In my last few posts, I showed that the AdS/CFT dual of supergravity on the Klebanov-Strassler warped conifold background is a 4-D N = 1 superconformal gauge theory and the internal compactification-topology and flux-quanta have backgrounds essentially containing KS warped throats: let me relate the KS-throat to Randall-Sundrum geometry
I concluded my last post by inserting the -metric
into the Klebanov-Tseytlin relation
and after differentiating, I derived
which, given the quantization condition
implies that the scaling for the non-vanishing components of
and that will allow us to connect the Klebanov-Strassler throat with the Randall-Sundrum model. Visually, we had …
Now, for a warped conifold throat with geometry , the curvature radius
measures the size of
and is constant along the radial direction. The geometry of the KS-warped deformed conifold is also diffeomorphic to
and as I demonstrated, there is an effective curvature radius
which varies slowly with
Hence, given the Klebanov-Tseytlin relation above, the correspondence between the Klebanov-Strassler throat and the Randall-Sundrum model can be visualized as …
Working in a 5-D Einstein frame with canonically normalized 5-D scalar field , where the negative 5-D cosmological constant of
must be replaced by a vacuum energy density
, we have
and the backreaction modifies the geometry so as to reproduce our familiar-by-now metric
A dimensional reduction of a theory with the metric above to 5-D gives rise to an -dependent coefficient of the 5-D Ricci scalar
and a model with the above Lagrangian arises necessarily after a Weyl rescaling by a Tseytlin function of a radially varying scalar field. Now, working with the
-dependent infinitesimal distance in units of
and imposing
Fixing the constant of integration by choosing in terms of flux-quanta as
One can write the 5-D metric as
where the warp factor, following from
together with the Weyl rescaling used to get the 5-D Einstein frame, and in light of the Klebanov-Strassler 4-D Lagrangian
reads as
- We are half-way towards deriving our RS-action
Now, writing the warp factor as
Let us now use the equation of motion of a scalar field with potential in a warped background
and one can neglect the second-derivative term if the length scale for the variation of is larger than the curvature radius
. We thus get
From the trace of the Einstein equations for a ‘slowly’ varying scalar field, one obtains a relation between the scalar curvature and the potential energy density
and in light of the 5-D metric and warp factor above, becomes
Now using the chain rule
we get for
and the desired functional dependence of on
Thus, 5-D gravity coupled to a scalar field H with the potential
reproduces the effective 5-D geometry of the throat

To get the complete compactification, we need to add tensed IR and UV branes with boundary conditions for to our 5-D model. The explicit relations are
therefore the boundary condition reproduces the IR end corresponding to a Klebanov-Strassler region with
units of
and so we have presented a 5-D model, containing gravity with a minimally coupled scalar field, which, upon compactification on an interval with boundary conditions
which provides the 5-D description of the KS throat
The corresponding nonlinear sigma model can be truncated to a version that involves only four scalars and characterizes the Klebanov-Strassler solution. Letting the fields be denoted by , then
measures the
volume and
the ratio of scales between the 2-cycle and the 3-cycle;
the dilaton, and
measures the
potential. Then the 5-D action is
and collectively denoting the dimensionless scalars
, and
are constants, with
proportional to the number of 3-form flux quanta
, and with a warped ansatz as in
for the 5-D metric, a solution to the equations of motion is given by the Klebanov-Strassler background
and explicitly, at large ,
Thus, in terms of the physical quantities we have been using,
and the leading contribution to the vacuum energy density, whose back-reaction determines the warp factor, is given by the first and last terms of the potential in …

…evaluated on the solution
U-Kähler modulus analysis is next.