I showed that in 4-D spacetime, the general relativistic starting point for canonical loop quantum gravity is given by:
with the dynamical variables are the tetrad one-form fields:
and the -valued connection
whose curvature is:
Hence, we have the two-form:
allowing us to write down the Holst action as:
The Ashtekar-Barbero connection enters the picture in the following way: the phase space is parametrized by an -valued connection and its conjugate triad field: and that is exactly the Ashtekar-Barbero connection! Moreover, the compactness of the gauge group ensures that the quantization leads to a mathematically exact kinematical Hilbert space. A good angle at seeing how the Barbero-Immirzi parameter comes in is via gauge-free spacetime compactification which is equivalent to a 3-D dimensional reduction of the 4-D Holst action:
with the three-dimensional spacetime index and
is the local volume form on
One then recovers the total three-dimensional action with the Barbero-Immirzi parameter:
A major problem for LQG is that the full theory does not imply that the above total three-dimensional action implies three-dimensional gravity, as it ought given compactification and time-gauging: that would be a no-go theorem for up-lifting LQG to 4-D spacetime, and LQG theory would simply be false. Moreover, the variable is an additional degree of freedom, and thus must be eliminable. Furthermore, the internal gauge group is not the correct one:
of Lorentzian three-dimensional gravity, but the wrong one:
I overlooked these problems in part one and instead noted that:
is invariant under the action of
and admits the infinite-dimensional gauge group:
as a symmetry group. A member is hence an
-valued function on
and acts on the dynamical variables according to the transformation rules:
the fundamental action of on any four-dimensional vector
the adjoint action of
on any Lie algebra element
and our theory is therefore invariant under spacetime diffeomorphisms, as it ought to be for General Relativity. Infinitesimal diffeomorphisms are generated by vector fields
So, their action on the dynamical variables is given by the Lie derivatives:
where for any one-form , we have:
The symmetries mentioned above are expected of a theory of gravity in first order variables formulation. However, in 3-D, such symmetries alone imply a collapse to BF theory, which is not isomorphic to the model above, and problematically, this would imply that our Lagrangian admits additional symmetries, as can be seen by the fact that
is invariant under rescaling symmetry and translational symmetry. This destroys the time gauge accessibility of the theory and any 4-D equivalence, and as mentioned above, constitutes a no-go theorem for any possible uplift of:
to 4-D Einstein-Minkowskian spacetime: and this is the crux behind superstring-theory main ‘truth’: the graviton does not have a Yukawa-coupling constant in an Einstein-Newtonian universalistic sense in 4-D spacetime. For all skeptics of ‘extra-dimensionality’, this ought to be a wake-up call!
Let us address some of the foundational issues raised so far. Aside, read this.
First, note that the gauge group is broken, via fixing in:
the field to
, into the subgroup
, and the rescaling symmetry:
fixes the norm of to one. Hence we have a correspondence between the isotropy group of
. One naturally decomposes the connection
into its
-components, denoted by
and the compliment by
We can now infer:
Also, decomposes into
Droping the ‘i’, we get the following relations:
as well as
Thus, the action:
metaplectically reduces to:
And the the canonical -connection reduces to:
and occurs in the action through its curvature as:
which takes the form of an -BF action with quadratic uplift term in
This can be strengthened: since a solution to:
entails the on-shell-vanishing of , thus, our theory becomes equivalent to an
-BF theory.
The canonical analysis proceeds now by splitting the spacetime indices into spatial indices
the time-direction. Under such conditions, the action has the following canonical form:
with the electric field:
introduced. We now have the following Lagrangian conditions:
The canonical action entails that the only dynamical variables are the electric field and its canonically conjugated connection
. Yet, in 4-D canonical analysis,
is also a dynamical variable: let
be its conjugate momenta with the condition:
enforced by the Lagrange multiplier .
Hence, the symplectic structure is completely characterized by the following Poisson brackets:
and the time-evolution
for any field
is completely determined by the total Hamiltonian:
obeying the following identity:
The condition that the time-evolution
vanishes yields the following equations:
Combining all of the above, one can write the critical equation:
1 Response
The Barbero-Immirzi Field and the Nieh–Yan Topological Invariant
Thursday, October 20, 2016[…] the need for the Barbero-Immirzi field? Let me briefly explain. We saw that LQG in the Holst formulation faces the serious problem that unless the Barbero-Immirzi […]