where the M5-brane action in a D = 11 SUGRA background is given by:
and the -brane action takes the following form:
where the Hamiltonian metaplectic action in the Heisenberg representation on the Dp+1 dimensional worldvolume gives us:
where the Ramond-Ramond gauge-coupling sector is given by the action:
and generally, the action of a -brane is given by a Dirac-Born-Infeld part coupled to a Chern-Simons WZ part:
where is the worldvolume pullback with -orientifold action:
where the pullback to the -worldvolume yields the 10-D SYM action:
with string coupling:
and the 10-D SUGRA dimensionally reduced Type-IIB action is:
and in the string-frame, the type-IIB SUGRA action is given by:
where the Calabi-Yau superpotential is:
is the Gukov-Vafa-Witten superpotential stabilization complex term, as well as the axio-dilaton field:
Given the presence of -brane instantons, are of Kähler moduli Type-IIB-orbifold class:
with being the volume of the divisor and the 4-form Ramond-Ramond axion field corresponding to:
where is the Kähler form:
an integral-form basis and the associated intersection coefficients. Hence, the Kähler potential is given by:
with the Calabi-Yau volume, and in the Einstein frame, is given by:
The -term is given by:
with the large volume scenario -term given as such:
and the Fayet-Illopoulos terms being:
where are the -brane charge-vectors. Then we saw that the Chern-Simons orientifold action gets a Calabi-Yau curvature correction in the form of:
due to the Gauss–Codazzi equations:
and the Ramond-Ramond term being:
which yields the Type-IIB Calabi-Yau three-fold superpotential:
and where the topologically mixed Yang-Mills action is given by:
with the corresponding Chern-Simons action:
From the topologically mixed Yang-Mills action, it follows that the Euler-Lagrange EOM for an M5-brane, in the abelian tensor multiplet case, is:
where the following holds:
and are invariant under SUSY transformations:
with a chiral Killing spinor on the M5-brane worldvolume. Since the M5-brane worldvolume is a multi-centered Taub-NUT space with:
our worldvolume metric is given as such:
and asymptotically takes the form:
and since such a class of manifolds have self-dual curvature, it follows that there is a Killing spinor satisfying:
Since the bosonic solutions to the E(s)OM preserve 8 supersymmetries, we have the following relation:
and in light-cone gauge, we thus have:
Hence, the E(s)OM satisfying 8 supersymmetries are:
On the multi-centered Taub-NUT space, our 2-form is given as such:
Hence, the fermionic E(s)OM are given by:
The energy-momentum tensor for scalars and fermions is given as such:
with the super-Poincaré operator given by:
Hence, the abelian conserved current takes the following form:
for all 1-forms derived from the gauge symmetry corresponding to the Hermitian Yang-Mills equations, with total charge:
Restricting to , asymptotically we get:
and where the D4-brane gauge field is given as such:
In the non-abelian case, the M5-brane compactified on a circle of radius R yields at low energy, a 5D M-SYM. A fibrational multi-centered Taub-NUT reduction on imposes the following metric:
with Yang-Mills action:
and the scalar action:
and our Chern-Simons term is given as such:
One can now analyze the M5-brane from the perspective of the D3/D5-brane configuration system. The Killing spinor equation in such a system is given by:
and where the supersymmetry variation is given as such:
with the field strength:
and the covariant derivative is hence given as such in terms of a field transforming in the adjoint representation of the gauge group:
and where our BPS conditions are given as such:
and so we can derive:
from which the equations of motions follow as:
In light of the BPS conditions:
it follows that up to metaplecticomorphism, solutions to the BPS equation are gauge transformations of configuration type:
Hence, the E(s)OM are given as such:
with general Yang-Mills form:
Thus, becomes an element of the full M5-brane gauge algebra in light of the identity:
The fermionic EOM is given as such:
and has a bi-chirality solitonic split as such:
the second being the Dirac equation for:
and the D-term in the first equation is the only source of the non-abelian gauge field, and group-theoretically, we have in terms of a representation h.w. term member , the following equation:
and consequently, the following can be derived:
The energy-momentum tensor is thus given as such:
which implies:
and so the energy-momentum tensor reduces to the following form:
yielding the spacial integral relation:
which corresponds to copies of multi-centered Taub-NUT spaces of a WZWN model for each , and crucially, the non-abelian gauge charges for our M5-brane action have the following form:
with corresponding charges:
Hence, the action of our BPS sector yields our desired result, a WZWN model for a multi-centred Taub-NUT space in the context of M-theory:
The central question that naturally arises is if Calabi-Gray compactifications exist with Dp-branes, T-branes, orientifolds, and fluxes defined by M5-branes wrapping internal Tate-Hitchin divisors that admit Taub-NUT elliptic fibrations with admissible F-theory interpretations in terms of principal Higgs bundles definable over D7-brane’s 8D worldvolume, a topic for another post.