Cohomologies of coherent sheaves and massless spectra in F-theory
Outline In chapter 2 we start our journey with a revision of foundational material. As we
aim at building F-theory GUT-models, it seems appropriate to start with a revision of the
standard model of particle physics and grand unified theories in section 2.1. Subsequently, we
turn to string theory in section 2.2 and finally F-theory in section 2.3. In particular, we will
explain how Deligne cohomology can be used to model the gauge backgrounds in F-theory
compactifications. We complete this chapter by reviewing zero mode counting in type IIB
orientifold compactifications. As we explain in section 2.4, these zero modes are counted by
sheaf cohomologies of line bundles located at D-brane intersections. Therefore, this section
contains a revision of basic material on sheaves and their sheaf cohomologies. To illustrate
these formal terms, we exemplify these notions for line bundles on compact, connected Riemann
surfaces. We pointed out in [73] that Chow groups can describe a subset of Deligne cohomology and
that they lend themselves nicely to explicit computations. The Chow group is formed from
equivalence classes of algebraic cycles – two algebraic cycles are equivalent if their difference can
be understood as the divisor of a rational function. In this sense Chow groups classify algebraic
cycles up to rational equivalence. This definition manifestly involves rational functions, which
are defined on varieties only. So in order to apply Chow groups as parametrisation of a subset
of Deligne cohomology, we have to break with analytic geometry. Therefore, we explain varieties
and their Chow group in detail in section 3.1. Subsequently, we argue in section 3.4 that the zero modes in F-theory vacua are counted by sheaf cohomologies of line bundles LR on the
so-called matter curves CR. In phenomenological applications one wishes to compute these quantities for large numbers of
explicit examples. Consequently, we set out to design computer algorithms which compute the
required sheaf cohomologies. To this end, we can only allow for special geometries and will, in
this thesis, focus on toric varieties. The required tools are introduced in section 3.5. Subsequently,
we study a class of toric F-theory compactifications, in section 3.6. These geometries are derived
from a so-called SU(5) × U(1)X-top, which was originally introduced in [74] and has been
analysed with more refined techniques in appendix A.1. 2 In section 3.6 we derive the line bundles LR for this entire class of F-theory compactifications.
To actually compute the sheaf cohomologies of these line bundles, we need more refined techniques.
These we introduce in chapter 4. As we explain in section 3.5.1, on affine varieties coherent
sheaves can be modelled by modules over the coordinate ring of the variety.3 For toric varieties
there exists a similar construction – here finitely presented (f.p.) and graded modules over
the coordinate ring give rise to coherent sheaves. We detail these modules in section 4.1 and
section 4.2. Subsequently, we explain in section 4.3 how they encode a coherent sheaf. Finally,
we apply this knowledge in section 4.4 to study an F-theory toy model. The technical steps
which allow us to relate the defining data of an f.p. graded module to the sheaf cohomologies of
the associated sheaf are based on theorem B.3.1, which is derived in appendix B. The subsequent
chapter 5 studies far more realistic F-theory GUT models than the toy model discussed in
section 4.4. While putting the finishing touches to [75], we realised that Chow groups can also help to
deepen our understanding of local anomalies in F-theory. We complete this thesis by explaining
this interplay in chapter 6.
Higher T-duality of super M-branes
We establish a higher generalization of super L∞-algebraic T-duality of super WZW-terms for super pbranes. In particular, we demonstrate spherical T-duality of super M5-branes propagating on exceptional geometric 11d super spacetime. "It is noteworthy that this is a derivation of M-theoretic structure from first principles, not involving any extrapolation from perturbative string theory nor any conjectures or informal analogies from other sources."
Fluxes and Warping for Gauge Couplings in F-theory
We compute flux-dependent corrections in the four-dimensional F-theory effective action using
the M-theory dual description. In M-theory the 7-brane fluxes are encoded by four-form flux and
modify the background geometry and Kaluza-Klein reduction ansatz. In particular, the flux sources
a warp factor which also depends on the torus directions of the compactification fourfold. This
dependence is crucial in the derivation of the four-dimensional action, although the torus fiber is
auxiliary in F-theory. In M-theory the 7-branes are described by an infinite array of Taub-NUT
spaces. We use the explicit metric on this geometry to derive the locally corrected warp factor
and M-theory three-from as closed expressions. We focus on contributions to the 7-brane gauge
coupling function from this M-theory back-reaction and show that terms quadratic in the internal
seven-brane flux are induced. The real part of the gauge coupling function is modified by the
M-theory warp factor while the imaginary part is corrected due to a modified M-theory three-form
potential. The obtained contributions match the known weak string coupling result, but also yield
additional terms suppressed at weak coupling. This shows that the completion of the M-theory
reduction opens the way to compute various corrections in a genuine F-theory setting away from
the weak string coupling limit.
