All the measurements in the world do not balance one theorem by which the science of eternal truths is actually advanced ~ Carl Friedrich Gauss
In this post, I will derive the Orbifold Riemann–Roch Theorem, which I will eventually show is crucial to the meta-stability and categoricity of M-theory. In my last post I showed that the cohomology pairing and the Galois action on are uniquely determined by the cohomology framing
and hence the Galois actions on can be viewed as the monodromy transformations of the flat bundle
in the
-direction. The monodromy with respect to
is hence given by
which coincides with the Galois action
the quantum product I introduced here,
as well as the Serre functor of the Lefschetz category with
the class of the canonical line bundle and
is Calabi–Yau, with with
defined by
where and
is the image of
in the
–quantum D-module: and this is the Galois action of
–quantum D-module. Let me proceed.
By an integral structure in quantum cohomology I mean a -local system
underlying the flat bundle
induced by an integral lattice
in the space
of multi-valued flat sections of QDM-
, where QDM stands for quantum D-module. Let me work with the most interesting integral lattices in
and the
-integral structure which have deep and essential properties. Now let
denote the Grothendieck group of topological orbifold vector bundles on
: for an orbifold vector bundle
on the inertia stack
, we have an eigenbundle decomposition of
with respect to the action of the stabilizer of acting on
Now, let be the Picard-projection. Note, the Chern character
is defined for an orbifold vector bundle
with being the ordinary Chern character. For an orbifold vector bundle
, let
, be the Chern roots of
. The Todd class
is defined by
Now the Chern and Todd characteristic classes appear in the Orbifold Riemann–Roch theorem:
– For a holomorphic orbifold vector bundle on
, the Euler characteristic
is given by
Now define a multiplicative characteristic class by
with is as above and the Gamma function on the right-hand side must be expanded in series at
Note that the map transforms into an isomorphism after being tensored with
. Define the
-group framing
of the space
of multivalued flat sections of the quantum
-module by the formula
and is a Lefschetz-grading operator on
defined by
is the cup product in
, which is the image
of the K-group framing the
-integral structure.
– Proof of Orbifold Riemann–Roch theorem: The Γ -integral structure satisfies the following three properties
1) is a
-lattice in
2) The Galois action on
preserves the lattice
and corresponds to the tensor by the line bundle
where is the line bundle corresponding to
3) The pairing on
corresponds to the Mukai pairing on
defined by
Now because and
are invertible operators over
, by the following two relations
we can deduce
which, by
is equal to
and to
and because the lattice defines a
-local system
underlying the flat vector bundle
and given that
is invariant under the Galois action, the local system
descends to a local system over
, hence it follows that the proof of the orbifold Riemann–Roch Theorem is complete.