Loosely put: Klebanov-Strassler spacetime geometry in string-theory, is the warped product of 4-D Minkowski spacetime with 6-D Calabi-Yau orientifold
In part one, I showed, in the context of 4-D low-energy effective description of the KKLT string flux compactifications proposal, that in the limit of N = 1 supergravity, where the moduli potential is characterized by a superpotential
and a Kähler potential
where is defined by
yields a standard Calabi-Yau compactification containing 3-form flux that contributes to the superpotential via the Gukov-Vafa-Witten 4-fold term
with the holomorphic 3-form on the Calabi-Yau three-fold and
is the axionic-dilaton, and the Kähler potential for the complex structure moduli and the dilaton are related as
and thus the KKLT-model gives us a framework for stabilizing the overall size of the compact manifold by including non-perturbative quantum effects on Dp-branes or Euclidean Dn-instantons and are parameterized via the following superpotential
with a constant, and that
the F-term potential in
leads to a supersymmetric anti-de Sitter vacua
with a stable Kähler modulus, leading to the deep Picard–Lefschetz-theoretic property:
the Calabi-Yau compactification is stabilized at large volume
if and only if
the flux superpotential is a small negative constant
and that to overcome the negative cosmological constant problem, our solutions can describe ‘the universe’
via KKLT-uplifting of the AdS minima to positive energies by adding anti-D3-branes
which adds the Witten-term to the moduli potential
with a constant that is a function of the D3-brane tension and the warping of the background,
thus gives us a realistic physical description at the cosmological level via the potential
Now, a Klebanov-Strassler geometry naturally arises by considering string theory compactification on where
is the Einstein manifold in five dimensions, with the interaction-Lagrangian of the massless Klebanov-Strassler field and the brane fields fermions is
which, after integrating over the extra dimensional part, the effective 4-D Lagrangian reduces to
with the fundamental Planck scale and the 4-D Planck scale
related as
Now, the moduli spaces of compact Calabi-Yau spaces naturally contain conifold singularities. The local description of these singularities is called the conifold, a noncompact Calabi-Yau three-fold whose geometry is given by a cone and the orbifolded conifold equation
allows us to consider the orbifolded conifold as a fibration over the
plane and is a chiral theory with the gauge group
and because the T-dual theory contains NS branes which are perpendicular, the adjoint fields become massive and they are integrated out, leaving only quadratic terms in the superpotential. The singular conifold is defined by the complex equation
and the Calabi-Yau metric on the conifold is
with the radial coordinate definable via
and the base of the cone is the coset space
with the topology and the metric of
in angular coordinates
Hence, the space defined by
is singular at the tip of the cone . One can remove this singularity via a deformed conifold defined by
with and by a phase rotation of the
coordinates, we can always choose
which defines a one-dimensional moduli space. For large
the deformed conifold geometry reduces to the singular conifold with
. Moving from large
towards the origin, the sizes of the
both decrease. Decomposing the
into real and imaginary parts one finds
which shows that the range of or
is limited by
thus the singularity at is avoided since we now have
Now, a stack of N D3-branes placed at the singularity backreacts on the geometry, creating a warped background with the following ten dimensional line element
with the metric
and the warp factor is
the deep part is that this AdS background is an explicit realization of the Randall-Sundrum scenario in string theory
that I discussed here and here. So in line with the AdS/CFT duality, the geometry
has a dual gauge theory interpretation
namely, an gauge theory coupled to bifundamental chiral superfields, and adding
D5-branes wrapped over the
, then the gauge group becomes
giving a cascading gauge theory. The three-form flux induced by the wrapped D5-branes – fractional D3-branes – satisfies
and the Klebanov-Strassler warp-throat factor is