In this post, part one, I will discuss the importance of Gromov-Witten invariants, and for an excellent read, Bernd Siebert’s SGWI is a must. For X a compact almost Kähler manifold of complex dimension D, let be the moduli orbifold of degree d stable holomorphic maps to X of genus g where d takes values in the lattice
. By compactness,
is equipped with a rational coefficient virtual fundamental cycle
of complex dimension
and the total descendent potential of is
with the genus g descendent potential
with being the powers of the 1-st Chern class of the universal cotangent line bundle over
corresponding to the i-th marked point, and
are pull-backs by the evaluation map
at the i-th symplectic-marked point of the cohomology classes
is the representative of d in the semigroup ring of the semigroup of degrees of holomorphic curves in X. The genus g Gromov-Witten potential of X is defined as the restriction
and the genus g descendent potentials are functions on the super-space of vector Laurent polynomials with coefficients in
, the cohomology space of X over the Novikov ring.
According to Witten’s conjecture, which Kontsevich proved, the total descendent potential coincides with the tau-function of the KdV-hierarchy satisfying the string equation
Let the Witten-Kontsevich tau-function be denoted by and let
be an N-dimensional vector space equipped with a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form. With
the space of Laurent polynomials in one indeterminate z with vector coefficients from
, introduce a symplectic bilinear form in
and let correspond to the decomposition
of the Laurent polynomials into polynomial and polar parts, and deeply, note that the subspaces are Lagrangian. One then quantizes infinitesimal symplectic transformations
to order ≤ 2 linear differential operators
. In a Darboux coordinate system
compatible with our decomposition
one has
holding and satisfying
and for any other pairs of quadratic Darboux monomials.
Let us move now to the Witten-Kontsevich Tau-function: let
such that
It follows that
which entails
and thus shows that the operators are infinitesimal symplectic transformations on
. However,
is conjugate to
, with
, therefore
commute as
and by the Fourier transform, as the vector fields
on the line. So, the Poisson brackets satisfy
and hence we have a representation of the Lie algebra of vector fields on the line to the Lie algebra of quadratic hamiltonians on
In the 1-dimensional with the standard inner product, using the Darboux coordinate system
on , one gets
We then get
unless m, n = ±1, in which case:
Thus the operators form a representation of the Lie algebra of vector fields on the line.
So, we get a nice formulation of Kontsevich theorem confirming Witten strikingly bold conjecture. Hence:
Proposition The Witten-Kontsevich tau-function is annihilated by the operators
, m = −1, 0, 1, 2, …; and thus is completely characterized by this property – up to a scalar factor

- Hodge integrals: Let
denote the Hodge bundle over the moduli space
. Then analytically, the fiber of
over the point represented by a stable map
is the complex space of dimension
dual to
and so is the pull-back of by the contraction map
of the Hodge bundle over the Deligne-Mumford space. It is a beautiful theorem that even components of the Chern character vanish. Hence, let us define the total Hodge potential of
as an extension of the total descendent potential depending on the sequence
of new variables and incorporating intersection indices with characteristic classes of the Hodge bundles
which is a family of elements in the Fock space depending on the parameters ,
and here is some depth added to beauty: multiplication by
defines an infinitesimal symplectic transformation on
, and letting
be the corresponding quantization, we get the following

where are Bernoulli numbers
1 Response
Hodge Theory and Gromov-Witten Invariants of Calabi-Yau 3-Folds
Sunday, August 14, 2016[…] discussed Gromov-Witten Invariants and Hodge integrals on numerous occasions. Here, I shall derive three propositions that play a critical role […]