Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but no one can count the apples in a seed ~ Anonymous
How to make a space-like brane time-like, and why it matters. In this post, I will derive the Dirac-Born-Infeld S-brane action for Euclidean D-world-volumes in the S-brane context of super-condensation of non-BPS branes. Space-like branes are a class of time-dependent solutions of string/M-theory with topological defects localized in (P + 1)-dimensional space-like surfaces and exist at a moment in time, and are time-like super-tachyonic kink solutions of unstable D(P + 1)-branes in string theory and provide the topology of the throat-bulk. They are also deeply explanatory in quantum cosmology. To understand what a tachyonic S-brane is, I will start with a Lagrangian of a Dp-Dp pair, choosing the Lagrangian of the boundary string field theory, so the action is
A Teichmuller BPS D(P+1)-brane 2-D reduction gives us the throat action
with ,
,the metaplectic tachyonic field whose potential achieves its maximum at
and asymptotes to zero (closed string vacuum) at large
. Note now, the action above gives the known exponentially super-decreasing pressure at late times while being consistent with the string-theory calculation, where
is interpreted as an exponential function of
Since the energy
is conserved, one gets the homogeneous solution
When tachyonic fields approache their minimum, , the time-dependence of the tachyon simplifies to
. Hence, the location of a static domain wall is determined by the equation
is the semi-classical solution of the domain wall, so time-dependent tachyonic field solutions are analogously characterized by
and the S-brane is found wherever
. So, from
it follows that we must choose the Sp-brane tachyonic field solution to be the spacelike p+1-dimensional space . So now, we are in a position to deform the S-brane worldvolume as given by analyzing Heisenberg fluctuations of the tachyon field around its semi-classical solution given above,
Substituting this into
while keeping terms quadratic in , one gets the Heisenberg fluctuation action
being the key to time-like transformation,
with and the time-dependent mass is
The factor in front of in the Heisenberg fluctuation action diverges at late time
hence the Heisenberg fluctuation is governed by the Carrollian bulk-metric and ceases to propagate, which is what we expect: the true vacuum of the tachyon theory open string degrees of freedom disappear and we therefore concentrate on the fluctuations around S-branes. Now, since
breaks translation invariance along the time direction, there is a zero mode on the defect S-brane, which gives us
with depending only on the coordinates along the Sp-brane. By substitution into the fluctuation action, the mass term in
cancels with the contribution from the term . Hence, the effective action for a massless displacement field
with the constant depending only on the energy
, and hence, the S-brane effective action for a Euclidean world-volume to lowest order has been determined. Now, one naturally expects gauge fields on the S-branes, just like on D-branes. So, to proceed, first note that the constant gauge field strength appears in the tachyonic field action only through the overall Born-Infeld factor
and the open string metric
used for contracting the indices of the derivatives. Since the equations of motion for the gauge fields are also satisfied in the time-dependent homogeneous tachyon background, the open string metric satisfies
So, by allowing such an introduction of dynamical gauge fields, while also preserving the tachyon equations of motion, essentially entails that we can not turn on electric fields on a Euclidean worldvolume and the dependence on the zero mode in the tachyon action ought to then be
giving us world-volume spacetime continuity and can be fixed by the global Lorentz invariance in the world-volume spacetime. The condition that the Lorentz super-boost preserves the open string symplectic metric is
which allows us to define the Lorentz boost as
hence deriving
Now, integration over in
and including the dependence, we obtain the Dirac-Born-Infeld S-brane action
Note however the above Dirac-Born-Infeld S-brane action differs from the usual D-brane action in two deep respects: first, the action is defined on a Euclidean world-volume, and second the kinetic term of the transverse scalar field has a wrong sign since it represents time translation. Covariantizing the Dirac-Born-Infeld S-brane action reduces the lagrangian to
with the induced metric on the brane. It differs from the usual DBI lagrangian only by a factor of
, and therefore has the same equations of motion. Finally, I must show that this transversality has no D-brane charge at future infinity. Take the Ramond-Ramond coupling for an S-brane to be the same as that for a D-brane. So, the coupling of RR fields to the particular S-brane above is
Transforming into the embedding time
, it follows that
hence the D-brane charge of this solution shrinks to zero at future infinity due to
Deep point is that in the T-dual picture by compactifying ,
becomes a spatial coordinate, and the S-brane solution
implies that although by definition S-branes are spacelike objects, they are however constructed using the open string tachyon and hence governed by the open string metric and have time-like holographic embedding on the brane-bulk, thus deriving a duality between brane-world cosmology and quantum cosmology with dimensional reduction where branes dynamically drive and dominate solutions to 4-D quantum cosmological equations.