Mathematical reason itself does not err ~ Kurt Gödel
Continuing from my last two posts, I finally derived, via Kähler-twisting relations
that on a hyper-Kähler manifold, by ‘constant spinor’ change-of-variables, we can identify
with the N = 1, D = 4 Yang–Mills action
getting the following deep relation between N = 2 SYM theory, topological quantum field theory, and Kähler-theory
that since N = 2 SYM theory is a TQFT, and its Poincare supersymmetric version is obtained by coupling the N = 1 Yang–Mills multiplet to a chiral multiplet in the adjoint representation of the gauge group, we get an expression of the N = 1 scalar theory as a TQFT on a Kähler manifold.
In this post, I will derive a connection between the Batalin-Vilkoviski action, which I will eventually show is crucial to M-theory‘s braneworld cosmology, indeed, to any quantum-cosmological model consistent with a quantum gravity theory.
For any Calabi–Yau three–fold one can always use the holomorphic closed
and define
thus getting the transformed classical-BRST action
with the corresponding BRST symmetry
whose invariance under the transformation of the field is guaranteed by part of the Bianchi identity
and closed-ness of and the fact that the BRST action
is invariant under the complexified gauge group .
The BRST symmetry of
is derivable from the Batalin–Vilkoviski action
Now we must quantize the model, and the best way is to
quantize the theory around a non-perturbative vacuum corresponding to a stable holomorphic vector bundle, since in that context, the BF model correspond to the twisted version of a supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory
since it allows the BRST symmetry to be treated as ordinary gauge ones and fixed with transversality conditions on the and
The corresponding BV fermion identity follows then
So the shift symmetry on the part of the connection gives rise to three degrees of freedom, while the symmetry on the
field to one and are collected into the ghost fields
respectively. In the non–perturbative case, the gauge fixing conditions are
Notice that reduces the complex gauge group
to the unitary group
and can be interpreted as a partial gauge-fixing for the complex gauge symmetry of
The BV fermion corresponding to
where are the antighosts associated to BV gauge–fixing conditions and whose BV action is given
Now, by eliminating the anti–fields by means of
and implementing the gauge–fixing conditions
and by integration on the Lagrangian multipliers, we get from
the (g.f.)-action
and by the identity
we can recognize in the first line of the (g.f.)-action the bosonic part of the N=1 D=6 SYM action, modulo the topological density , where
is the Kähler two–form. Concerning the fermionic part, one can use of the mapping between chiral fermions and complex forms
to map the topological ghosts into the right–handed spinor
and the topological antighosts into the left–handed spinor
. Hence, one can use the covariantly constant spinor
of the Calabi–Yau three-fold to perform the mapping