Without getting into the mathematical aspects of the ‘quantum mechanics = Bayes theory in the complex-number-system program’, I will show that a geometrodynamic derivation of quantum mechanics is possible based on a modified Schrödinger equation whose action-propagator yields an interpretation of ‘particle’ as curvature in spacetime, and relate it to the conflict I derived between the Lindblad quantum-jump equation:
with the Weiner-quantum-increments, and the collapse-action-functional corresponding to the collapse equation, given by:
where the collapse-action-functional is:
and is given by:
Let me set up the stage. Geometrodynamically, a particle can be interpreted, non-locally, via the following metric:
with being the pseudo-Riemannian metric and
the particle-non-local metric, with
the corresponding particle stress-energy tensor and
is a functional characterized by:
Hence, particles can be interpreted as spacetime-curvature – and this has a natural Clifford-algebraic lift to quantum fields – and reflects the dominant paradigm summarized by: ‘spacetime = entanglement’, which suggests naturally that superoscillatory functions can be used in their representation since they are functions that track unique wave-like phenomena, where a globally band-limited wave consists of local segments that oscillate faster than its fastest Fourier components.
Here’s a paradigmatic instance of a superoscillatory function:
By a use of the Binomial expansion, we get:
the coefficient of
and the key is the following approximation:
This is central: for any density mass that creates curvature in spacetime with superoscillatory functions, there corresponds energy that is strictly larger than the one predicted by general relativity for the smaller density-mass.
be a class of superoscillatory particles, with the -rotation. We thus can derive:
with and
the real-component metrics.
A Fourier superoscillatory transform allows us to express as:
with the real-part metric.
hence, the superposition of the states of the particle is given by
which is quasi-morphically functionally equivalent to the standard wavefunction: that is, since we can describe waves via:
the superposition is thus the sum:
The geometrodynamical model, due to non-locality, need only factor in spin. Hence, a particle and its spin can be expressed by:
and the superoscillatory function with respect to time:
reduces to:
noting that the approximative nature of the relations are due to generalized uncertainty principles.
Define now the matrix norm:
Then we have for the th state:
and particle-superposition can be defined by:
and by superoscillatory Fourier transforming, we get that is the quantum mechanical wavefunction entailed by Schrödinger’s equation:
Now, to close the approximation gap consistent with Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, define a corrective operator and write a modified Schrödinger equation:
This modified Schrödinger equation has energy-values and amplitudes-solutions that match the classical Schrödinger equation. Thus, the modifying operator has eigenvalues for each corresponding recursive iterations of the differential equation, and we have an empirical equivalence expressed as:
With the energy value of
with probability amplitude
, and for
, its probability amplitude:
is equivalent to the probability amplitude corresponding to the standard wavefunction.
Now, taking the Planck constant into account, we have:
so the modification is approximated by:
entails that the modified Schrödinger equation yields the accurate energy values of the particles, and they can be interpreted geometrodynamically as analytic curvature properties of spacetime.
Take a particle moving from to
with the corresponding action:
By a superoscillatory Fourier transform, the corresponding propagator is:
and taking the corresponding Fock-shift:
allows the wavefunction propagator to converge as:
Thus we get the Lagrangian:
with the Dirac matrices and the Dirac adjoint is
and the gauge covariance derivative is:
Hence, solving:
one can see that a particle is a superosscilatory functional of spacetime with modified evolution operator:
Hence, the evolution of the wavefunction reduces to:
so one can deduce:
which is quasimorphic to the Schrödinger equation, and taking a -rotation, superoscillatory functionals replace the Minkowski metric by the Euclidean metric, and so the non-local geometrodynamical model can be approximated to quantum mechanics by mapping the metric into the quantum wavefunction, yielding a geometric interpretation of particles as spacetime curvature, and the particle-superposition:
given the collapse-equation:
resolves the above-mentioned conflict I derived between the Lindblad quantum-jump equation and the collapse action functional:
Going into the mathematics of how this model fits with the: ‘quantum mechanics = Bayes theory in the complex-number-system program’ is for another day.