The equivalence between string-theory on -space and 4-D N = 4 super-Yang–Mills conformal field theory is one of the deepest equivalences in physics, mainly due to the fact that the gauge theory lives on the worldvolume of a stack of D3-branes, which is equivalent to living on the boundary of
. Throat holographic decoupling is hence essential for extracting the right bulk geometry and boundary topology and that decoupling is mediated by the Witten prescription AdS/CFT-mapping:
And that is what I will expand upon here. This is an excellent introduction to super-Yang–Mills conformal field theory. But first, here is a schematic representation of the AdS/CFT duality:
or more informatively:
where is the ‘bulk-field‘,
the radial coordinate that is dual to the renormalization group in the boundary theory, with:
and in the CFT boundary of AdS with
coupled to
The left-hand-sides are the vacuum expectation value of the time-ordered exponential of the operators over CFT; the right-hand-sides are the quantum gravity generating functional with the given conformal boundary condition. So, on one side, we have a gauge theory in flat space-time at weak coupling and as the coupling increases, the theory must be described as a string-theory in curved space-time. Moreover, at really strong coupling, gravity can only be interpreted as a Sasaki-Einstein holographic emergent property. Lately and increasingly, in the AdS/CFT setting, the relation of the original theory without gravity and the one with gravity is best, and it looks only, describable in the context of non-commutative (NC) quantum field theory. There are many important reasons to have non-commutativity. Here are three central ones. One, a quantum theory of gravity in the NC setting needs no renormalizability. Second, at the Planck scale, the graviton can be Picard-Lefschetz ‘localized’ even in light of the energy-time Heisenberg uncertainty relation. And thirdly, NC quantum field theories are now necessary in string-theory: one can actually prove that the dynamics of a D-brane in the presence of anti-symmetric fields can only be described in terms of a Moyal-product deformed gauge theory: hence non-commutativity! Given all that, the Seiberg-Witten map is crucial, since it takes one from a commutative gauge field to a non-commutative one, and the effect of such a map gives rise to the NC-parameter on matter background fields and induces the interactions that are metaplectically quasimorphic to gravity, where
is the Poisson tensor and the Moyal product
It is well know that the Heisenberg modes of strings in the horizon geometry stay stuck in the throat and are gravitationally bound to the branes whose backreaction sources are the spacetime,
hence the 10-D flat space SUGRA decouples and isolates the Einstein-Sasaki degrees of freedom.
I will define the bulk-to-boundary propagator:
with the
-Laplacian, with the RHS representing a delta string-theory source on the boundary of AdS space. And from a bulk solution:
one gets the 5-D supergravity action:
Now, by the above 5-D supergravity action and
we get the following:
and given that all terms include more than one field , I can now derive:
I am in a position to consider a free massless scalar field with equation of motion
with string-theory action:
Now, the above equation of motion kills one of the field-terms and integrating-by-parts yields the following B-action:
where is the boundary-metric, and
the component of the gradient normal to the boundary.
Let me unpack now the RHS of the B-action and then take the boundary-limit to zero
Note first that the boundary is defined by a slice of constant from the B-action, which is an instrinsic part of any string-theory on any AdS-space. Therefore, we have:
and so at the boundary, we have:
Thus, by the Witten prescription AdS/CFT-mapping and the full bulk solution above, we can derive:
and from the B-action above, we get:
The denominators in the above, in the limit , become negligible and crucially:
is faster than 
Therefore, the first term dominates yielding:
so, I can use:
to derive the 2-point correlator of the Witten prescription AdS/CFT-mapping:
hence, the 2-point ‘Witten prescription AdS/CFT-mapping‘ function is:
which is a 2-point correlation function of scalar operators of dimension in a CFT and is equivalent to a CFT-correlation function from classical supergravity. Using the equivalence between string-theory on
-space and 4-D N = 4 super-Yang–Mills conformal field theory, the AdS/CFT duality, in light of the Witten prescription AdS/CFT-mapping:
yields the desired throat holographic decoupling for the conformal-invariance of 4-D N = 4 super-Yang–Mills field theory in light of that equivalence.