We are not to tell nature what she’s gotta be. She’s always got better imagination than we have ~ Richard Feynman
In this post, I will relate the AdS/CFT correspondence to the Randall-Sundrum brane-world ‘model’. The AdS/CFT correspondence ‘says’ that for every conformal field theory, there is a corresponding theory of gravity with one more dimension. More precisely, it is a correspondence between the gravitational dynamics of a –dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime
, and a
–dimensional conformal field theory
, so the duality basically says that if we deform
by source fields by adding
this will be the dual to an theory with a bulk field
with boundary condition:
with the conformal dimension of the local operator
the number of covariant indices of
minus the number of contravariant indices. Hence, we get a dual source field for every gauge-invariant local operator and can deduce the duality as
or more informatively
where is the ‘bulk-field‘,
the radial coordinate that is dual to the renormalization group in the boundary theory, with
and in the CFT boundary of AdS with
coupled to
The left-hand-sides are the vacuum expectation value of the time-ordered exponential of the operators over CFT; the right-hand-sides are the quantum gravity generating functional with the given conformal boundary condition. So, on one side, we have a gauge theory in flat space-time at weak coupling and as the coupling increases, the theory must be described as a string-theory in curved space-time. So generally for , the Maldacena conjecture, based on the decoupling limit of D
-branes in type IIB string theory compactified on
, relates the dynamics of
to an
Yang–Mills theory on its
-dimensional boundary. Before I continue, keep this 5-D brane-world action in mind throughout:
Now, different compactifications lead to other SuperCFTs on the boundary. For , picking the Poincaré coordinates on
yields the metric
where in that scenario, the superconformal Yang–Mills theory would reside at the boundary . The Randall–Sundrum models a possible scenario for evading Kaluza–Klein compactification by localizing gravity in the presence of an uncompactified extra dimension via an insertion of a positive tension
-brane, quasi-morphic to Einsteinian space-time, into
. The resulting Randall–Sundrum metric is then
with or
for a 2-sided or 1-sided Randall–Sundrum brane, respectively. So to make a Maldacena/Randall–Sundrum correspondence, let me work with the one-sided Randall–Sundrum brane, and imposing a boundary in
, the RS-model is hypothesized to be dual to a cut-off
coupled to gravity, with
, the location of the Randall–Sundrum brane, providing the ultraviolet cut-off. Hence, this ‘super’-Maldacena conjecture reduces to the standard AdS/CFT-duality as the boundary is pushed off to
, thus the cut-off is removed and gravity gets completely decoupled. Given that one-loop corrections to the graviton propagator induce
corrections to the gravitational potential
where is the four-dimensional Newton constant, one can see that the contribution of a single
, with
, is (1)
with being the numbers of particle-species of spin
going around the loop. Hence, via the AdS/CFT relation
and the 1-sided brane-world relation
, with
being the five-dimensional Newtonian constant and
the radius of
, it reduces to (2)
Let’s deduce (1) by lowest-order quantum corrections to solutions of Einstein’s equations. Working with linearized gravity, we begin by writing the metric as
Given the harmonic gauge(s)
the linearized Einstein equation is then
A Fourier transformation to momentum space yields
being the four-dimensional massless scalar propagator. Thus, the quantum-corrected metric becomes
and the quantum correction is given in momentum space by
where is the graviton propagator
and is the one-loop graviton self-energy, which by gauge-symmetry and Lorentz invariance necessarily is
hence, by combining, we get the quantum-corrected metric
which, at the linearized level, becomes
Now note, after cancelling the infinities with the appropriate counterterms, the finite remainder must necessarily have the form
where and
, are numerical coefficients and
is an arbitrary subtraction constant having the dimensions of mass. To relate to the Newtonian potential, one Fourier-transforms back to coordinate space. For a point source,
, we obtain to this order the following relations
and since all spins contribute with the same sign as they must by general positivity arguments on the self-energy in (1) above, we get
also notice that determines the crucial part of the Weyl anomaly that involves the square of the Weyl tensor
with the constants
So for the central charge, one obtains
hence, we have
with the second equality making explicit use of the brane-world relation ,
making it universal and independent of which particular CFT appears in the AdS/CFT correspondence, which is precisely as desired since the Randall–Sundrum coefficient does not depend on the details of the fields propagating on the brane!
Now, on the brane-world, where the five-dimensional action has the form
with the five-dimensional Planck mass, and
, and
is the cosmological constant in the bulk. Small fluctuations of the metric on the brane may be represented as
with being the radius of AdS, defined by
and we have the crucial relation , which yields the CFT-bane relation
the above relation has physical meaning: , the four-dimensional massless propagator, corresponds exactly to the zero-mode graviton localized on the brane, while
is the propagator for the continuum Kaluza–Klein graviton modes, hence getting a relation between four-and-five-dimensional Newton’s constants. So, at large distances, corresponding to , a small-argument expansion for Bessel functions gives us
Thus, by evaluating the Fourier transform for yields the linearized metric
giving us a physical meaning to the Newtonian potential: therefore we have shown that the –corrections to Newton’s law are identical between the Maldacena ‘model’ and Randall–Sundrum ‘model’ which entails a deep classical/quantum duality expressed by
which in turn highly suggests that the ‘AdS/Super-CFT Randall–Sundrum brane-world duality’ is true and ought therefore to be undergrid by a mathematical proof: for the next post!
1 Response
Realizing Quantum NonLocality in SuperString/M-Theory
Friday, July 1, 2016[…] philosophical points before the mathematics: in the AdS/CFT Maldacena duality, a stack-type IIB 3-branes in the near-horizon non-Rindler geometry identifies the dynamics of […]