You will find truth more quickly through delight than gravity. Let out a little more string on your kite ~ Alan Cohen
Continuing from my last post, I will establish and conclude in this post, via Polyakov/Zumino-Witten analysis, a 4-D-Einstein/String-Theory Correspondence. I last derived the -gauge invariant and generally covariant action
with the dilaton,
the matter and gauge field action, and
the topological term which picks the vacuum. Hence the partition function corresponding to
is given by the polyakov-looking series
Let’s delve deeper. I listed fundamentally serious problems for string-theory and to solve them, we need to describe a dynamical solution and must work in four-dimensional time-dependent geometry where the string theory is equipped with two dimensional static target space. I will show how this approach gets over the listed problems. Also, developments in string theory show that this dynamical method including quantum effects may entirely be deduced from the evolution upon the space-time invariant part with respect to
; in particular, when
. Hence, I must construct a two-dimensional equivalent action of Einstein’s equation in four dimensional
isometric space-time and actions describing evolution of
-orbits and matter on
. Recalling that four-dimensional isotropic and homogeneous space-times admit six dimensional isometric group
with isotropic subgroup
and hence the 4-D space-time
splits into three dimensional spatial part which evolves upon a one dimensional time-like
according to the fibration
with group structure
and is the corresponding invariant part. So, the metrics are of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker type
with the measure-scale of the universe and
the spatial linear element. It is folklore knowledge that the Einstein equations corresponding to the Hilbert-Einstein action coupled to a scalar field, keeping this term in mind
and reduce in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space-time to a dynamical system
whose solutions supervene on whether the universe is expanding, collapsing or stationary and depend on the content of matter and initial conditions, with the Hubble expansion rate. This system is derivable from the action-system
To complete action-system, one needs to add an action that governs the evolution of with respect to
with the geodesic flow given by
Therefore the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space-times dynamical evolution reduces to a quantum system
and the quantum fluctuation corresponding to the classical solutions are obtained from the partition function , with this in sight
Such a reduction of the Einstein equation coupled to matter in Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe to dynamics governing the evolution upon the cosmic time , extend to the spherical case. Now, a four-dimensional spherical space-time
isometry group with its isotropic subgroup
. This entails the existence of a fibration
with structure group and the base space
is the invariant part of
relative to
. Thus, there exist a coordinates system upon which the
metric is
is the metric with the time-like coordinate
and the spatial one
being the
metric with coordinates
. In the commoving frame and spherical coordinates
the metric is
The corresponding Einstein equations reduces to a dynamical system on the phase space with the action
The natural corresponding action is -gauge invariant and
generally covariant, so the Yang-Mills term vanishes and one gets a
Wess–Zumino–Witten model
are respectively the
coordinates and metric.
are their
analogue. Contribution of fields
gets from the action
with the composites of
coordinates and their derivatives with respect to
Hence, the evolution of the Einstein-matter system in four-dimensional spherical space-time is obtained from the action principle
and the quantum fluctuation about its classical solutions are obtained from the partition function
and the deep point is that this reflects that there is uncertainties only in the geometry and topology of and position in the orbit-coordinates.
The philosophical upshot then of the this and the previous post is that at fundamental scales the universe is four dimensional and spherical. Law-governing evolution of matter and geometry upon is a formal string theory with the following correspondences:
- String Framework
- The Polyakov’s spin factor
the action representing a static two dimensional space-time sigma-model
The present framework we deduced
- The
invariant part of
with coordinates including the time variable
- The partition function of 2-D quantum gravity with action representing the fundamental evolution of matter in four-dimensional space-time constitutes a cosmological scenario where we can evaluate quantum effects. To carry out this scenario we need to determine the action
Let me derive the two-dimensional action equivalent to Einstein equations coupled to matter
in four-dimensional spherical space-times in the H-dynamic case
with and let me analyze the symmetries. Note, the non-vanishing components of the energy-momentum tensor
, and
the space-time metric writes as
Hence, the Einstein equations are given by
with the existence of covariant conservation equations
Hence, with
and the constraint , we can finally derive the desired action
where we have
which gives us the ‘Einstein/String-Theory Correspondence’ from a careful Riemannian analysis of
and an alternative description of string theory with a two dimensional static target space describing dynamical quantum effects, in four dimensional symmetric and time-dependent geometry. This permits us to deal with the problem of time-dependent solutions of string theory and the inadequate interpretation of its building blocks and whose action is conformally invariant at the Planck-regime.