Luis Fernando Alday |
The Analytic Conformal Bootstrap |
John Joseph Carrasco |
Recent progress from amplitudes |
Aristomenis Donos |
Incoherent Transport and Black Holes |
Thomas Dumitrescu |
General Aspects of Renormalization Group Flows in Diverse Dimensions |
Seok Kim |
Advances in 5d/6d QFTs |
Douglas Stanford |
What’s up with the SYK model? |
Pedro Vieira |
Divide and Conquer. An Integrability Status Report |
Special AdS/CFT Session |
David Gross |
Christopher Herzog |
Applied AdS/CFT |
Igor Klebanov |
Juan Maldacena |
Hirosi Ooguri |
AdS/CFT in your everyday life |
Edward Witten |
Regular Talks |
Nima Arkani-Hamed |
Amplitudes and Correlators as Canonical Forms; Worldsheets as Positive Geometries |
Adam Brown |
Complexity and Geometry |
Simon Caron-Huot |
Bulk Causality from the Conformal Bootstrap |
Miranda Cheng |
Progress on Moonshine |
Sergei Dubovsky |
QCD Strings and Jackiw-Teitelboim Gravity |
Netta Engelhardt |
The Apparent Horizon in AdS/CFT: Coarse Graining Entanglement |
Valentina Forini |
Green-Schwarz Superstring on a Lattice |
Inaki Garcia-Etxebarria |
New N=4 Theories in Four Dimensions | ||
Yvonne Geyer |
Ambitwistor Strings beyond Tree-level |
Sergei Gukov |
Disk Amplitudes and the Magnificent Three |
Daniel Jafferis |
Bulk Reconstruction and the Hartle-Hawking Wavefunction |
Jared Kaplan |
AdS_3/CFT_2 and the Information Paradox |
David Kutasov |
A Solvable Irrelevant Deformation of AdS_3/CFT_2 |
Karl Landsteiner |
Anomalous Transport from Anti de-Sitter Space to Weyl Semimetals |
Hong Liu |
Emergent Entropy |
R. Loganayagam |
Out of Equilibrium, Out of Time Order |
Juan Maldacena |
Diving into Traversable Wormholes |
Shiraz Minwalla |
Flows, Fixed Points and Duality in Matter Chern Simons Theories |
Robert Myers |
Holographic Complexity |
Joao Penedones |
S-matrix Bootstrap Revisited |
Suvrat Raju |
Breakdown of String Perturbation Theory and Implications for Locality in Gravity |
Leonardo Rastelli |
How to Succeed at Holographic Correlators without Really Trying |
Sakura Schafer-Nameki |
F-theory and AdS_3/CFT_2 |
Nathan Seiberg |
New Phases of QCD3 and QCD4 |
Ashoke Sen |
Soft Graviton Theorem in Generic Quantum Theory of Gravity |
Stephen Shenker |
Black Holes and Random Matrices |
Dam Thanh Son |
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Duality |
Andrew Strominger |
Infrared Divergences in QED and Quantum Gravity |
Yuji Tachikawa |
Time-reversal Anomalies of 2+1d Topological Phases |
Tadashi Takayanagi |
AdS from Optimization of Path-Integrals in CFTs |
Christoph Uhlemann |
Holographic Duals for 5d SCFTs |
Nicholas Warner |
Microstate Geometries Deep Inside the Black-Hole Regime |
Xi Yin |
Genus Two Modular Bootstrap |
Alexander Zhiboedov |
Universal Correction to the Veneziano Amplitude |
Gender and Diversity Issues | |||
Marika Taylor | Gender and Diversity Issues | VIDEO |
Mirror Symmetry
We prove mirror symmetry for supersymmetric sigma models on Kahler
manifolds in 1 + 1 dimensions. The proof involves establishing the equivalence
of the gauged linear sigma model, embedded in a theory with an enlarged
gauge symmetry, with a Landau-Ginzburg theory of Toda type. Standard
R → 1/R duality and dynamical generation of superpotential by vortices are
crucial in the derivation. This provides not only a proof of mirror symmetry
in the case of (local and global) Calabi-Yau manifolds, but also for sigma
models on manifolds with positive first Chern class, including deformations of
the action by holomorphic isometries.
Linking Starobinsky-Type Inflation in no-Scale Supergravity to MSSM
A novel realization of the Starobinsky inflationary model within a moderate extension of
the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is presented. The proposed superpotential
is uniquely determined by applying a continuous R and a Z2 discrete symmetry,
whereas the K¨ahler potential is associated with a no-scale-type SU(54, 1)/SU(54)×U(1)R ×
Z2 K¨ahler manifold. The inflaton is identified with a Higgs-like modulus whose the vacuum
expectation value controls the gravitational strength. Thanks to a strong enough coupling
(with a parameter cT involved) between the inflaton and the Ricci scalar curvature, inflation
can be attained even for subplanckian values of the inflaton with cT ≥ 76 and the corresponding
effective theory being valid up to the Planck scale. The inflationary observables turn out
to be in agreement with the current data and the inflaton mass is predicted to be 3 · 1013 GeV.
