In this post, continuing from part one on Gromov-Witten invariants, I shall derive two deep properties, the second being central about the genus 1 Gromov-Witten potential, and along the way, discuss some propositions regarding the total ancestor potential. Let me introduce the total ancestor potential
where the genus g ancestor potential is defined by
referring to the pull-backs of the classes , i = 1, …, m, from
relative to the composition
Since the sum does not contain the terms with (g, m) = (0, 0),(0, 1),(0, 2) and (1, 0), one can treat subject to the dilaton shift
as an element in the Fock space depending on the parameter .
Let us implicitly define the operator on the Laurent 1/z-series completion of the space
defined by
with the 2-point gravitational descendent in genus 0 being
Now, it is one of the basic facts of quantum cohomology theory that
that is, given a metaplectic completion of ,
defines a symplectic transformation depending on the parameter
. Put
Here is a deep theorem with an excellent proof ‘here’
For the definition of , see my last post. Getzler proved the 3g − 2-jet conjecture of Eguchi–Xiong and Dubrovin about genus g descendent potential
if k1 + … + km > 3g − 3.
Proposition 1
Any quantized symplectic operator of the form
acts on elements of the Fock space as
with the power series truncation of
with the quadratic form
defined via
Proposition 2
The genus 0 descendent potential equals
which is a deep and famous reconstruction for genus 0 gravitational descendents due to Dubrovin and Dijkgraaf–Witten.
- Let me charter into Frobenius structures. The operator-valued 1-form
is independent of z and thus defines a linear pencil of connections
on the tangent bundle flat for all values of the parameter
and in coordinate form, the first condition is equivalent to commutativity
The correspondence
defines commutative associative multiplications on the tangent spaces
, and those are the quantum cup-product, and deeply, we have a coincidence of
with the third directional derivatives
of the genus zero Gromov-Witten potential
![Rendered by \[\bar F_X^0\]](
which explains why and
yielding hence that the quantum cup-product is Frobenius:
- A Frobenius structure on a manifold H consists of:
(i) a flat pseudo-Riemannian metric (·, ·),
(ii) a function whose 3-rd covariant derivatives
are structure constants
of a Frobenius algebra structure: that is, an associative commutative multiplication
on the tangent spaces which depends smoothly on t;
(iii) the vector field of unities 1 of the -product which has to be covariantly constant and preserve the multiplication and the metric.
Now, in Gromov–Witten theory, genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of a compact almost Kähler manifold define on
a formal structure of a calibrated conformal Frobenius manifold of conformal dimension , and in the coordinate system
corresponding to a graded basis in
, the Euler field takes on the form
where the constant part is the 1-st Chern class of the tangent bundle
So, proposition 3: The equation in a neighborhood of a semisimple point
has a fundamental solution in the form
a formal matrix power series satisfying:
and the series satisfying the content of proposition 3 is unique up to right multiplication by diagonal matrices
constants. And, in the case of conformal Frobenius structures the series is uniquely determined by the homogeneity condition
Now, let be the space of Laurent polynomials in z with coefficients in the tangent space
to the Frobenius manifold at a semisimple point
. For
, let
and let us introduce the direct product
of N copies of the Witten-Kontsevich tau-function as an element of the Fock space of functions on . The series
defines a symplectic transformation on
and set
and let
identify the Fock space with its coordinate version, and lastly,
with the diagonal entries of the matrix
in the series
which is the 1-form on the Frobenius manifold. Define also the function
of defined up to an additive constant.
Definition: let the total descendent potential of a semisimple Frobenius manifold be defined by the formula
and introduce the total ancestor potential of a semisimple Frobenius manifold
Property 1 The total descendent potential of a semisimple Frobenius manifold defined does not depend on the choice of a semisimple point
since both
satisfy the same equation
with coefficients rational in . Hence, derivatives of
in the directions of the parameter
vanish as if
were inverse to each other.
Consequentially, the main property of this post:
Property 2
The genus 1 Gromov-Witten potential
of a semisimple Frobenius manifold is given by the formula

being the inner squares of the canonical idempotents of the semisimple Frobenius multiplication
and the genus 1 descendent potential equals
where the partial derivatives are taken with respect to coordinates of .
1 Response
Hodge Theory and Gromov-Witten Invariants of Calabi-Yau 3-Folds
Sunday, August 14, 2016[…] discussed Gromov-Witten Invariants and Hodge integrals on numerous occasions. Here, I shall derive three propositions that play a critical role in flux […]