The D=6 string-string duality, crucial for allowing the interchanging …
How the String Theory Worldsheet ‘Knows’ All About Spacetime Physics
This is how the worldsheet quantum theory knows all about …
5-D AdS/CFT Warped-Throat Calabi-Yau N-fold Analysis and Klebanov-Strassler Theory
For a visual treat of the mathematical ‘picture’, scroll to …
Why Target Space ≠ Space: The Role Of T-Duality In String Theory In Proving The Inequality
First draft, part one. Nick Huggett argues that target space…
AdS/CFT Holography, SUSY, And Renormalization via Gibbons-Hawking-Teichmüller Analysis
It is due time to prove quantum AdS/CFT holographic renormalization…