Reality is complicated. There is no justification for all of the hasty conclusions ~ Hideki Yukawa
Continuing from my last few posts dealing with Calabi–Yau N-fold holomorphic TQFT analysis, recall that I showed that by integration on the Lagrangian multipliers, we get, from the Batalin–Vilkoviski action
and by the identity
to see in the first line of the (g.f.)-action the bosonic part of the N=1 D=6 SYM action, modulo the topological density , where
is the Kähler two–form. Concerning the fermionic part, I showed how the mapping between chiral fermions and complex forms
map the topological ghosts into the right–handed spinor
and the topological antighosts into the left–handed spinor
. Hence, one can use the covariantly constant spinor
of the Calabi–Yau three-fold to perform the mapping
and in this way, one can see in the (g.f.)-action the twisted version of the N = 1 D = 6 Super Yang–Mills action, where the (g.f.)-action is
Let us get deeper. On a Calabi–Yau four–fold one can write a generalization of the action
where is the holomorphic covariantly closed
-form. After normalization of
such that
is the volume element on
, the action
displays the symmetry
and the keep is that is the complexified Faddeev–Popov ghost. So, the BV action above corresponding to
thus allowing us to gauge–fix by imposing six complex conditions for
and a gauge–fixing for
The projection on self-dual or anti-self-dual part of the
–forms can be done by using the anti-holomorphic
form. Now, by enforcing
via the BRST doublets of complex antighosts and Lagrangian multipliers and
respectively. Hence, the following complex condition holds
whose real part is the Landau gauge condition and the imaginary part gives us
And the corresponding gauge–fixing fermion to the gauge conditions is
and by using the BV equation
and enforcing the gauge conditions, by integration on the Lagrangian multipliers,
one gets the desired action as a twisted form of the D = 8 supersymmetric Yang–Mills action whose gauge invariant part is