The D-brane superpotential, a section of special holomorphic line bundles of the complex and Kähler product moduli space, and hence the correlation-function generator, is pivotal for at least three central reasons in the construction of Calabi-Yau compactifications: first, for allowing M-theory compactifications on Kovalev twisted connected sum -manifolds. Second, for giving rise to Yukawa couplings, and consequently, allows us to determine the vacuum of the low energy N=1 effective theory. And third, to allow for topological CY properties such as Jones-Witten and Ooguri–Vafa invariants. In this post, we will analyze the D-brane superpotential for pseudo-Fermat Calabi-Yau manifolds via mirror symmetry and the Gel’fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski hypergeometric system in the context of Saito’s differential equations of deformation theory of singularities and derive an Aganagic-Klemm-Vafa type mirror symmetry based on the Witten equation. First, let us set the stage. Dp-brane solutions preserving half supersymmetry have general form:
where the Hamiltonian metaplectic action in the Heisenberg representation on the Dp+1 dimensional worldvolume gives us:
where the Ramond-Ramond gauge-coupling sector is given by the action:
and generally, the action of a -brane is given by a Dirac-Born-Infeld part coupled to a Chern-Simons WZ part:
where is the worldvolume pullback with
-orientifold action:
where the pullback to the -worldvolume yields the 10-D SYM action:
with string coupling:
and the 10-D SUGRA dimensionally reduced Type-IIB action is:
and in the string-frame, the type-IIB SUGRA action is given by:
where the Calabi-Yau superpotential is:
is the Gukov-Vafa-Witten superpotential stabilization complex term, as well as the axio-dilaton field:
Given the presence of -brane instantons,
are of Kähler moduli Type-IIB-orbifold class:
with being the volume of the divisor
the 4-form Ramond-Ramond axion field corresponding to:
where is the Kähler form:
an integral-form basis and the associated intersection coefficients. Hence, the Kähler potential is given by:
with the Calabi-Yau volume, and in the Einstein frame, is given by:
The -term is given by:
with the Large Volume Scenario -term is given by:
and the Fayet-Illopoulos terms being:
where are the
-brane charge-vectors. Then we saw that the Chern-Simons orientifold action gets a Calabi-Yau curvature correction in the form of:
due to the Gauss–Codazzi equations:
and the Ramond-Ramond term being:
which yields the Type-IIB Calabi-Yau three-fold superpotential:
and where the topologically mixed Yang-Mills action is given by:
with the corresponding Chern-Simons action:
Generically, type-II compactifications on Calabi–Yau manifolds give rise to N=1 low energy effective theories given suitable background fluxes and space-filling D-branes wrapping internal special Lagrangian sub-manifolds and holomorphic divisors determined by period integrals satisfying systems of Picard-Fuchs differential equations where the period integrals of the holomorphic three-form whose cycles have boundaries wrapped by D-branes determine the effective superpotential. The associated superpotential of D-branes wrapping internal cycles of Calabi–Yau manifold is given as such:
In the Type-II case, it is a linear sum of the period integrals:
The Ramond-Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz background fluxes ,
yield the flux-superpotential:
Thus, putting the two superpotentials together gives us:
where is the D-brane topological charge and
is the period-integral over the CY 3-form:
and the domain-wall tension is given by:
Now, in the A-model, the D-brane superpotential is defined in terms of closed/open holomorphic correlation-functional coordinates determined by OPE coefficients corresponding to the worldsheet chiral ring:
where we have:
and the following relations follow for the D-brane superpotential and the Ooguri–Vafa invariants:
where the mirror-symmetry map is given by:
We now define a mirror pair of hypersurfaces in toric ambient spaces
with corresponding fans
, where the hypersurface defining polynomial is given as such:
It is clear that a GKZ hypergeometric differential system:
annihilates the integral periods, and the torus invariant Kähler coordinates of the system are given as such:
generating the Mori cone. Now, since we have:
we get:
Now let us consider Saito’s system of DE of deformations of a singularity. Take a sheaf of germs of relative holomorphic
forms for the natural projection
. One consider now sheaves on S with the following properties:
We now take an image of a primitive form in
Let us connect the Gel’fand-Leray form to the Saito period integral and the GKZ system. The defining singularity polynomial equation for singularity reflecting a monodromy action, is:
for a deformation:
where the parameters act as a coordinate system of:
There is then a natural map:
Now we focus on the sheaf of germs of holomorphic p-forms for the projection
of form:
Hence, we can re-write the image of the primitive form as such:
Now the Saito’s system is characterized as a set of differential equations satisfied by the PF:
We can now prove the following:
With the roots of
, the space of the solutions to Saito’s system is generated by:
with a singularity at the discriminant locus:
and where the monodromy group about the discriminant is isomorphic to the order- symmetric group
among the roots
Note that now we have a defining equation:
where we take the canonical torus action on
The Saito system now naturally relates to a Gel’fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski system with canonical period integral forms:
integration is over homology 2-cycle curves on:
and up to homotopic rescaling, the period integral satisfies a Gel’fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski system. Two central properties follow. The period integral satisfies:
with respect to the Saito lattice-operator, with:
and the system is rank- irreducible and the
-independent solutions are given by:
So the root of
Hence, the independent solutions of the Gel’fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski system:
are given by:
whose monodromy transformations properties are given by:
get annihilated by the operators . Moreover, we have the following relationship holding:
given that the following holds:
By recursion, we can derive:
Now since by definition we have:
the ‘s are solutions to the Gel’fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski hypergeometric system, with:
Now we interpret the Chern-Simons part of the D-brane action as naturally inducing the charge vectors defining the Calabi-Yau condition, and consider the following operators:
characterizing the Gel’fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski hypergeometric -system:
Now, for the Calabi-Yau manifolds that arise as hypersurfaces in toric varieties, the above Gel’fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski equations are analytically related by a Witten deformation to the above Picard-Fuchs equations. Under the change of variables:
the corresponding Gel’fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski system obtained allows us to derive the open-string instanton effects exactly as in the bulk Gel’fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski for the closed-string case. Take the following operators:
which is the Gel’fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski HGS that naturally corresponds to the boundary toric variety, and under the c.o.v.:
yields an open/closed bulk/boundary duality supporting Witten mirror flops and flips in the dual character-torus lattice of the Calabi-Yau:
For the Aganagic-Klemm-Vafa system, the solution corresponding to the D-brane superpotential are given as so:
where is the Witten superpotential satisfying the Witten equation:
whose Picard-Lefschetz virtual fundamental cycles:
naturally induce Witten mirror moduli flops and flips bulk/boundary duality associated to the Aganagic-Klemm-Vafa disk instantons defined by the Gel’fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski system.
It can be shown that all flips and flops in the dual character-torus lattice of the Calabi-Yau moduli space corresponding to an M-theory compactification arise naturally in this way.