Continuing from my work on the relation between Clifford algebraic symmetries and M-theory, here I will initiate an analysis of compactification via the derived Kähler-Atiyah bundle associated with Clifford-Kähler manifolds. Recall that whenever 2 or more D-branes coincide, there is a Clifford algebraic symmetry whose generators allow us to derive the total action:
and since D-p-branes are metaplectic solitons in closed string-theory, by the von Neumann boundary condition, there is a natural coupling of the super-Higgs field to the world-sheet of a string through its boundary:
Hence, lives on a p+1 dimensional subspace with a
contribution, yielding the world-volume action:
and since world-volumes have conformal invariance, by solving the n-loop level equation of motion:
we get the total world-volume action:
and since Clifford algebras are a quantization of target-space exterior algebras, via Gaussian matrix-elimination, we can expand, via Green’s-function, , the supersymmetry group covariant derivative, which I have redundantly simplified to
and by supersymmetry, the total action of M-Theory becomes:
with the D-p-brane world-volume tension, and:
the Yang-Mills field strength, and by a Paton-Chern-Simons factor, we get:
the instanton field, with:
here: .
In N=2 compactifications of 11-dimensional supergravity down to a 3-dimensional (anti)-deSitter space, the internal eight-D-manifold comes equipped with a Riemannian metric
and a Kähler 1-form
and a 4-form
encoding the 4-form field strength of the 11-dimensional theory. Moreover, the Majorana spinor is a section of the real spin bundle
. The background conserves exactly N=2 supersymmetry in 3-dimensions, equivalent to the condition that the real vector-space of solutions to the following differentio-algebraic system of generalized Killing spinor equations:
is two-dimensional, with an endomorphism of
the Kähler connection on
, and
is the connection induced on
by the Levi-Civita connection of
is an -valued 1-form on
, with:
with related to the cosmological constant
The F-motivated centrality of the chirality constraint:
allows the construction of the spin bundle of a (pseudo)-Riemannian manifold
with signature
of dimension
describable by an
-bundle of modules over the Clifford bundle
of the cotangent bundle of
endowed with a metric
induced by
. The initial problem is that the Clifford bundle is determined by
only up to isomorphism, so the association of
is not functorial. One typically goes around this problem by the invoking the Kähler-Atiyah Clifford-realization bundle of
This is the Chevalley-Riesz realization and it yields:
where is the exterior algebra of
and the Clifford product of
is non-commutative, and the fiberwise multiplication on
, transforms
into the Kähler-Atiyah bundle
Hence, the corresponding -grading admits an expansion into a finite sum of homogeneous-degree
binary operations
and the parity automorphism is given by:
the Kähler-Atiyah generalized products.
Hence, the expansion:
is a semiclassical expansion of the geometric product yielding a geometric quantization where the Planck constant is inversely related to the scale of the metric , thus allowing us to derive:
with the interior product.
Hence, our spin bundle can be interpreted as a bundle of modules over the Kähler-Atiyah bundle of
, with the module structure defined by a morphism of bundle of algebras:
where is fiberwise-irreducible.
With the local
the dual
-co-frame, satisfying:
the space of smooth inhomogeneous globally defined differential forms on , and a form
expands as:
A real spinors-bundle over is an
-vector bundle
that is also a bundle of modules over the Clifford bundle
Since we have no loss of generality by assuming that is orientable with
the volume form satisfying
, the bundle decomposition is hence:
and the -submodules of
as well as:
where is implicitly defined by:
which is a surjective mapping, and since Clifford algebras are a quantization of target-space exterior algebras of the Kähler-Atiyah bundle, the Kähler-Atiyah algebra is hence:
Without any loss of generality, we can stick to dealing with a Riemannian 8-manifold that is the compactification space of M-theory down to 3 dimensions or a 9-manifold corresponding to the metric cone over an eight-dimensional compactification space. Hence, the fiberwise representation given by
is equivalent to an irreducible representation of the real Clifford algebra
in a 16-dimensional
-vector space, which is surjective, and thus we have:
which is a map that identifies the bundle of endomorphisms of with the bundle of algebras:
and so every globally-defined endomorphism:
admits a dequantization:
that defines a differential form on , yielding
of the dequantizations of
We can now define the Fierz isomorphism of bundles of algebras:
the bi-spinor bundle. On fiber sections, we hence have an isomorphism of -algebras:
identifying the bi-spinor algebra with the subalgebra
of the Kähler-Atiyah algebra.
Let us now define the inhomogeneous differential forms:
Here is where Clifford-Kähler manifolds come in. The corresponding properties of the Fierz isomorphism, the algebraic constraint and the generalized Killing spinor equations
yield the following conditions on the inhomogeneous differential forms
, which hold for any global section:
where the dequantization of the globally defined endomorphism
the adjoint dequantization, is:
are the Kähler-Atiyah derivatives given by:
with the Levi-Civita connection of
induced on
, which yield us the Fierz identities:
that define, via Clifford-Kähler fibration, the Kähler-Atiyah sub-algebra of .
Now, this class of equation:
lifts to the metric cone over
, which can be interpreted as the warped product:
with warp factor:
with the corresponding Kähler 1-form:
We can now identify the spin bundle of the metric cone over
with the pullback of
through the natural projection:
by defining the lift of
to be the connection on
obtained via
on the pullback to the cone. Hence,
can be written as:
where is the
-connection induced by the Levi-Civita connection of
. Hence, the Schur algebra associated with our Clifford algebra
is isomorphic to
the corresponding spin representation:
is surjective. The morphism is completely determined once the signature
is fixed. With no loss of generality, we can take it to be:
, and by a shift-rescaling, on
, of the metric:
we can deduce the conical equations:
And crucially, the Killing spinor equations:
for spinors defined on :
for m = 1 … 8, yield the Clifford-Kähler manifold flatness conditions:
Notice also, that the conic-flatness equation:
is equivalent to the condition that the section of
is the Clifford-pullback of a section
through the Kähler-Atiyah projection
, and the remaining equations are fundamentally the generalized Killing conditions:
Thus, the Kähler-Atiyah algebra of cones generalizes Killing spinors on the Clifford-Kähler algebras and after fribrations, we obtain the desired N=2 compactifications of M-theory down to three dimensions conified on: