Where is the real? All appearance are deceitful, the visible surface is deceptive. I look at my hand.. ..It is nerves, muscles, bones. Let us go deeper: it is molecules and acids. Further still: it is an impalpable waltz of electrons and neutrons. Further still: an immaterial nebula. Who can prove that my hand exists? ~ Salvador Dalí!
In my last post, I introduced the notions of a p-brane and D-brane (D for Dirichlet) and provided some of the most essential facts about them, and went on to show that the ONLY solutions to the D = 10/D = 11 supergravity actions ARE p-branes, and D-branes in the setting. In this post, I will show why, for p = 3, D3-branes are highly unique and critical in unification physics. First, the propagation of a D3-brane through spacetime generates a 4-dimensional worldvolume
that has 4-dimensional Poincaré invariance: this is crucial since the generators of the Poincaré group and the generators of the Supersymmetry group are in convolution, and that analytically implies that superstring theory is a quantum theory of gravity and hence of spacetime, and thus Supergravity can be derived by solving
and being the 4-dimensional Minkowski metric. Note that we have
. The Second criticality regarding D3-branes is that the open string worldsheet generating the graviton via quantum fluctuations can be topologically embedded in
space via the irreducible representation of its De Rham cohomology group by use of Stokes’ theorem. The Third point is that D3-branes have constant axion and dilaton fields, which are necessary conditions by gauge and unitarity constraints. A fourth criticality is that a D3-brane is self-dual. The solution can be characterized by
where is the volume of the transverse to the 4-D Minkowskian D3-brane in D = 10/D = 11 supergravity theory. So, a D3-brane solution is a 2-parameter family of solutions indexed by the string coupling constant
and the instanton angle
, with modular parameter
By the self-duality of D3-branes, we hence have a string-gauge correspondence
in space, and so the gravitonic D3-brane action is
Now here is where the Poincaré symmetry comes in: in the crucial case of N = 1 sypersymmetry, its irreducible representation allows us to identify the massless fermions with the Goldstinos. One finds that the field and the gauge fields
times the normalized fields in canonical form: so, Eq. 2. reduces to
and . Note now that
, with
being the radius of
is the D3-brane tension. So, it follows that
, with
being the number of c-brane stacks on the conformal boundary. But, it is not apriori of the same order of magnitude as the Planck length
, however, their ratio is given by
This identity is crucial for the Lagrangian, where in D = 10, becomes
and by a supersymmetric transformation induced by , we get
for a Majorana-Weyl spinor gaugino and the Lagrangian density can be derived now as
where the field conjugate to is
Now the GKP-Witten relation for D3-branes
gives us canonically
thus entailing that spacetime ‘lives’ on the boundary of and ‘time‘ and ‘space‘ as Hilbert space functors are interpretable as holomorphic emergent entropic properties of the integrable forms of the exterior algebra of the D3-brane 4-dimensional worldvolume
dynamically propagating in time as
Now, we need to see how the quantization can be carried out for the D3-brane: with the Planck length for D3-branes’ 4-dimensional worldvolume
, we get
with being the D3-brane tension, where, explicitly
is the D = 10 gravitational constant. Now: in the all-too important setting, there is a gauge operator
‘living‘ on the boundary of
with non-trivial quantum fluctuation of its self-dual supergravity field
propagating in the bulk of
, and hence we get
with boundary conditions for the supergravity field
with being the conformal dimension of the operator
. The central argument of this post now is clear: by Eq. 9, the ONLY way one can derive a finite quantum theory of gravity, and by GR, spacetime, satisfying gauge and unitarity constraints, is if the action of that theory is ONLY integrable, and it is, on a 5-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein Manifold
that has a ‘D3-brane’ 4-dimensional worldvolume
homological reduction that places its corresponding stack
D3-branes at the ‘tip’ of a Calabi–Yau manifold corresponding to the string-compactification, with the cone topologically embedded in
. This is as deep as mathematical results ‘get’ in physics, or any science for that matter. I shall next start explicitly quantizing the action(s) of D3-branes.