Orbifold compactifications of 11-D SUGRA induce exceptional symmetries in
that are realized as U-duality symmetries of M-theory upon Z-discretization and without Betti-truncations. Therefore, exceptional field theory based on the modular group
utilizes a dimensionally extended spacetime to 12-D fully covariantizing SUGRA under the U-duality symmetry groups of M-theory. Homological mirror symmetry hence induces an internal symmetry between M-theory and F-theory upon KK-reduction to Type-IIB SUGRA. In the
Witten limit, the action is given as such:
where the Chern-Simons-topological Lagrangian has covariant variational form:
and the Yang-Mills field equation for the covariant field strength is given by:
Hence, we can derive the Chern-Simons-type topological action:
and the covariant curvature form and holomorphic curvature form
are, respectively:
where the Ramond-Ramond gauge-coupling sector is given by the action:
and the Ramond-Ramond term being:
thus giving us the Type-IIB Calabi-Yau three-fold superpotential:
Note that the topologically mixed Yang-Mills action:
where the corresponding Chern-Simons action is:
with the Ramond-Ramond coupling-term:
has variational action:
Since 11-D SUGRA on a torus is equivalent to Type-IIB string-theory on a circle, the action of the modular group on the Type-IIB axio-dilaton allows us to take the zero limit of:
and by homological mirror symmetry, we get a Type-IIA dimensional uplift to M-theory, given that in the Einstein frame, the Type-IIB bosonic SUGRA action is:
One can appreciate then that the essence of Exceptional Field Theory is that it characterizes a deeper double duality relating M-theory/Type-IIA and F-theory/Type-IIB. The key is the role of U-duality in the modular holomorphic action on the Neveu-Schwarz sector of Type-IIB string-theory. The generalized diffeomorphisms generated by a vector act fully locally on
yielding the Lie derivative
that differs from the classic Lie derivative
by a Calabi-Yau induced
-tensor and is defined by the following transformation rules:
The corresponding diffeomorphism algebra has an exceptional field bracket:
with closure condition:
The action of the diffeomorphism-symmetries are parametrized by vector bundles over the metaplectic space and take the form:
where the gauge vector transforms as:
The corresponding generalized exceptional scalar metric satisfies the following property:
which decomposes in light of the orbifold blow-up:
Hence, we can define the exceptional metric:
Since the full Type-IIB Calabi-Yau superpotential is given by:
with Kähler Type-IIB orientifold moduli:
and where the volume of the divisor, , is:
we thus have the ingredients to write the modular exceptional field theory action as:
with the exceptional Ricci scalar:
the kinetic part:
and the gauge term:
and the 10+3-D Chern-Simons topological term:
where the potential has the form:
Essentially, we have deduced a theory that is dynamically equivalent to 11-D SUGRA and Type-IIB under the covariantized U-duality group-action. However, the gauged kinetic terms corresponding to the gauge form
appear only topologically in:
Hence, the EoM for the field are given as such:
By U-duality, homological mirror symmetry then entails an internal symmetry between M-theory and F-theory upon dimensional-reduction to Type-IIB SUGRA, which in the formalism, taking the Klebanov-Witten limit, is defined by the action:
Let us delve deeper into this M/F-U-duality, noting that it is a duality that is rich in F-theory phenomenology, and by the Type-IIB duality, such phenomenology is inherited by 11-D SUGRA under U-duality. First note that -EFT is equivalent to both, 11-D SUGRA and Type-IIB SUGRA. The field content for EFT consists of:
whereas the field content for M-theory consists of:
while that of Type-IIB is given by:
The Kaluza-Klein and gauge fields for M-theory are, respectively:
For the split-Type-IIB theory, the Kaluza-Klein and gauge fields are respectively:
where we have:
and we parametrize in terms of the axio-dilaton
as such:
The -EFT/11-D/Type-IIB duality can now be formulated in terms of the gauge field equations as such:
Hence we can now define F-theory as the modular equivariant 12-D lift of Type-IIB with varying axio-dilaton and 7-brane geometric backreaction where the duality U-action yields a monodromy-group representation induced by elliptic fibrations that admit a duality with M-theory via KK-reduction. The
-EFT diffeomorphism group action has two Sen singularity solutions, one corresponding to F-theory, one to 11-D SUGRA. Hence, such a 12-D field theory dimensionally reduces in the Witten-Vafa limit, to 11-D SUGRA and 10-D Type-IIB.
Since the D7-brane backreaction is central to F-theory, let’s study it under the -EFT/11-D/Type-IIB duality. Solutions to the D7-brane worldvolume action in Type-IIB SUGRA possess non-trivial axio-dilaton and metric. Let a D7-brane extend along the six-dimensions of the internal manifold in the
directions, and we represent the time direction transverse to the brane in polar coordinates
. Thus, the harmonic functional of the D7-brane is
and the solutions to our system are given by:
Holomorphically circling the transverse dimension yields, by the monodromy group action on ,
The D7-brane solution is derived via Type-IIB dimensional reduction under the elliptic fibrational structure underlying the monodromy action on the CY fourfold geometry:
On the M-section, we have a monopole-smearing solution:
Hence, by the M/Type-IIB duality (via F-theory), the smearing relates the first Chern class of the Witten-Vafa fibration to the co-dimension two monodromy hypercharges. By modularity, the D7-brane hyperdoublet and the D3-brane multiplet are smeared monopoles that p-q-7-branes in Type-IIB with p-cycles and q-cycles holomorphically wrap. The metric of a p-q-Type-IIB theory is given as such:
Thus, the exceptionality property determines two holomorphic functions and
where the modulus takes the form:
with elliptic invariant Jacobian. The polynomial roots give rise to Type-IIB singularities localizing the 7-branes. Hence we get:
and for the M-section, we have:
Both maintain the elliptic fibrational base singularities under which the action of the M/Type-IIB duality symmetry gives rise to generalized Klebanov-Witten quiver gauge theories that yield the Yang-Mills gauge theories of the Standard Model. Exceptionality hence eliminates the need to go to the full-blown 12-D F-theory and thus eliminates both Betti-truncations and the KK-conical blow-up sector that otherwise would have to be Higgsed away upon dimensional reduction to 11-D SUGRA. This is phenomenologically central in deriving the Standard Model of physics from F-theory, and hence M-theory in light of the M/F-theory duality.