The importance of D3-branes derives partly from their role in F-theory due to D3/D7-brane systems in the presence of orientifolds, yielding an effective 4D N = 1 F-action, and D3-branes naturally correspond to M5-branes in M-theory compactified on a Type-II-A/B torus, and instantons that arise from D3-branes wrapping internal divisors on a Calabi-Yau 3-fold correspond to M5-brane instantons in M-theory compactified on an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau 4-fold. Moreover, a unique property of D3-branes is self-duality. Hence, for the M5- algebra to close, the D3 worldvolume super-Hamiltonian must exhibit manifest Poincaré symmetry. Note that Dp-brane solutions, for p = 1, 2, 3, 4, preserving 1/2 SUSY, have general form:
where the M5-brane action in a D = 11 SUGRA background is given by:
and the -brane action takes the following form:
Now, a D3-brane has a super-Yang-Mills worldvolume theory and at strong coupling, it constitutes a black brane solution of type II supergravity. Hence, by D3 self-duality, the bosonic D3-brane action with a super-Lagrangian coupling is given by:
and where the Ramond-Ramond gauge-coupling sector is given by the action:
and the Ramond-Ramond term being:
which yields the Type-IIB Calabi-Yau three-fold superpotential:
and where the topologically mixed Yang-Mills action is given by:
with the corresponding Chern-Simons action:
and where the Ramond-Ramond coupling-term:
has variational action:
However, one must exhibit the self-duality of the D3-brane in the Hamiltonian metaplectic setting in order for the M5- algebra to close. To that end, I will derive that as well as the induced D-brane and M5-brane Hamiltonians. First we note that one can always lift an
duality to an
duality by introducing the D3-brane dilaton
and axion
which are constant background fields. Then, we can re-define an
-dual Lagrangian as such:
with . From the above
-dual Lagrangian, the D3-brane Hamiltonian action can be derived as:
are the Pauli matrices cohomologically acting on the supersymmetric group indices, and
is the Wess-Zumino Lagrangian satisfying the Matsubara condition, and is given by:
where and
are the RR-2 and RR-4 forms, and
represents the Kappa symmetry of the gauge bundle of the D3-brane’s
topology. Now, let:
be a canonical conjugate set for the super-Kahler phase-space variables, and define the critical 3-dimensional anti-symmetric tensor:
and introduce the de Rham variables:
where transforms as:
One then finds that the constraints of the system are given by:
– symmetry constraint
– the p + 1 diffeomorphism constraints:
as well as:
– the fermionic constraints:
with being the spatial part of the
metric, and its determinant being
. One must now show the Poincaré invariance of the bosonic constraints:
and that the supersymmetric covariance of the fermionic constraint under the
transformation of
corresponding to the
fermionic field rotation holds. Note that we get:
with being an
matrix satisfying:
and transforms as:
and being an
transformation satisfying:
with rotation
To establish D3-brane self-duality, we must consider:
while noting that all terms in the above expression as well as are invariant under Poincaré duality transformations. So,
, the conjugate of
, is also likewise invariant, hence:
reduces to:
holds. In terms of differential forms:
reduces to:
where represents a spatial 3-form coefficient of
, and given the Poincaré invariance of
rotation, one can finish the proof by utilizing the gauge invariance of
and by using the identity:
Diffeomophically, and
essentially appear in the irreducible representation of
, and thus,
also have Poincaré invariance. Now, the supersymmetric covariance of the fermionic constraints with the above
where one finds by Gaussian functional reduction:
Now, given that transforms as:
where is the D3-brane tension, the fermionic expression
covariantly transforms as:
Now we must exhibit the self-duality of the D3-brane Hamiltonian, given the gauge field, as usual, , acting on the automorphic group of
, and the D = 3 metric
replaced by the D3-brane worldvolume 4-D metric
, expressed in terms of brane coordinates
. Note that for any function
on the super-Kähler phase-space, we have:
where is a tensor acting on a vector as such:
being the covariant anti-symmetric constant tensor, and is the inverse of:
In the projective geometry of , we then have:
noting that longitudinally projects out the components of the covariant derivative
Now, in the D3-brane 4-dimensional curved worldspace, the Laplacian operator is given by:
with being the Ricci tensor. One then derives, by use of the Atiyah–Singer index theorem, the fact that
generates the desired
duality transformation for the gauge field, and generates the
rotation of
and so we obtain:
We are now in a position to derive the Dp/M5-brane Hamiltonian. The bosonic D-brane Lagrangian has the general form:
where is the Hodge dual of a p-form potential and
is the Hamiltonian density given as such:
Hence we have constant brane-tension, abelian p-form gauge transformations, gauge field transformations satisfying Gauss’s law, and that and
generate worldvolume diffeomorphisms and time translations. Since the RR field strength
with WZ coupling acts as a Gaussian-law source, we can derive the following:
and hence the Hamiltonian phase-space constraint is quartic, as required. The Hamiltonian for the M5-brane breaks into
. Working with the worldvolume metric
and its inverse
, we get the following:
with the determinant of the worldvolume form
Thus, the phase-space M5-brane bosonic Lagrangian is given by:
are given as such:
By the Bianchi identify for , we have:
and the last three functionals in:
are given by:
and they correspond, respectively, to generating-functionals for time-translation, worldvolume diffeomorphism and self-duality, with the following relations holding:
In summary, the M5- algebra closes and the D3-brane self-dual Hamiltonian action is invariant under linear
and rotations of by:
and non-linear transformation of the background and