Structure in 6D and 4D N = 1 supergravity theories from F-theory
Abstract: We explore some aspects of 4D supergravity theories and F-theory vacua that
are parallel to structures in the space of 6D theories. The spectrum and topological terms
in 4D supergravity theories correspond to topological data of F-theory geometry, just as
in six dimensions. In particular, topological axion-curvature squared couplings appear in
4D theories; these couplings are characterized by vectors in the dual to the lattice of axion
shift symmetries associated with string charges. These terms are analogous to the GreenSchwarz
terms of 6D supergravity theories, though in 4D the terms are not generally linked
with anomalies. We outline the correspondence between F-theory topology and data of the
corresponding 4D supergravity theories. The correspondence of geometry with structure in
the low-energy action illuminates topological aspects of heterotic-F-theory duality in 4D as
well as in 6D. The existence of an F-theory realization also places geometrical constraints
on the 4D supergravity theory in the large-volume limit.
Wavefunctions and the Point of E8 in F-theory
In F-theory GUTs interactions between fields are typically localised at points of enhanced symmetry
in the internal dimensions implying that the coefficient of the associated operator can be
studied using a local wavefunctions overlap calculation. Some F-theory SU(5) GUT theories
may exhibit a maximum symmetry enhancement at a point to E8, and in this case all the operators
of the theory can be associated to the same point. We take initial steps towards the study
of operators in such theories. We calculate wavefunctions and their overlaps around a general
point of enhancement and establish constraints on the local form of the fluxes. We then apply
the general results to a simple model at a point of E8 enhancement and calculate some example
operators such as Yukawa couplings and dimension-five couplings that can lead to proton decay.
Massive wavefunctions, proton decay and FCNCs in local F-theory GUTs
We study the coupling of MSSM fields to heavy modes through cubic superpotential interactions
in F-theory SU(5) GUTs. The couplings are calculated by integrating the overlap of two
massless and one massive wavefunctions. The overlap integral receives contributions from only
a small patch around a point of symmetry enhancement thereby allowing the wavefunctions to
be determined locally on flat space, drastically simplifying the calculation. The cubic coupling
between two MSSM fields and one of the massive coloured Higgs triplets present in SU(5) GUTs
is calculated using a local eight-dimensional SO(12) gauge theory. We find that for the most
natural regions of local parameter space the coupling to the triplet is comparable to or stronger
than in minimal four-dimensional GUTs thereby, for those regions, reaffirming or strengthening
constraints from dimension-five proton decay. We also identify possible regions in local parameter
space where the couplings to the lightest generations are substantially suppressed compared
to minimal four-dimensional GUTs. We further apply our results and techniques to study other
phenomenologically important operators arising from coupling to heavy modes. In particular
we calculate within a toy model flavour non-universal soft masses induced by integrating out
heavy modes which lead to FCNCs.
F-theory fluxes, Chirality and Chern-Simons theories
Abstract: We study the charged chiral matter spectrum of four-dimensional F-theory
compactifications on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds by using the dual M-theory
description. A chiral spectrum can be induced by M-theory four-form flux on the fully
resolved Calabi-Yau fourfold. In M-theory this flux yields three-dimensional Chern-Simons
couplings in the Coulomb branch of the gauge theory. In the F-theory compactification
on an additional circle these couplings are only generated by one-loop corrections with
charged fermions running in the loop. This identification allows us to infer the net number
of chiral matter fields of the four-dimensional effective theory. The chirality formulas can
be evaluated by using the intersection numbers and the cones of effective curves of the
resolved fourfolds. We argue that a study of the effective curves also allows to follow the
resolution process at each co-dimension. To write simple chirality formulas we suggest to
use the effective curves involved in the resolution process to determine the matter surfaces
and to connect with the group theory at co-dimension two in the base. We exemplify our
methods on examples with SU(5) and SU(5) × U(1) gauge group.
F-Theory and the Landscape of Intersecting D7-Branes
In this work, the moduli of D7-branes in type IIB orientifold compactifi-
cations and their stabilization by fluxes is studied from the perspective of
F-theory. In F-theory, the moduli of the D7-branes and the moduli of the
orientifold are unified in the moduli space of an elliptic Calabi-Yau manifold.
