The key to absorbing this post, following my last two, is to appreciate that the Standard Model ‘particles’/fields can be interpreted as low-lying Kaluza-Klein excitations of Randall-Sundrum bulk fields (see header photo). To carry out a Horava-Witten decomposition, flesh out the bulk-field as
with satisfying
and the action is then given by

Eq. 1
After an integration by parts and substituting-in , Eq. 1 reduces to

Eq. 2
Now, as in typical Kaluza-Klein compactifications, the bulk field manifests itself to a four-dimensional ‘observer’ as an infinite tower of scalars
with masses
. After changing variables to
we get

Eq. 3
Bessel functions of order
give the standard Bertotti-Robinson-solutions. Hence, we have

Eq. 4
with a normalization factor. That the differential operator on the LHS of

Eq. 5
is self-adjoint means that the derivative of is continuous at the orbifold fixed points, and that gives us two relations that can solve for
, yielding
Now let

Cnd. 1
and so we have
The exponential suppression can be understood from Eq. 4 above: the modes are larger near the 3-brane at
, therefore we can expect to find the Kaluza-Klein excitations in that region and their masses behave exactly in the same way as masses of fields confined to the brane at
. For the massless case, m = 0, there is a mode with
constant and
and can be obtained from Eq. 4 and Eq. 5 above. For
small, we get
Without loss of generality or substance, I will assume is of order unity, yielding us

Cnd. 2
Four-dimensionally, these induce couplings between the Kaluza-Klein modes and so the exponential factor in

Eq. 6
where are Lorentz coordinates on the four-dimensional surfaces of constant
, plays an essential role in determining the effective scale of the couplings. If the Planck scale sets the scale of the five-dimensional couplings, the low-lying Kaluza-Klein modes will have TeV-range self-interactions!
Start with the term-action

Eq. 7
where is of order unity. Then, mode expansion gives us the self-interactions of the light Kaluza-Klein states

Eq. 8
Thus, the effective 4-D coupling constants for the interactions are

Eq. 9
By Horava-Witten bulk-term derivation, Eq. 7 and Eq. 8 become, respectively, Eq. 10 and 11:

Eq. 10

Eq. 11
So, from a 4-D ‘observers-perspective’, we get a interaction with a coupling constant

Eq. 12
and for ‘large’ , it reduces to

Eq. 13
And the philosophically deep point is that in both cases, the scale relevant to four-dimensional physics is not , but
- Thus in the Randall-Sundrum compactification model, bulk scalars acquire low lying Kaluza-Klein modes with four-dimensional masses of order the weak scale and four-dimensional non-renormalizable interactions that are suppressed by powers of the weak scale even though from a five-dimensional brane-perspective their masses and interactions are characterized by the Planck scale, and thus establishes the points of my last three posts relating brane-based cosmology, the Randall–Sundrum model and Klebanov-Strassler warped space-time geometry.