I will discuss one of the deepest aspects of string/M-theory, namely the AdS/CFT duality, expressed as
and spacelike branes, whose action is generally of the form
which is time the Dirac-Born-Infeld action
over the target space and
is a Dirac delta function interpreted as a distribution along directions, and briefly discuss cosmological singularities. This is an excellent read on S-branes. It is folklore knowledge that any Minkowskian geometry of the worldvolume of a p-brane can be replaced with any Ricci-flat spacetime with Kasner-time-dependence and satisfying the Dp-brane worldvolumes can be replaced by a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric with a conformal factor. It can be shown that there is a deep mathematical relation between p-branes and chargeless S-brane worldvolume backgrounds related the via AdS/CFT duality with a Maldacena deformation satisfying U-duality.
The d-dimensional Einstein frame action describing bosonic sectors of supergravity theories containing the graviton, , the dilaton
coupled to the q-form field strength
with the coupling constant is given as
with the field equations:
and the field strength satisfying the Bianchi identity
It is solutions that describe a p-brane in the presence of a chargeless S-brane without any smearing in p-brane’s transverse space that is central, and here is where time comes in, as I will show that
with being the volume form of the m-dimensional unit sphere
and ‘
‘ the Hodge dual operation with respect to full metric. Note now that in the metric above,
represents the metric on the n-dimensional unit hyperbola, unit sphere or flat space and the function is given as
and our constants do satisfy
Deep: if one sets all time-dependent parts to zero, the solution is exactly the p-brane solution
and the dilaton coupling ‘‘ is zero in 11-D SUGRA and in type IIA and IIB SUGRAs, it is given by
Thus, the solution below
can be interpreted as a superposition of a p-brane with a chargeless S-brane
Now note that one of the constants can be set to 1 by rescaling the time coordinate. There are generic singularities as
, as can be seen from the collapse of parts of the metric functions. When
is finite, time-dependent metric functions are well-behaved except for the
function G above, which ought and does become zero at
However, and that is the deep point, this is not a singularity
since one can always define a new coordinate
thus getting
which is exactly the flat spacetime in Rindler-coordinates. So, for , one gets
and for , we get
and for the general solution
we can smear some directions from the -replacement
with the harmonic function now independent of
Hence, we have Dp-and-Mq-brane solution in S-Dp-brane backgrounds with no singularity, ‘living’ in the bulk of
satisfying singularity-free Friedmann-Robertson-Walker type time-dependent dynamics on the boundary
and this is deep, and to be continued, however, I must discuss the problem(s) of time in physics.