At the cost of a relatively small superpotential coupling constant, the model offers also a resolution
of the µ problem of MSSM. Supplementing MSSM by three right-handed neutrinos
we show that spontaneously arising couplings between the inflaton and the particle content of
MSSM not only ensure a sufficiently low reheating temperature but also support a scenario of
non-thermal leptogenesis consistently with the neutrino oscillation parameters for gravitino
heavier than about 104 GeV.
Lectures on Mirror Symmetry and Topological String Theory
These are notes of a series of lectures on mirror symmetry and topological string theory
given at the Mathematical Sciences Center at Tsinghua University. The N = 2 superconformal
algebra, its deformations and its chiral ring are reviewed. A topological field theory can be
constructed whose observables are only the elements of the chiral ring. When coupled to gravity,
this leads to topological string theory. The identification of the topological string A- and Bmodels
by mirror symmetry leads to surprising connections in mathematics and provides tools
for exact computations as well as new insights in physics. A recursive construction of the higher
genus amplitudes of topological string theory expressed as polynomials is reviewed.
Unified Model of Chaotic Inflation and Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking
The large hierarchy between the Planck scale and the weak scale can be explained by the dynamical
breaking of supersymmetry in strongly coupled gauge theories. Similarly, the hierarchy between the
Planck scale and the energy scale of inflation may also originate from strong dynamics, which
dynamically generate the inflaton potential. We present a model of the hidden sector which unifies
these two ideas, i.e., in which the scales of inflation and supersymmetry breaking are provided by
the dynamics of the same gauge group. The resultant inflation model is chaotic inflation with a
fractional power-law potential in accord with the upper bound on the tensor-to-scalar ratio. The
supersymmetry breaking scale can be much smaller than the inflation scale, so that the solution to
the large hierarchy problem of the weak scale remains intact. As an intrinsic feature of our model, we
find that the sgoldstino, which might disturb the inflationary dynamics, is automatically stabilized
during inflation by dynamically generated corrections in the strongly coupled sector. This renders
our model a field-theoretical realization of what is sometimes referred to as sgoldstino-less inflation.
Gauge supergravity in D = 2 + 2
We present an action for chiral N = (1, 0) supergravity in 2+2 dimensions.
The fields of the theory are organized into an OSp(1|4) connection supermatrix,
and are given by the usual vierbein Va, spin connection ωab, and Majorana
gravitino ψ. In analogy with a construction used for D = 10 + 2 gauge supergravity, the action is given by R
ST r(R2Γ), where R is the OSp(1|4) curvature supermatrix two-form, and Γ a constant supermatrix containing γ5. It
is similar, but not identical to the MacDowell-Mansouri action for D = 2 + 2
supergravity. The constant supermatrix breaks OSp(1|4) gauge invariance
to a subalgebra OSp(1|2) ⊕ Sp(2), including a Majorana-Weyl supercharge.
Thus half of the OSp(1|4) gauge supersymmetry survives. The gauge fields
are the selfdual part of ωab and the Weyl projection of ψ for OSp(1|2), and
the antiselfdual part of ωab for Sp(2). Supersymmetry transformations, being
part of a gauge superalgebra, close off-shell. The selfduality condition on the
spin connection can be consistently imposed, and the resulting “projected”
action is OSp(1|2) gauge invariant.
Are all supergravity theories Yang-Mills squared?
Using simple symmetry arguments we classify the ungauged D = 4, N = 2 supergravity theories, coupled to both vector and hyper multiplets through homogeneous scalar manifolds, that can be built as the product of N = 2 and N = 0 matter-coupled Yang-Mills gauge theories. This includes all such supergravities with two isolated exceptions: pure supergravity and the T3 model.
The kinematical Setup of Quantum Geometry
In this article we present a brief introduction to the kinematical
setup that underlies the quantization used in loop quantum gravity.
This review has been published as a chapter in the monograph "Loop
Quantum Gravity: The First 30 Years", edited by Abhay Ashtekar
and Jorge Pullin, that was recently published in the series "100 Years
of General Relativity" [1].
D-branes and Orientifolds in Calabi–Yau Compactifications
We explore the dynamics of nonsupersymmetric D-brane configurations on Calabi-Yau orientifolds
with fluxes. We show that supergravity D-terms capture supersymmetry breaking effects
predicted by more abstract Π-stability considerations. We also investigate the vacuum structure
of such configurations in the presence of fluxes. Based on the shape of the potential, we argue
that metastable nonsupersymmetric vacua can be in principle obtained by tuning the values of
fluxes. We also develop computational tools for the tree-level superpotential of B-branes in CalabiYau
orientifolds. Our method is based on a systematic implementation of the orientifold projection
in the geometric approach of Aspinwall and Katz. In the process we lay down some
ground rules for orientifold projections in the derived category.
