We could present spatially an atomic fact which contradicted the laws of physics, but not one which contradicted the laws of geometry ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein
In my last six posts, I finally showed that the quantum cohomological product is a family of commutative, associative products on
parametrized by
, which is defined by the formula
with the element of the group ring
corresponding to
. Now, decomposing
we finally get, by the Picard-divisor rank formula, the third proposition of the last post:
– proposition three: the quantum product can be viewed as a formal power series in and
being the orbifold Poincaré ‘term’ and implies that the product defines an analytic family of commutative rings
, hence yielding the following deep (as we shall see) relation:
with the orbifold quantum product.
Keep this identity in mind, it will be key to this post’s proposition
Now let me study further in this post and derive one more (of many) propositions. Now, given that the orbifold quantum product
is convergent over an open set
of the form
for a large , where
is the decomposition in
and is the metaplectic norm on
, the domain
then has the following large radius limit direction conditions
Under such large radius limit, goes to the orbifold cup product
. Now associate a meromorphic quantum D-module to the orbifold quantum cohomology and introduce quantum D-module-automorphic Galois action and take a homogeneous basis
and let
be the linear co-ordinate system on
dual to
and let
be a general point on with
be a general point on
be the map sending
So, let the quantum D-module be the tuple consisting of the holomorphic vector bundle
, the meromorphic flat connection
with the -flat pairing
which is induced from the orbifold Poincaré pairing
with being the Euler vector field
and being the Hodge grading operator
Note that the flat connection is the Dubrovin connection. Hence, the connection
defines a map
with and
the Picard-projection. Identify
with the vector field
: thus, one can view
as the vector field over
where . Realizing the crucial point: that the Euler-grading vector field satisfies the property
we are ready to state the proposition of this post. Let refer to the cohomology of the constant sheaf
on the topological stack
but not on the corresponding topological space. This group defines the set of isomorphism classes of topological orbifold line bundles on
. Letting
be the orbifold line bundle corresponding to
be the rational number such that the stabilizer of
acts on
via a complex number
with the symplectic-age of
– So now, we are in a position to state proposition four:
For , the bundle isomorphism of
defined by
gives an automorphism of the quantum D-module that preserves the flat connection and the pairing
, with
are defined by
where and
is the image of
in the
–quantum D-module: and this is the Galois action of
–quantum D-module.
The proof is left as an exercise with one hint: use