The highest form of pure thought is in mathematics ~ Plato
That the Poincaré supersymmetry is a phase of a deeper symmetry is evidenced by the fact that it is analytically related to a class of topological symmetries and that the field-spectrum of dimensionally reduced
supergravity is completely determined in the context of an 8-dimensional gravitational topological quantum field theory (TQFT). Let me study the Kähler-holomorphic nature of such connections by first analyzing the holomorphic BF action
with holomorphic sectorial localization constraints
The aim of this series of posts is ultimately the Kähler-Poincaré analysis of the action
- Note first that from the supersymmetry algebra, one can derive that the irreducible quotient
is isomorphic to the Fock space of the fermionic operators
- And hence, by unitary, we see that half of the supersymmetry is broken, with Kac-Moody-spanners
- The BRST operator defining a topological symmetry is a scalar operator which can be defined in any curved space, while supersymmetry is an extremely delicate concept in curved space. Hence, topological symmetry is a more fundamental concept than Poincaré supersymmetry. Yet, to perform the twisting-operation that relates Poincaré supersymmetry and topological symmetry, you need to use manifolds with special holonomy.
- The standard construction of a topological quantum field theory leads to models with N = 2 supersymmetry
to see that, consider topological Yang–Mills theory in four and eight dimensions. The crucial and relevant BRST transformations are
together representing the geometrical identity
- The antighosts are an anti-commuting anti-self dual 2-form
and an anticommuting scalar
, and for each, there is an associated Lagrange multiplier field, and their BRST equations are
- Thus, the twist operation – which has different geometrical interpretation in 4 and 8 dimensions – is a mapping from these ghost and antighost fermionic degrees of freedom on a pair of spinors, which leads one to reconstruct the spinor-spectrum of N = 2 supersymmetry, both in 4 and 8 dimensions. Using self-duality equations as gauge-functions allows us to build a
-exact action providing twisted supersymmetric theories with a
-exact energy-momentum tensor. The cohomology of the
–symmetry fully determines a ring of topological ‘observables’, a subsector of the familiar set of ‘observables’ for the gauge particles. The latter is selected from the cohomology of the ordinary gauge invariance. So, from
as well as
- It follows that in these TQFT one has twice as many fermionic degrees of freedom than bosonic ones, and to solve this conundrum, one works in models with a milder topological symmetry, the best being the Chern–Simons type model, characterized by metric-independent classical actions, leading us to models that are twisted N = 1 supersymmetric theories. In this series of posts, I will work with the following holomorphic BF action
definable on any complex manifold of complex dimension
and we can define a theory that is classically invariant under the following topological symmetry, which is localized in the holomorphic sector
- One can recover such a heterotic symmetry as a symmetry associated to the action
and counting the ghost degrees of freedom, we have 2-components for and one for
, and then the number of fermion degrees of freedom will fit with those of a single Majorana spinor and we can reach N = 1 supersymmetry (for the next post).
- Let me now construct the action for a BF system on a Kähler manifold. On such a manifold, one can define a complex structure
allowing the introduction of complex coordinates and
-dimensions by
- So, in four dimensions, the action
is the curvature of the Yang–Mills field
- The equations of motion are
- Classically,
is undetermined,
is a pure gauge and
is holomorphic. Altogether, there are two gauge invariant degrees of freedom that are not specified at the classical level. Modulo gauge invariance, there is a mixed propagation between
. The symmetries of the action
where the charged 2-form can be interpreted as a Hodge dual to the Yang–Mills field. In the next post, part 2 of this series, I will explain the BRST quantization of the action
1 Response
The Superstring and the Duality of Topological Strings
Wednesday, September 7, 2016[…] this holds since, as I showed, the superstring action satisfies the symmetries of the Seiberg–Witten […]