Does time-symmetry in quantum theory imply retrocausality?
Although there are many counterintuitive ideas in quantum theory, the idea that influences can travel backwards in time (from the future to the past) is generally not one of them. However, recently some physicists have been looking into this idea, called "retrocausality," because it can potentially resolve some long-standing puzzles in quantum physics. In particular, if retrocausality is allowed, then the famous Bell tests can be interpreted as evidence for retrocausality and not for action-at-a-distance—a result that Einstein and others skeptical of that "spooky" property may have appreciated. n a new paper published in Proceedings of The Royal Society A, physicists Matthew S. Leifer at Chapman University and Matthew F. Pusey at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics have lent new theoretical support for the argument that, if certain reasonable-sounding assumptions are made, then quantum theory must be retrocausal.
The appeal of retrocausality
First, to clarify what retrocausality is and isn't: It does not mean that signals can be communicated from the future to the past—such signaling would be forbidden even in a retrocausal theory due to thermodynamic reasons. Instead, retrocausality means that, when an experimenter chooses the measurement setting with which to measure a particle, that decision can influence the properties of that particle (or another particle) in the past, even before the experimenter made their choice. In other words, a decision made in the present can influence something in the past.
In the original Bell tests, physicists assumed that retrocausal influences could not happen. Consequently, in order to explain their observations that distant particles seem to immediately know what measurement is being made on the other, the only viable explanation was action-at-a-distance. That is, the particles are somehow influencing each other even when separated by large distances, in ways that cannot be explained by any known mechanism. But by allowing for the possibility that the measurement setting for one particle can retrocausally influence the behavior of the other particle, there is no need for action-at-a-distance—only retrocausal influence.
Generalizing retrocausality: with or without a real quantum state
One of the main proponents of retrocausality in quantum theory is Huw Price, a philosophy professor at the University of Cambridge. In 2012, Price laid out an argument suggesting that any quantum theory that assumes that 1) the quantum state is real, and 2) the quantum world is time-symmetric (that physical processes can run forwards and backwards while being described by the same physical laws) must allow for retrocausal influences. Understandably, however, the idea of retrocausality has not caught on with physicists in general.
"There is a small group of physicists and philosophers that think this idea is worth pursuing, including Huw Price and Ken Wharton [a physics professor at San José State University]," Leifer told "There is not, to my knowledge, a generally agreed upon interpretation of quantum theory that recovers the whole theory and exploits this idea. It is more of an idea for an interpretation at the moment, so I think that other physicists are rightly skeptical, and the onus is on us to flesh out the idea."
In the new study, Leifer and Pusey attempt to do this by generalizing Price's argument, which perhaps makes it more appealing in light of other recent research. They begin by removing Price's first assumption, so that the argument holds whether the quantum state is real or not—a matter that is still of some debate. A quantum state that is not real would describe physicists' knowledge of a quantum system rather than being a true physical property of the system. Although most research suggests that the quantum state is real, it is difficult to confirm one way or the other, and allowing for retrocausality may provide insight into this question. Allowing for this openness regarding the reality of the quantum state is one of the main motivations for investigating retrocausality in general, Leifer explained.
"The reason I think that retrocausality is worth investigating is that we now have a slew of no-go results about realist interpretations of quantum theory, including Bell's theorem, Kochen-Specker, and recent proofs of the reality of the quantum state," he said. "These say that any interpretation that fits into the standard framework for realist interpretations must have features that I would regard as undesirable. Therefore, the only options seem to be to abandon realism or to break out of the standard realist framework.
"Abandoning realism is quite popular, but I think that this robs science of much of its explanatory power and so it is better to find realist accounts where possible. The other option is to investigate more exotic realist possibilities, which include retrocausality, relationalism, and many-worlds. Aside from many-worlds, these have not been investigated much, so I think it is worth pursuing all of them in more detail. I am not personally committed to the retrocausal solution over and above the others, but it does seem possible to formulate it rigorously and investigate it, and I think that should be done for several of the more exotic possibilities."
Can't have both time symmetry and no-retrocausality
In their paper, Leifer and Pusey also reformulate the usual idea of time symmetry in physics, which is based on reversing a physical process by replacing t with –t in the equations of motion. The physicists develop a stronger concept of time symmetry here in which reversing a process is not only possible but that the probability of occurrence is the same whether the process is going forward or backward.
The physicists' main result is that a quantum theory that assumes both this kind of time symmetry and that retrocausality is not allowed runs into a contradiction. They describe an experiment illustrating this contradiction, in which the time symmetry assumption requires that the forward and backward processes have the same probabilities, but the no-retrocausality assumption requires that they are different.
