Here, I will demonstrate how M-theory implies that the string worldsheet quantum theory ‘knows’ all about four-dimensional physics. Start with the Dp-action:
4-dimensionality entails that the mass of a Dp-brane can be derived as:
and by T-dualizing in the
direction and factoring the dilaton, the dual is hence:
By matrix world-volume integral reduction on
the Polyakov action for the string is hence:
with the embedding of the string in target space,
the worldsheet metric, and
the spacetime metric.
Now, the variation, through all Einstein-indices, of the action with respect to is then:
and with equation of motion (EOM):
after taking the determinant, the following holds:
and inserting into the Polyakov action yields:
with the Nambu-Goto action for the string:
hence, the functional derivative of the Polyakov Lagrangian with respect to the derivative of the dynamical field is
giving us the Euler-Lagrange equations:
Thus, the strings obey a wave equation
as can be seen by the Laplacian equation:
It follows then that the renormalization Lie-equation for the sigma-model on the string worldsheet entails
So, from
the Einstein vacuum field equation is encoded in the quantum structure of the worldsheet theory as characterized by
with satisfying:
Therefore, the β-function equation gives a definition of the stress-energy tensor for the worldsheet theory
By holographic renormalization, it follows that the worldsheet quantum theory knows all about 4-D spacetime physics
as attested by