A mathematician, like a painter or poet, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas ~ G. H. Hardy
In my last post, I derived the Orbifold Riemann–Roch Theorem via essential use of Todd-Chern Classes and the Lefschetz-grading operator by deducing the identity
In this post, I will briefly analyze some crucial aspects of the Givental’s symplectic space of quantum cohomology and holomorphic theory and derive the quantum cohomology central charge integral, which I will later show is crucial for world-brane cosmology. Keeping the following Mukai pairing formula in mind
we can proceed by letting refer to the Chow ring of
. Now set
and define
Then the algebraic quantum D-module is definable as the holomorphic vector bundle
endowed with the restriction of the meromorphic Dubrovin connection on
to and the orbifold Poincaré pairing. Let me introduce the quantum cohomology central charge of
associated to the
-class to be the function
is the –Calabi–Yau normalization factor given in terms of periods of the mirror and thus the Givental-symplectic space is the loop space on
with a loop parameter
that is identified with the space of sections of QDM–
which are flat only in the
-direction. Note, in the Givental space, QDM-
can be realized as moving semi-infinite subspaces, which is a semi-infinite variation of Hodge structure
Definition: Let denote the space of holomorphic functions on
with the coordinate
. The Givental space
is defined to be the free
endowed with the pairing
and the symplectic form
Using the fundamental solution I discussed here, in tandem with
we can identify with the space of sections of QDM-
which are flat in the
Realize that under this identification, corresponds to
and so the Galois action on flat sections induces a map
with the following decomposition holding
Let me introduce the -VHS corresponding to quantum cohomology. Let
be the natural projection. The fiber
is then identified with the semi-infinite subspace
Then the semi-infinite Hodge structure is satisfying the following properties
for a tangent vector
isotropic with respect to
Using the fact that is the adjoint of
with respect to the orbifold Poincaré pairing, one can calculate the embedding
explicitly as follows
Definition: The -function is the image of the unit
section under the embedding
Because the unit section is invariant under the Galois action, we have
Thus arriving at the result of this post: the quantum cohomology central charge integral can be derived as
with and
the Chern and Todd characteristic classes respectively I introduced here.