So ultimately everything boils down to the choice of whether to keep time symmetry or no-retrocausality, as Leifer and Pusey's argument shows that you can't have both. Since time symmetry appears to be a fundamental physical symmetry, they argue that it makes more sense to allow for retrocausality. Doing so would eliminate the need for action-at-a-distance in Bell tests, and it would still be possible to explain why using retrocausality to send information is forbidden.
"The case for embracing retrocausality seems stronger to me for the following reasons," Leifer said. "First, having retrocausality potentially allows us to resolve the issues raised by other no-go theorems, i.e., it enables us to have Bell correlations without action-at-a-distance. So, although we still have to explain why there is no signaling into the past, it seems that we can collapse several puzzles into just one. That would not be the case if we abandon time symmetry instead.
"Second, we know that the existence of an arrow of time already has to be accounted for by thermodynamic arguments, i.e., it is a feature of the special boundary conditions of the universe and not itself a law of physics. Since the ability to send signals only into the future and not into the past is part of the definition of the arrow of time, it seems likely to me that the inability to signal into the past in a retrocausal universe could also come about from special boundary conditions, and does not need to be a law of physics. Time symmetry seems less likely to emerge in this way (in fact, we usually use thermodynamics to explain how the apparent time asymmetry that we observe in nature arises from time-symmetric laws, rather than the other way round)."
As the physicists explain further, the whole idea of retrocausality is so difficult to accept because we don't ever see it anywhere else. The same is true of action-at-a-distance. But that doesn't mean that we can assume that no-retrocausality and no-action-at-a-distance are true of reality in general. In either case, physicists want to explain why one of these properties emerges only in certain situations that are far removed from our everyday observations.
"One way of looking at all the no-go theorems is in terms of fine-tunings," Leifer explained. "You notice a property of the predictions of the theory and you assume that this property is also true of reality. Then you show that this is incompatible with reproducing the predictions of quantum theory and you have a no-go theorem.
"For example, in Bell's Theorem, we notice that we cannot send superluminal signals so we assume there are no superluminal influences in reality, but this gets us into conflict with the experimentally observed predictions. Notice that it is not really superluminal influences per se that are the biggest problem. If we were able to send signals faster than light we would simply say, 'Oh well, Einstein was wrong. Relativity theory is just incorrect.' And then get on with doing physics. But that is not what happened: no signaling still holds on the level of what we observe, it is just that there is a tension between this and what must be going on in reality to reproduce what we observe. If there are superluminal influences, then why can't we observe them directly? This is the puzzle that cries out for explanation."
Implications and questioning assumptions
If retrocausality is a feature of the quantum world, then it would have vast implications for physicists' understanding of the foundations of quantum theory. Perhaps the biggest significance is the implication for the Bell tests, showing that distant particles really cannot influence each other, but rather—as Einstein and others believed—that quantum theory is incomplete. If the new results are true, then retrocausality may be one of the missing pieces that makes quantum theory complete.
"I think that different interpretations [of quantum theory] have different implications for how we might go about generalizing standard quantum theory," Leifer said. "This might be needed to construct the correct theory of quantum gravity, or even to resolve some issues in high-energy physics given that the unification of the other three forces is still up in the air in the light of LHC results. So I think that future theories built on the ideas of existing interpretations are where we might see a difference, but admittedly we are quite far from figuring out how this might work at present.
"Speculatively, if there is retrocausality in the universe, then it might be the case that there are certain eras, perhaps near the big bang, in which there is not a definite arrow of causality. You might imagine that a signature of such an era might show up in cosmological data, such as the cosmic microwave background. However, this is very speculative, and I have no idea what signatures we might expect yet."
The physicists don't have any experiments lined up to test retrocausality—but as the idea is more an interpretation of observations rather than making new observations, what's needed most may not be a test but more theoretical support.
"As far as direct experimental tests of retrocausality go, the status is not much different from other things in the foundations of quantum mechanics," Leifer said. "We never test one assumption in isolation, but always in conjunction with many others, and then we have to decide which one to reject on other grounds. For example, you might think that Bell experiments show that nature is nonlocal, but only if you have first decided to accept other assumptions, such as realism and no-retrocausality. So, you might say that Bell experiments already provide evidence for retrocausality if you are disinclined to reject realism or locality. Similarly, the kind of experiments we describe in our paper provide some evidence for retrocausality, but only if you refuse to reject the other assumptions.
"In fact, the situation is really the same in all scientific experiments. There are a host of assumptions about the workings of the experimental apparatus that you have to accept in order to conclude that the experiment shows the effect you are looking for. It is just that, in the case of quantum foundations, the subject is very controversial, so we are more likely to question basic assumptions than we are in the case of, say, a medical drug trial. However, such assumptions are always there and it is always possible to question them."
