We saw how the omega-simplified Wheeler-DeWitt equation:
with the corresponding scalar product
which is conserved in -time by virtue of:
allowed us to derive what looks like a Hilbert space inner-product, until one looks at the right-hand-side of:
there can be no selection of an intrinsic time functional hence, the non-existence of a suitable Killing-vector follows: this is the ‘Hilbert space problem’ for time. Here, I shall try and recover a notion of time via a Dirac-Schrödinger analysis. The heart of the problem is that at the quantum gravitational and Planck-scales, time disappears both, as a Q-background-parameter and as a GR-dynamical one. To appreciate this Planckian spin on the Wheeler-DeWitt and the quantum mechanical Mandelstam-Tamm time-energy uncertainty-relation problem of time, note that the Hamiltonian reads explicitly, in the geometrodynamical formulation:
with , and
respectively are the gravitational constant, the three-dimensional Ricci scalar, and the cosmological constant. And, the coefficients
depend on the metric and centrally play the role of a metric on
, the space of all three-metrics, and it is hyperbolicity at each space point which gives rise to an intrinsic timelike variable.
The connection representation yields:
is the field strength tensor corresponding to the complex connection A and is the metric-independent totally skew-symmetric density of weight
The important difference between
is that
does not contain the Ricci scalar, and contains only terms with functional derivatives and that it is intrinsically complex since A is complex: the philosophical point is that in both formulations there is an absence of any external time parameter in the Wheeler-DeWitt equation!

Clearly, a necessary condition for the consistency of physics is the recovery of the Schrödinger equation with its term. One possibility to get
would be to include a matter field with linear momentum into the fundamental Hamiltonian, but at closer inspection, the Mandelstam-Tamm time-energy uncertainty-relation blocks such an option. One can try a recovery via a Born-Oppenheimer expansion with respect to the Planck mass and that’s how complex numbers enter into quantum theory. To show exactly how, express the total state in the form
for a complex function
and expand
in powers of the Planck mass. So, the highest order
leads to the condition that
must not depend on the matter fields, hence, we get:
with a positive definite quadratic form and it is crucial for the recovery of time that
not depend on the fields
. Now, the next order
yields the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for gravity:
and is equivalent to Einstein’s field equations and hence corresponds to the description of a semi-classical gravitational background.
The crucial step happens in the next order where the time-dependent Schrödinger equation can be recovered provided that
is chosen to be real with a negligible imaginary part. This corresponds to the choice of a complex wave function at this order, yet this has an ad-hoc-ness touch to it. We must introduce a wave functional
with the matter part of the Hamiltonian density. Noting that
is the functional Tomonaga-Schwinger equation for matter fields propagating in the classical background given by
with a multi-fingered time parameter and it seems that the emergence of a time parameter in the semiclassical limit is due to the fact that time is not an absolute entity but is inextricably entangled with the dynamical evolution of quantum subsystems in the cosmological sense. Hence, the choice of an imaginary solution for
would lead to a diffusion-type of equation instead of the Schrödinger equation
In quantum gravity scenarios, this is interpreted as describing a Euclidean spacetime
and the problem now is that superpositions of WKB states would not allow the recovery of the Schrödinger equation as expressed above.
The superposition
which is a ‘real’ solution to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation at order , does not lead to:
So let us try the derivation in the connection representation, since it is apriori complex and so the wave functional is a holomorphic functional of the connection. However, note we still the problem that only a special WKB-state allows one to derive the Schrödinger equation for matter fields. So, expanding in powers of the gravitational constant and plugging the state into the Wheeler-DeWitt equation with the Hamiltonian given by
we find that does not depend on matter fields and moreover it obeys the Hamilton-Jacobi equation:
and since the momentum conjugate to ,
is replaced by
without ‘‘, in the Schrödinger representation, the momentum is given by:
The next order yields the functional Schrödinger equation for the wave functional
Some philosophical points are in order now.
- Note, the Hamiltonian density
is equal to
as determined by the Hamilton-Jacobi equation except for the last three
-dependent terms in the
-equation above, which arise due to the presence of the third functional derivatives in
The problem is: this does not happen in the geometrodynamical formulation.
- Moreover, there is the issue of the complex nature of the connection. Equation:
can be written as a functional Schrödinger equation if there is an appropriate region of configuration space with a time functional that can be introduced such that the following holds:
where this time functional, however, is in general complex, and since the wave functional is a holomorphic functional in any order of approximation, its derivative with respect to τ is fully determined by its derivative with respect to the real part of τ which may thus serve to play the role of physical time. However, the semiclassical expansion will include an expansion of the ‘reality-conditions’, which, in highest order, leads to a restriction of the original configuration space onto a subspace!
- Also, the above derivation of the Schrödinger equation did not depend on expanding the classical Hamiltonain constraint to second order around a chosen classical background after which we truncate the constraint as a condition on the wave functional. Hence, the holomorphicity of the wave functional enabled one to identify a certain functional of the imaginary part of the trace part of A with physical time. The gravitational part alone then satisfies a Schrödinger equation with respect to this time variable. This is the main difference here, which I only attempt to derive such an equation for quantum matter fields in a semiclassical gravitational background.
Here is the problem: how, then, can we justify the use of a single state
in the derivation of the Schrödinger equation?

