11D supergravity on Calabi-Yau orbifolds naturally induces exceptional symmetries in …
The D3-Brane, Self-Duality, the Super-Hamiltonian Action and the M5-Brane
The importance of D3-branes derives partly from their role in …
Type-IIB String-Theory and Hybrid Inflation: Toward M-Theory Uplift
In part III, we completed the derivation of the …
Type-IIB String-Theory, 4D N=1 SUGRA, D7-Branes and Kähler Inflation
A natural and intuitive way of deriving the standard inflationary …
M-Theory/Type-IIB Duality, Brane-Dynamics and EFT
Toroidal compactifications of 11-D supergravity naturally induce exceptional symmetries in …