Orbifold compactifications of 11-D SUGRA induce exceptional symmetries in
that …
Exceptional Field Theory and M-Theory on Kovalev TCS G2-Manifolds
11D supergravity on Calabi-Yau orbifolds naturally induces exceptional symmetries in …
M-Theory, Exceptional Field Theory, U-Duality, and F-Theory
Orbifold compactifications of 11-D SUGRA induce exceptional symmetries in
that …
M5-Branes, Taub-NUT Spaces, BPS States, and the Wess–Zumino–Witten–Novikov Model
M5-branes wrapped on a multi-centred Taub-NUT space, of which paradigmatic
The Gel’fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski HGS, the D-Brane Superpotential, and the Witten Mirror
The D-brane superpotential, a section of special holomorphic line bundles …
The D3-Brane, Self-Duality, the Super-Hamiltonian Action and the M5-Brane
The importance of D3-branes derives partly from their role in …