In part 1 of this series of posts, I started a Kähler-Poincaré holomorphic BF action cohomology-analysis of the -symmetry, which fully determines a ring of topological ‘observables’, and thus derived from the symmetries of the action
in this post, part 2, I will analyze, among other relations, the following BRST-topological quantum field theory action
and set the stage for Calabi-Yau 3-folding analysis by showing that on a hyper-Kähler manifold, we can identify, via holonomy-group-Kähler-algebraic twisting, the gauge-fixed action with N = 1, D = 4 Yang–Mills action. Let me choose a BV gauge function
in order to gauge–fix the fermionic action – see below – to derive the N = 1, D = 4 chiral multiplet action
To characterize a quantum theory: a path integral, I need to gauge-fix the topological symmetry of the BF system in a way consistent with faithfulness to the BRST symmetry associated to this symmetry. Note that the anti-self-duality condition in 4-dimensions is expressible in complex coordinates
thus getting the crucial identity
Modulo gauge invariance, one gets two topological freedoms corresponding to the two components in ; moreover, in order to perform a metaplectic-gauge-fixing for the two-form
, one needs to inject two anti-commuting anti-ghosts
, and two Lagrange multipliers
and given that holds, we have a Batalin-Vilkoviski (BV) system. Let me introduce BV anti-fields for
and their ghosts, antighosts and Lagrangian multipliers, with upper-let symbol
labeling antifields. Note now that the antifield
of a field with ghost number
has ghost number
and opposite statistics. Hence, for a
-invariant BV action
one has
Now, the property is equivalent to the Kähler-master equation
where indicate the derivatives from the left and from the right. So the BV action
implies the gauge-invariance of the semi-classical action as well as the nilpotency on all the fields, hence also entailing
Also, the anti-fields must be replaced in the path integral by the BV formula
and due to the path-integral anti-self-duality condition for
we have
which implies that is eliminated in the path integral. And, after Gaussian-integration on
, the gauge-fixed action becomes
Let us compare with that of N = 1 SYM on a Kahler manifold. It is known that on a complex spin manifold the spinors can be identified with forms
even-odd , so that one can identify the topological ghost as a left-handed Weyl spinor
and the topological anti–ghosts
as a right-handed Weyl spinor
and so the holonomy group of 4-dimensional Kahler manifold is locally given by
hence we can identify the forms and
forms respectively. The Kähler-twist is now
On a hyper-Kähler manifold, such a twist, via ‘constant spinor’ change of variables, allows us to identify
with the N = 1, D = 4 Yang–Mills action
getting the deep relation between N = 2 SYM theory, topological quantum field theory, and Kähler-theory:
And since N = 2 SYM theory is a TQFT, and its Poincare supersymmetric version is obtained by coupling the N = 1 Yang–Mills multiplet to a chiral multiplet in the adjoint representation of the gauge group, we get an expression of the N = 1 scalar theory as a TQFT on a Kahler manifold.