Flux Superpotential in Heterotic M–theory
We derive the most general flux–induced superpotential for N = 1 M–
theory compactifications on seven–dimensional manifolds with SU(3) structure.
Imposing the appropriate boundary conditions, this result applies for
heterotic M–theory. It is crucial for the latter to consider SU(3) and not
G2 group structure on the seven–dimensional internal space. For a particular
background that differs from CY (3) × S
1/Z2 only by warp factors, we investigate
the flux–generated scalar potential as a function of the orbifold length.
We find a positive cosmological constant minimum, however at an undesirably
large value of this length. Hence the flux superpotential alone is not enough
to stabilize the orbifold length at a de Sitter vacuum. But it does modify
substantially the interplay between the previously studied non–perturbative
effects, possibly reducing the significance of open membrane instantons while
underlining the importance of gaugino condensation.
Five-brane Instantons vs Flux-induced Gauging of Isometries
In five-dimensional heterotic M-theory there is necessarily nonzero background
flux, which leads to gauging of an isometry of the universal hypermultiplet
moduli space. This isometry, however, is poised to be broken by M5-brane
instanton effects. We show that, similarly to string theory, the background
flux allows only brane instantons that preserve the above isometry. The zeromode
counting for the M5 instantons is related to the number of solutions
of the Dirac equation on their worldvolume. We investigate that equation in
the presence of generic background flux and also, in a particular case, with
nonzero worldvolume flux.
Metastable SUSY Breaking and Supergravity at Finite Temperature
We study how coupling to supergravity affects the phase structure of a system
exhibiting dynamical supersymmetry breaking in a metastable vacuum.
More precisely, we consider the Seiberg dual of SQCD coupled to supergravity
at finite temperature. We show that the gravitational interactions decrease
the critical temperature for the second order phase transition in the quark
direction, that is also present in the global case. Furthermore, we find that,
due to supergravity, a new second order phase transition occurs in the meson
direction, whenever there is a nonvanishing constant term in the superpotential.
Notably, this phase transition is a necessary condition for the fields to
roll, as the system cools down, towards the metastable susy breaking vacuum,
because of the supergravity-induced shift of the metastable minimum away
from zero meson vevs. Finally, we comment on the phase structure of the
KKLT model with uplifting sector given by the Seiberg dual of SQCD.
De Sitter Space in Gauge/Gravity Duality
We investigate gauge/gravity duality for gauge theories in de Sitter space.
More precisely, we study a five-dimensional consistent truncation of type IIB
supergravity, which encompasses a wide variety of gravity duals of strongly
coupled gauge theories, including the Maldacena-Nunez solution and its walking
deformations. We find several solutions of the 5d theory with dS4 spacetime
and nontrivial profiles for (some of) the scalars along the fifth (radial)
direction. In the process, we prove that one of the equations of motion becomes
dependent on the others, for nontrivial warp factor. This dependence
reduces the number of field equations and, thus, turns out to be crucial for
the existence of solutions with (A)dS4 spacetime. Finally, we comment on
the implications of our dS4 solutions for building gravity duals of Glueball
Higgsing and Seiberg-duality cascades from type IIB string theory
We construct explicitly new solutions of type IIB supergravity with brane sources, the duals
of which are N = 1 supersymmetric field theories exhibiting two very interesting phenomena.
The far UV dynamics is controlled by a cascade of Seiberg dualities analogous to the
Klebanov-Strassler backgrounds. At intermediate scales a cascade of Higgsing appears, in the
sense that the gauge group undergoes a sequence of spontaneous symmetry breaking steps
which reduces its rank. Deep in the IR, the theory confines, and the gravity background has
a non-singular end of space. We explain in detail how to generate such solutions, discuss
some of the Physics associated with them and briefly comment on the possible applications.
Glueball Inflation and Gauge/Gravity Duality
We summarize our work on building glueball inflation models with the
methods of the gauge/gravity duality. We review the relevant five-dimensional consistent
truncation of type IIB supergravity. We consider solutions of this effective
theory, whose metric has the form of a dS4 foliation over a radial direction. By turning
on small (in an appropriate sense) time-dependent deformations around these
solutions, one can build models of glueball inflation. We discuss a particular deformed
solution, describing an ultra-slow roll inflationary regime.
Quantum Curves and Conformal Field Theory
To a given algebraic curve we assign an infinite family of quantum curves
(Schrödinger equations), which are in one-to-one correspondence with, and have the structure
of, Virasoro singular vectors. For a spectral curve of a matrix model we build such quantum
curves out of an appropriate representation of the Virasoro algebra, encoded in the structure
of the α/β-deformed matrix integral and its loop equation. We generalize this construction
to a large class of algebraic curves by means of a refined topological recursion. We also
specialize this construction to various specific matrix models with polynomial and logarithmic
potentials, and among other results, show that various ingredients familiar in the study of
conformal field theory (Ward identities, correlation functions and a representation of Virasoro
operators acting thereon, BPZ equations) arise upon specialization of our formalism to the
multi-Penner matrix model.
Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and the AdS/CFT Correspondence
In these lecture notes we first assemble the basic ingredients of supersymmetric gauge
theories (particularly N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory), supergravity, and superstring theory.
Brane solutions are surveyed. The geometry and symmetries of anti-de Sitter space are
discussed. The AdS/CFT correspondence of Maldacena and its application to correlation
functions in the the conformal phase of N=4 SYM are explained in considerable detail. A
pedagogical treatment of holographic RG flows is given including a review of the conformal
anomaly in four-dimensional quantum field theory and its calculation from five-dimensional
gravity. Problem sets and exercises await the reader.
Statistical Inference and String Theory
In this note we expose some surprising connections between string theory and statistical
inference. We consider a large collective of agents sweeping out a family of nearby statistical
models for an M-dimensional manifold of statistical fitting parameters. When the agents
making nearby inferences align along a d-dimensional grid, we find that the pooled probability
that the collective reaches a correct inference is the partition function of a non-linear
sigma model in d dimensions. Stability under perturbations to the original inference scheme
requires the agents of the collective to distribute along two dimensions. Conformal invariance
of the sigma model corresponds to the condition of a stable inference scheme, directly
leading to the Einstein field equations for classical gravity. By summing over all possible
arrangements of the agents in the collective, we reach a string theory. We also use this perspective
to quantify how much an observer can hope to learn about the internal geometry
of a superstring compactification. Finally, we present some brief speculative remarks on
applications to the AdS/CFT correspondence and Lorentzian signature spacetimes.
Strings 2017 Conference: Lectures and Videos
Bosonic D=11 Supergravity from a Generalized Chern-Simons Action
It is shown that the action of the bosonic sector of D = 11 supergravity
may be obtained by means of a suitable scaling of the
originally dimensionless fields of a generalized Chern-Simons action.
This follows from the eleven-form CS-potential of the most general
linear combination of closed, gauge invariant twelve-forms involving
the sp(32)-valued two-form curvatures supplemented by a three-form
field. In this construction, the role of the skewsymmetric four-index
auxiliary function needed for the first order formulation of D = 11 supergravity
is played by the gauge field associated with the five Lorentz
indices generator of the bosonic sp(32) subalgebra of osp(1|32).
Geometrodynamics: The Nonlinear Dynamics of Curved Spacetime
We review discoveries in the nonlinear dynamics of curved spacetime, largely made possible by
numerical solutions of Einstein’s equations. We discuss critical phenomena and self-similarity in
gravitational collapse, the behavior of spacetime curvature near singularities, the instability of black
strings in 5 spacetime dimensions, and the collision of four-dimensional black holes. We also discuss
the prospects for further discoveries in geometrodynamics via observation of gravitational waves.
Supersymmetric Pati-Salam Models from Intersecting D6-branes: A Road to the Standard Model
We provide a systematic construction of three-family
N = 1 supersymmetric Pati-Salam models from Type IIA orientifolds on T6/(Z2×Z2) with intersecting D6-branes. All the gauge symmetry
factors SU(4) C×SU(2) L×SU(2) R arise from the stacks of D6-branes with U(n) gauge symmetries,
while the “hidden sector” is specified by USp(n) branes, parallel with the orientifold planes or
their Z2 images. The Pati-Salam gauge symmetry can be broken down to the SU(3) C× SU(2) L×U(1) B − L×U(1) I3R
via D6-brane splittings, and further down to the Standard Model via D- and F-flatness preserving Higgs mechanism from massless open string states in a N = 2 subsector. The models also possess at least two confining hidden gauge sectors, where gaugino condensation can
in turn trigger supersymmetry breaking and (some) moduli stabilization. The systematic search
yields 11 inequivalent models: 8 models with less than 9 Standard model Higgs doublet-pairs and
1 model with only 2 Standard Model Higgs doublet-pairs, 2 models possess at the string scale the
gauge coupling unification of SU(2) L and SU(2) R, and all the models possess additional exotic
matters. We also make preliminary comments on phenomenological implications of these models.
