensor of
which indicates a generic curvature singularity on the ‘horizon’
at . A solution can be achieved by insersion of a wall located at a finite
value, giving rise to a radial coordinate compactified on a line, which is quasi-morphic to a Horava-Witten construction in 11-dimensions, where one coordinate of the flat Minkowski space has been compactified by two 10-branes. So, let me determine the spectrum of modes on
, implying
, where
is the unit normal vector to the boundary. We now vary the action
by treating the boundary terms coming from integration-by-parts as Picard-Lefschetz terms, to obtain
with the induced metric on
the extrinsic curvature of the boundary defined by
Hence, the metric near is
where the boundary is located at and
is the unit normal vector. So the following holds
and the extrinsic curvature is given by
so the field equations following from are
One can thus see that satisfies the immediate-above condition two only if the free parameter
is fixed by
The ‘magic’ now is, the same fine tuning imposed to cancel the induced cosmological constant on the boundary is now required to have as a solution of the theory. The metric of the wall in
is now
and with the following gauges constraints
the linearized equations become
with and
being the d-dimensional mass given by
, hence, the solutions are
with the normalization constant and
. Let us check the regularity and the normalizability conditions, which are given by
viewed in d + 1-dimensional space, and note the above regularity and normalizability conditions indicate that, contrary to the gravitational waves propagating along the boundary, the ones moving through the horizon are irregular. A similar singularity arises in the Randall–Sundrum model. Let me concentrate on the problem in Euclidean signature. For normalizability, I must introduce an inner-product in the space of linearized perturbations. Noting that
is the Laplacian acting on the scalars, let me define
with where , and
and from it, the massless mode is normalizable if and only if and for massive modes, via the Bessel’s differential equation, we get
Analyzing the limit using the asymptotic forms of the Bessel functions, one finds
now picking
the massive modes are normalized as
and since the product of the massless mode with a massive KK mode turns out to be zero since
reduces to
so now we see, from
that the measure on the set of continuum eigenvalues is simply . Since the dimensionless coordinate on
, the dimensionless eigenvalues and the measure are
, respectively. Therefore, the graviton propagator can be gotten by superposing the modes
given their completeness. Hence, must solve
where being the brane-bulk Laplacian and the boundary condition
is entailed by
This Green function is localized near the boundary, and can be separated into the standard d-dimensional propagator plus a contribution coming from the exchange of KK modes, which in momentum space reads
and is the first Hankel function given by
. To proceed, let me start from the following path integral
summing over all metrics on M. It can be evaluated using saddle point approximation when there is an extremum of the functional under these conditions
The path integral above allows us to connect the existence of a complementary picture implied by the AdS/CFT correspondence
holding. And by the AdS/CFT duality, we get
For a minimally coupled massless scalar field on , one starts from the action
with the scalar allowed to vary on the boundary, getting
and in the AdS/CFT picture, the partition function
which can be calculated as thus
summing is over all bulk fields. By the AdS/CFT correspondence, one derives
being the dual CFT operator. And we have a solution to the RS-singularity problem via AdS-compactification