If a man’s wit be wandering, let him study mathematics ~ Francis Bacon
In my last two posts, I launched a series where M-Theory can be Calabi-Yau fourfold-compactified, let me make a connection with PQ-symmetries (for ‘Peccei-Quinn’) in this post. Why the number 3 keeps appearing in those two posts? As will be shown in upcoming posts, in order to make phenomenological quasi-morphic contact with ‘physical’ 3-dimensional space. Crucial is the Kähler potential
Now, in purely geometric terms, the Kähler argument of the logarithm in the cube of the Calabi-Yau 4-fold volume measured by the Weil-Petersson metric of M-theory is
Now, by using the re-scaled Kähler form: in
one can derive
with and
equi-functionally dependent on
. So, we get
even though the sum of the two terms in the moduli space cannot factorize! Note, , expressed via the super-Kähler coordinates
is independent of ,
, and
. Thus, the M-theoretic metric is not a block-diagonal. However, from
one notes that for , the Weil-Petersson moduli space indeed does factorize locally and the Kähler potential becomes
This is excellent as it implies that quantum gravitational effects can be completely causally explained by the topology of !
Now let me get into the PQ-symmetries of M-theoretic vacuua in the super-large volume limit. Realize that, first, all the scalars that are dualized relative to
vectors inherit PQ-symmetry as guaranteed by gauge group-renormalizability. So
is metaplectically invariant under super-shifts , with
arbitrarily real constants. Also,
naturally emerges from 3-form expansion of
hence inheriting 3-form gauge-invariance. That is:
Focusing on , we get
with a function of the complex structural Kähler potential phase factor, leading to satisfying
and hence, we have a mathematically deep fact and philosophically crucial point, and that is
follows, with
Hence getting the compactification smoothness required for space-time continuum via a continuous PQ-symmetries in the large volume limit of M-theoretic fourfolding, hence allowing 4-dimensional phenomenological contact with ‘reality’!