Decoherence cannot help due to phase-transitional chaotic dynamics coupled with the Mandelstam-Tamm time-energy uncertainty-relation problem of time! To appreciate this point, note that in the geometrodynamic approach, a superposition is of the form:
where and
satisfy the time-dependent Schrödinger equation and
with the sign-reversed time-parameter.
depends only on the three-metric,
depends on the three-metric as well as on all nongravitational fields. Hence, these degrees of freedom contained in
are inaccessible. So we must focus on the reduced density matrix for the gravitational part:
Decoherence then occurs if in the total density matrix
so we have, instead of the superposition
the many-WKB components
and each component has its own WKB time. One would then expect decoherence to explain why the second sum in the total density matrix:
becomes negligible after integrating out the irrelevant degrees of freedom.
However, we run into the problem of the occurrence-of-anomalies: that is, Weyl fermions in an external electromagnetic background acquire an anomaly leading to the violation of gauge invariance
and this is intimately connected with the emergence of a Berry phase functional
with the vector potential and
is a super-gauge potential defined on the potential-configuration space. One can restore gauge invariance but one loses Lorentz invariance if one replaces the electromagnetic field momentum according to
and this introduces complex numbers into the electromagnetic field Hamiltonian.
However, the Standard Model of gauge theories does not possess such anomalies and such Lorentz anomalies do not exist in four spacetime dimensions
therefore, as far as canonical quantum gravity and planck-scale quantum spacetime in three space dimensions, we have No-Go-Theorems!
Towards a solution. Torsion is the key?!
The action for a Dirac field in an external gravitational field is complex if torsion is nonvanishing and leads to a complex Hamiltonian and thus produce a nontrivial Berry phase
The only justification for
is that it gives rise to -states in quantum gravity if the diffeomorphism group is not connected: that is, if
is non-vanishing. One would therefore expect, in analogy to ordinary quantum theory, that the wave-functional transforms according to a one-dimensional, irreducible, representation of
and the -sectors labelled by elements of the group of homomorphisms of
This is crucial: the emergence of a parameter is well known from Yang-Mills theories. Thus,
states are labelled by the elements of
. In the connection approach to quantum gravity, the situation is homologous.
So, instead of taking the gauge group as the starting point, we take an alternative view and focus on the topological properties of the physical configuration space, , of the theory. In the Yang-Mills case this is the space of vector potentials modulo
, while in gravity this is the space of Riemannian metrics, RiemΣ, on Σ modulo diffeomorphisms. Quantum theory on nontrivial configuration spaces has the property that
structures emerge if the first fundamental group
is nonvanishing. The quantum mechanical propagator
of a system can be expressed as a sum of propagators
with each
, the paths lie in the same homotopy class. Thus
In the functional Schrödinger equation wave functionals are cross sections of a complex bundle over which gives rise to a connection over
precisely in the way as in
One considers flat connections only since there is no hint of a super-connection with non-vanishing curvature in the framework of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation.
Both viewpoints can be unified since the symmetry group acts freely on RiemΣ, and the parameter can be directly connected with the nontrivial structure of the configuration space itself. In quantum gravity, though, Diff(Σ) does not act freely because of the existence of isometries, yet can be removed when one goes to the extended superspace.
The deep question of course is: which three-manifolds Σ can lead to a nontrivial

for orienting preserving diffeomorphisms, there is no such structure.
The next deep question is: might the presence of a
structure be the reason why one can focus consistently on complex solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and, moreover, to only one WKB component
in the semiclassical approximation?

If and if the group is represented by a one-dimensional, irreducible, representation, the superposition
will not belong to the class of allowed quantum states: a No-Go Theorem.
Now, in three spacetime dimensions, with spatial sections characterized by the metric:
so the WheelerDeWitt equation reads:
and the minisuperspace analogue of
is here played by the permutation group of bi-scale factors, which has only two one-dimensional, irreducible, representations.
Hence, semiclassical solutions are of the form:
for S is a solution to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation:
However, these states are not eigenstates of the permutation operator: hence, one has to superpose two semiclassical states of the form
to arrive at states which are either symmetric or antisymmetric under the action of the permutation group.
Such superpositions, however, do not allow one to recover the Schrödinger equation for matter fields. This is possible only if one chooses one of the two solutions
and note the above ‘solutions’ is an exact solution of
Thus, the superposition of the two states
does not allow the derivation of the Schrödinger equation

- The situation different in the connection representation,and that is because the wave functional is defined on a space of connections, and thus one has, in addition to the diffeomorphism group, an
gauge group, and thus one has
states in analogy to the Yang-Mills case independent of whether the action of the diffeomorphism group is represented or not. These states exist due to
thus, the wave functional transforms under a large gauge transformation with winding number n as:
But, superpositions like
are thus forbidden if one assumes, in analogy to the Yang-Mill case, that physical states are eigenstates of the operator which generates large gauge transformations
A way out is for the field momentum to change according to:
and includes the gravitational constant, with
A deeper understanding of the derivation of the Schrödinger equation from quantum gravity was attempted in order to recover the disappeared time in the Wheeler-DeWitt equation as well as in the context of the Mandelstam-Tamm time-energy uncertainty-relation problem of time. The parameter does not lead to any selection principle amongst possible WKB solutions, and the
-superselection rule is not and cannot be caused by decoherence in any dynamical way: there is no notion of quantum-environment that allows any decoherence of different
eigenstates. Hence, both, the structures of the configuration space in the geometrodynamical and in the connection dynamical formulations are inadequate to recover and thus solve the problem-of-time in physics, at any scale.