Quantum gravity in timeless configuration space
On the path towards quantum gravity we find friction between temporal relations in quantum mechanics
(QM) (where they are fixed and field-independent), and in general relativity (where they are field-dependent
and dynamic). This paper aims to attenuate that friction, by encoding gravity in the timeless configuration
space of spatial fields with dynamics given by a path integral. The framework demands that boundary conditions
for this path integral be uniquely given, but unlike other approaches where they are prescribed — such
as the no-boundary and the tunneling proposals — here I postulate basic principles to identify boundary conditions
in a large class of theories. Uniqueness arises only if a reduced configuration space can be defined
and if it has a profoundly asymmetric fundamental structure. These requirements place strong restrictions
on the field and symmetry content of theories encompassed here; shape dynamics is one such theory. When
these constraints are met, any emerging theory will have a Born rule given merely by a particular volume
element built from the path integral in (reduced) configuration space. Also as in other boundary proposals,
Time, including space-time, emerges as an effective concept; valid for certain curves in configuration space
but not assumed from the start. When some such notion of time becomes available, conservation of (positive)
probability currents ensues. I show that, in the appropriate limits, a Schroedinger equation dictates the
evolution of weakly coupled source fields on a classical gravitational background. Due to the asymmetry
of reduced configuration space, these probabilities and currents avoid a known difficulty of standard WKB
approximations for Wheeler DeWitt in minisuperspace: the selection of a unique Hamilton-Jacobi solution to
serve as background. I illustrate these constructions with a simple example of a full quantum gravitational
theory (i.e. not in minisuperspace) for which the formalism is applicable, and give a formula for calculating
gravitational semi-classical relative probabilities in it.
Suppressed SUSY for the SU(5) Grand Unified Supergravity Theory
This paper starts with the most basic SU(5) Grand Unified Theory, coupled to Supergravity. Then it
builds a new theory, incorporating the ideas of Suppressed SUSY. Suppressed SUSY is an alternative to
the spontaneous breaking of SUSY. It does not need an invisible sector or explicit soft breaking of SUSY.
It varies the content of the supermultiplets while keeping the restrictive nature of SUSY. For the simple
model and sector constructed here, Suppressed SUSY has only three dimensionless parameters, plus the
Planck mass. At tree level, this predicts a set of 8 different new masses, along with a cosmological constant
that is naturally zero. The X and Y vector bosons get Planck scale masses 2√
10g5MP. The five scalar multiplets that accompany the Higgs, and the Gravitino, all get colossally huge ‘SuperPlanck’ scale masses
of order MSP ≈ 1017MP from a see-saw mechanism that arises from the theory. This new mass spectrum,
the well-known SU(5) weak angle problem, and the cosmological constant value, should serve as guides for
further modifications for the new Action.
Beyond the Cosmological Standard Model
After a decade and a half of research motivated by the accelerating universe, theory and experiment
have a reached a certain level of maturity. The development of theoretical models beyond
Λ or smooth dark energy, often called modified gravity, has led to broader insights into a path
forward, and a host of observational and experimental tests have been developed. In this review
we present the current state of the field and describe a framework for anticipating developments
in the next decade. We identify the guiding principles for rigorous and consistent modifications
of the standard model, and discuss the prospects for empirical tests.
We begin by reviewing recent attempts to consistently modify Einstein gravity in the infrared,
focusing on the notion that additional degrees of freedom introduced by the modification
must “screen” themselves from local tests of gravity. We categorize screening mechanisms into
three broad classes: mechanisms which become active in regions of high Newtonian potential,
those in which first derivatives of the field become important, and those for which second derivatives
of the field are important. Examples of the first class, such as f(R) gravity, employ the
familiar chameleon or symmetron mechanisms, whereas examples of the last class are galileon
and massive gravity theories, employing the Vainshtein mechanism. In each case, we describe
the theories as effective theories and discuss prospects for completion in a more fundamental
theory. We describe experimental tests of each class of theories, summarizing laboratory and
solar system tests and describing in some detail astrophysical and cosmological tests. Finally,
we discuss prospects for future tests which will be sensitive to different signatures of new physics
in the gravitational sector.
The review is structured so that those parts that are more relevant to theorists vs. observers/experimentalists
are clearly indicated, in the hope that this will serve as a useful reference
for both audiences, as well as helping those interested in bridging the gap between them.
Computational complexity of the string-landscape/multiverse II – Cosmological considerations
We propose a new approach for multiverse analysis based on computational
complexity, which leads to a new family of “computational” measure factors. By
defining a cosmology as a space-time containing a vacuum with specified properties (for
example small cosmological constant) together with rules for how time evolution will
produce the vacuum, we can associate global time in a multiverse with clock time on a
supercomputer which simulates it. We argue for a principle of “limited computational
complexity” governing early universe dynamics as simulated by this supercomputer,
which translates to a global measure for regulating the infinities of eternal inflation.
The rules for time evolution can be thought of as a search algorithm, whose details
should be constrained by a stronger principle of “minimal computational complexity.”
Unlike previously studied global measures, ours avoids standard equilibrium considerations
and the well-known problems of Boltzmann Brains and the youngness paradox.
We also give various definitions of the computational complexity of a cosmology, and
argue that there are only a few natural complexity classes.
