I last introduced T-branes, which are non-Abelian deformation of intersecting D-brane systems in the corresponding compactification manifold. Then I showed that we have a Kähler-equivalence of the derivatives in the pull-back with the gauge-covariant ones, which gave us:
with the inclusion of the complex Higgs field
, and
representing the symmetrization over gauge indices.
Locally, the Higgs field is given by:
where is a matrix in the complexified adjoint representation of
its Hermitian conjugate. Thus, I could derive:
a Kähler coordinate expansion of and gives us, after inserting it in:
the following:
which is the exact 7-brane superpotential for F-theory and the integrand is independent of
, entailing that the F-term conditions are purely topological and in no need for

Aside: the book on the post cover is excellent.
However, the D-term in:
is in need of -corrections, since it is evaluable as:
and the non-Abelian D-term has the form:
In the local patch on the C-manifold, one takes the flat-space Kähler-form as having the form:
Then, we decompose the Kähler-background B-field as:
thus giving us:
with the Abelian pull-back to
as determined by:
Hence we have:
Now: realize that is a zero-form and
does not have transverse-legs to
, and thus the pull-back
has a trivial action. So, after solving:
the D-term equations amount to with:
and with the -field vanishing on the sheave of the C-manifold, one gets a reduction to:
which yields a non-Abelian
-corrected Chern-Simons action of a stack of D7-branes with both terms at leading order in 

entailing that for matrix algebras:
they are the matrix products in the fundamental representation of 

and so the -corrections on D-terms with the gauge flux F diagonalization yields
the D-term equations
Deep upshot: the
-corrections are given entirely by the abelian pull-back of the Kähler-form

And this has a deep physical interpretation which can be extracted from: ‘The energy-momentum tensor and D-term of Q-clouds‘.
1 Response
Deriving 4D De Sitter Space from T-Branes via D7-Brane Action
Friday, December 16, 2016[…] thus matching the dS vacuum 4D effective action as factored in the T-brane worldvolume, as I derived it here: […]