Physicists are more like avant-garde composers, willing to bend traditional rules and brush the edge of acceptability in the search for solutions. Mathematicians are more like classical composers, typically working within a much tighter framework, reluctant to go to the next step until all previous ones have been established with due rigor. Each approach has its advantages as well as drawbacks; each provides a unique outlet for creative discovery. Like modern and classical music, it’s not that one approach is right and the other wrong – the methods one chooses to use are largely a matter of taste and training. ~ Brian Greene!
If supersymmetry is to make touch with reality, not only its ‘breaking‘ needs to be demonstrated, but a mathematically harder hurdle and philosophically deeper matter must be met: and that is to show that a solution to the kappa symmetry algebraic equation:
with the bosonic degrees of freedom, exists and is unique, since that is a necessary condition for a bosonic metaplectic Dp-brane configuration to preserve SuSy, and that would be a sufficient condition for existence, on the bulk, of the SuSy vacua. Whether
has SuSy is equivalent to the existence of a SuSy-transformation with on-shell bosonic symmetry:
where is the fermionic degrees of freedom – while leaving:
intact. Let be the Clifford operator on the bosonic and fermionic fields in the corresponding Hilbert space. Before deriving the dynamics and the action of the SuSy-Hamiltonian, we need to show that:
To simplify, I will work with N=1, D=11 SuGra. Then, the gravitino super-Kähler components:
are provably the exact and rigid fermionic degrees of freedom, and transform as:
with the string variable on the corresponding 2-D world-sheet, and solving:
in Dp+2 brane and Dp+5 brane worldvolumes background uniquely induces the Super-Yukawa –Killing spinors on the corresponding super-Lagrangian manifold, with Dp+2 brane being:
and for the Dp+5 brane:
The Calabi-Yau sub-space of the bosonic configuration that is determined by condition, where
is the Gaillard-Zumino super-Lagrangian torsion, gives us the the total SuSy transformation:
and coupled with:
we get:
where is the kappa symmetry diffeomorphism infinitesimal transformation, and:
is the brane worldvolume diffeomorphism infinitesimal transformation. It is crucial to note that:
both hold. Thus, we get the key identity:
We are now ready for the Dp-brane Hamiltonian analysis. We start by breaking covariance in order for the time-evolution operator to have a definable Hilbert space spectrum. Let be the worldvolume coordinates, and redefine the Dp-brane bosonic super-Lagrangian by extracting out all the time derivatives via momenta conjugation:
with the fermionic Hodge dual of the Dp-brane super-Kähler potential, and
being the brane tension. So, by quantum fluctuation of the Dp+1 dimensional worldspaces, we get:
Solving gives us the Dp+2 brane Lagrangian:
and similarly for the Dp+5 brane with appropriate numerical ‘substitutions’. Solving both, in the fermionic and bosonic sectors of the super-Lagrangian manifold, one gets, by integrating over Dp+n worldspaces, n=2, 5, the SuSy vacua that generate the complete set of superpartners, and is:
Solving it induces a kappa symmetric super-Lagrangian SuSy vacua that embeds the superpartner fields on the conic tip of a Calabi-Yau manifold whose tangent bundle is isomorphic to:
where is a Sasaki-Einstein manifold.
To be continued…