Taking up superspace—what would it take to be a realist about superspace?
Supersymmetry is a crucial part of the string theoretic framework for a theory of
quantum gravity. Supersymmetric theories (including those outside the context of
string theory) present an interesting interpretative challenge. As a result of consistency
conditions on the algebra of the supersymmetry (SUSY) generators, one is led to the
idea that SUSY, although traditionally defined as a dynamical symmetry between
bosons and fermions, could also be thought of as a spacetime symmetry in some
extended spacetime, known as superspace. This paper focuses on what it would take
to argue for an interpretation that favours the superspace formulation. I introduce
a toy model of a supersymmetric field theory and argue for a special case of a more
general thesis—that one needs some pre-existing philosophical commitment to favour
one mathematical formulation over another. I then consider some extant positions
from the literature on the philosophy of spacetime as candidates for such a position in
the context of supersymmetric theories.
Liouville Action as Path-Integral Complexity: From Continuous Tensor Networks to AdS/CFT
Abstract: We propose an optimization procedure for Euclidean path-integrals that
evaluate CFT wave functionals in arbitrary dimensions. The optimization is performed
by minimizing certain functional, which can be interpreted as a measure of
computational complexity, with respect to background metrics for the path-integrals.
In two dimensional CFTs, this functional is given by the Liouville action. We also
formulate the optimization for higher dimensional CFTs and, in various examples,
find that the optimized hyperbolic metrics coincide with the time slices of expected
gravity duals. Moreover, if we optimize a reduced density matrix, the geometry becomes
two copies of the entanglement wedge and reproduces the holographic entanglement
entropy. Our approach resembles a continuous tensor network renormalization
and provides a concrete realization of the proposed interpretation of AdS/CFT
as tensor networks. The present paper is an extended version of our earlier report
arXiv:1703.00456 and includes many new results such as evaluations of complexity
functionals, energy stress tensor, higher dimensional extensions and time evolutions
of thermofield double states.
D–Branes and T–Duality
Recent developments in string theory have shown that p–brane solutions
and duality symmetries play an important role in understanding the nonperturbative
behaviour of the theory. An important example of a duality
symmetry is the T–duality [1] which states that a string compactified on a
torus with radius R is equivalent to a string compactified on a torus with
radius α
′/R where α
is the inverse string tension.
It turns out that the p–brane solutions whose charge are carried by a RR
(Ramond/Ramond) gauge field of the type II supergravity theories have a
natural place within open string theory as D–branes [2]. The relation is
established via the requirement that the endpoints of the open string are
constrained to live on the p+ 1–dimensional worldvolume of the Dirichlet p–
brane. Such a (ten–dimensional) open string state is described by Dirichlet
boundary conditions for the 9−p transverse directions and Neumann boundary
conditions for the p + 1 worldvolume directions. Since under T–duality
Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are interchanged it follows that
all Dirichlet p–branes (p = 0, · · · , 9) are T-dual versions of each other. A
discussion of how this T–duality between D–branes arises in string theory
can be found in the recent review article [3].
Since all D–branes are T–dual to each other it is natural to expect that
this T–duality is also realized on the underlying p–brane solutions of the
IIA/IIB supergravity theories. Furthermore, the T–duality should also be
realized on the Dirichlet p–brane actions which act as source terms of the
p–brane solutions. It is the purpose of this letter to give the details of this
T–duality between Dirichlet p–brane solutions and their source terms and
to point out a few subtleties that occur in establishing T–duality.
Timelike duality, M′-theory and an exotic form of the Englert solution
Through timelike dualities, one can generate exotic versions of M-theory with different
spacetime signatures. These are the M∗
-theory with signature (9, 2, −), the M′
with signature (6, 5, +) and the theories with reversed signatures (1, 10, −), (2, 9, +) and
(5, 6, −). In (s, t, ±), s is the number of space directions, t the number of time directions,
and ± refers to the sign of the kinetic term of the 3 form.
The only irreducible pseudo-riemannian manifolds admitting absolute parallelism are,
besides Lie groups, the seven-sphere S
7 ≡ SO(8)/SO(7) and its pseudo-riemannian version
3,4 ≡ SO(4, 4)/SO(3, 4). [There is also the complexification SO(8, C)/SO(7, C),
but it is of dimension too high for our considerations.] The seven-sphere S
7 ≡ S
has been found to play an important role in 11-dimensional supergravity, both through
the Freund-Rubin solution and the Englert solution that uses its remarkable parallelizability
to turn on non trivial internal fluxes. The spacetime manifold is in both cases
AdS4 ×S
. We show that S
enjoys a similar role in M′
-theory and construct the exotic
form AdS4 × S
3,4 of the Englert solution, with non zero internal fluxes turned on. There
is no analogous solution in M∗