Well, a big question is how did the universe begin. And we, cannot answer that question. Some people think that the big bang is an explanation of how the universe began, IT IS NOT. The big bang is a theory of how the universe evolved from a split second after whatever brought it into existence. And the reason why we’ve been unable to look right back at time zero, to figure out how it really began; is that conflict between Einstein’s ideas of gravity and the laws of quantum physics. So, STRING THEORY may and will be able to – it hasn’t yet; we’re working on it today – feverishly. It may be able to answer the question, how did the universe begin. And I don’t know how it’ll affect your everyday life, but to me, if we really had a sense of how the universe really began, I think that would, really, alert us to our place in the cosmos in a DEEP way. ~ Brian Greene!
I listed the 4 essential properties of D3-branes, namely: i) the propagation of a D3-brane through spacetime generates a 4-dimensional worldvolume that has 4-dimensional Poincaré invariance, ii) the string worldsheet generating the graviton via quantum fluctuation can be topologically compactified on the boundary of its corresponding space, iii) D3-branes have constant axion and dilaton fields, and for the purposes of this post, iv) D3-branes are self-dual. Thus, the gravitonic D3-brane action with a super-Lagrangian coupling can be derived as
However, as I showed, one must exhibit the self-duality of the D3-brane in the Hamiltonian setting. It is my aim in this post to provide the proof. One can always lift an duality to an
duality by introducing the D3-brane dilaton
and axion
which are constant background fields. Then, one can re-define an
duality Lagrangian as such:
with . From the above
dual Lagrangian, the D3-brane Hamiltonian action can be derived as
are the Pauli matrices cohomologically acting on the supersymmetric group indices, and
is the Wess-Zumino Lagrangian satisfying the Matsubara condition, and is given by
where and
are RR-2 and RR-4 differential forms, and
represents the Kappa symmetry of the gauge bundle of the D3-brane’s
topology. Now, let
be a canonical conjugate set for the super-Kahler phase space variables, and define the critical 3-dimensional anti-symmetric tensor
and introduce the de Rham variables
where transforms as
One then finds that the constraints of the system to be given by
– symmetry constraint
– the p + 1 diffeomorphism constraints
– the fermionic constraints
with being the spatial part of the
metric, and its determinant being
. One must now show the Poincaré invariance of the bosonic constraints
and the supersymmetric covariance of the fermionic constraint under the
transformation of
corresponding to the
fermionic field rotation holds. Then one gets
with being an
matrix satisfying
and transforms as
and being an
transformation satisfying
with rotation
To prove D3-brane self-duality, we must consider
while noting that all terms in the above expression and itself are invariant under Poincaré duality transformations. So,
, the conjugate of
, is also likewise invariant, hence,
reduces to
holds. In terms of differential forms,
reduces to
where represents a spatial 3-form coefficient of
, and given the Poincaré invariance of
rotation, one can finish the proof by utilizing the gauge invariance of
and by using the identity
Diffeomophically, and
essentially appear in the irreducible representation of
, and thus,
also have Poincaré invariance. Now, the supersymmetric covariance of the fermionic constraints with the above
where one finds by Gaussian functional reduction
Now, given that transforms as
where is the D3-brane tension, the fermionic expression
covariantly transforms as
Now I must exhibit the self-duality of the D3-brane Hamiltonian, given the gauge field, as usual, , acting on the automorphic group of
, and the D = 3 metric
replaced by the D3-brane worldvolume 4-D metric
, expressed in terms of brane coordinates
. Note, for any function
on the super-Kahler phase space,
where is a tensor acting on a vector as such:
being the covariant anti-symmetric constant tensor, and is the inverse of
In the projective geometry of , we then have
noting that longitudinally projects out the components of the covariant derivative
Now, in the D3-brane 4-dimensional curved worldspace, the Laplacian operator is given by
with being the Ricci tensor: one then derives, by use of the Atiyah–Singer index theorem , that
generates the desired
duality transformation for the gauge field, and generates the
rotation of
and so we obtain
So: to sum all this up, the D3-brane self-dual Hamiltonian action is invariant under linear transformation:
and rotations of , by
and non-linear transformation of the background and
. This finishes the proof of the self-duality of the D3-brane Hamiltonian action.
Indeed: If in other sciences we should arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics. ~ Roger Bacon