This makes it possible to study the flux stabilization of D7-branes in an elegant
manner. To answer phenomenological questions, one has to translate
the deformations of the elliptic Calabi-Yau manifold of F-theory back to the
positions and the shape of the D7-branes. We address this problem by constructing
the homology cycles that are relevant for the deformations of the
elliptic Calabi-Yau manifold. We show the viability of our approach for the
case of elliptic two- and three-folds. Furthermore, we discuss consistency conditions
related to the intersections between D7-branes and orientifold planes
which are automatically fulfilled in F-theory. Finally, we use our results to
study the flux stabilization of D7-branes on the orientifold K3×T2/Z2 using
F-theory on K3 × K3. In this context, we derive conditions on the fluxes
to stabilize a given configuration of D7-branes. This thesis furthermore contains
an introduction to F-theory and a brief review of some mathematical
F-Theory on all Toric Hypersurface Fibrations and its Higgs Branches
We consider F-theory compactifications on genus-one fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds with
their fibers realized as hypersurfaces in the toric varieties associated to the 16 reflexive 2D
polyhedra. We present a base-independent analysis of the codimension one, two and three
singularities of these fibrations. We use these geometric results to determine the gauge groups,
matter representations, 6D matter multiplicities and 4D Yukawa couplings of the corresponding
effective theories. All these theories have a non-trivial gauge group and matter content. We
explore the network of Higgsings relating these theories. Such Higgsings geometrically correspond
to extremal transitions induced by blow-ups in the 2D toric varieties. We recover the
6D effective theories of all 16 toric hypersurface fibrations by repeatedly Higgsing the theories
that exhibit Mordell-Weil torsion. We find that the three Calabi-Yau manifolds without section,
whose fibers are given by the toric hypersurfaces in P2, P1 × P1 and the recently studied P2
(1, 1, 2), yield F-theory realizations of SUGRA theories with discrete gauge groups Z3, Z2
and Z4. This opens up a whole new arena for model building with discrete global symmetries
in F-theory. In these three manifolds, we also find codimension two I2-fibers supporting matter
charged only under these discrete gauge groups. Their 6D matter multiplicities are computed
employing ideal techniques and the associated Jacobian fibrations. We also show that the
Jacobian of the biquadric fibration has one rational section, yielding one U(1)-gauge field in
F-theory. Furthermore, the elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifold based on dP1 has a U(1)-
gauge field induced by a non-toric rational section. In this model, we find the first F-theory
realization of matter with U(1)-charge q = 3.
Chiral Four-Dimensional F-Theory Compactifications With SU(5) and Multiple U(1)-Factors
We develop geometric techniques to determine the spectrum and the chiral indices of
matter multiplets for four-dimensional F-theory compactifications on elliptic Calabi-Yau
fourfolds with rank two Mordell-Weil group. The general elliptic fiber is the Calabi-Yau
onefold in dP2. We classify its resolved elliptic fibrations over a general base B. The
study of singularities of these fibrations leads to explicit matter representations, that we
determine both for U(1)×U(1) and SU(5)×U(1) × U(1) constructions. We determine for
the first time certain matter curves and surfaces using techniques involving prime ideals.
The vertical cohomology ring of these fourfolds is calculated for both cases and general
formulas for the Euler numbers are derived. Explicit calculations are presented for a
specific base B = P3. We determine the general G4-flux that belongs to H (2,2)/V of the
resolved Calabi-Yau fourfolds. As a by-product, we derive for the first time all conditions
on G4-flux in general F-theory compactifications with a non-holomorphic zero section.
These conditions have to be formulated after a circle reduction in terms of Chern-Simons
terms on the 3D Coulomb branch and invoke M-theory/F-theory duality. New ChernSimons
terms are generated by Kaluza-Klein states of the circle compactification. We
explicitly perform the relevant field theory computations, that yield non-vanishing results
precisely for fourfolds with a non-holomorphic zero section. Taking into account the new
Chern-Simons terms, all 4D matter chiralities are determined via 3D M-theory/F-theory
duality. We independently check these chiralities using the subset of matter surfaces we
determined. The presented techniques are general and do not rely on toric data.
Higgs Bundles and UV Completion in F-Theory
F-theory admits 7-branes with exceptional gauge symmetries, which can be compactified
to give phenomenological four-dimensional GUT models. Here we study general
supersymmetric compactifications of eight-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. They are
mathematically described by meromorphic Higgs bundles, and therefore admit a spectral
cover description. This allows us to give a rigorous and intrinsic construction of local
models in F-theory. We use our results to prove a no-go theorem showing that local
SU(5) models with three generations do not exist for generic moduli. However we show
that three-generation models do exist on the Noether-Lefschetz locus. We explain how
F-theory models can be mapped to non-perturbative orientifold models using a scaling
limit proposed by Sen. Further we address the construction of global models that do
not have heterotic duals. We show how one may obtain a contractible worldvolume with
a two-cycle not inherited from the bulk, a necessary condition for implementing GUT
breaking using fluxes. We also show that the complex structure moduli in global models
can be arranged so that no dimension four or five proton decay can be generated.
The N = 1 effective action of F-theory compactifications
The four-dimensional N = 1 effective action of F-theory compactified on a CalabiYau
fourfold is studied by lifting a three-dimensional M-theory compactification. The
lift is performed by using T-duality realized via a Legendre transform on the level of the
effective action, and the application of vector-scalar duality in three dimensions. The
leading order K¨ahler potential and gauge-kinetic coupling functions are determined. In
these compactifications two sources of gauge theories are present. Space-time filling nonAbelian
seven-branes arise at the singularities of the elliptic fibration of the fourfold.
Their couplings are included by resolving the singular fourfold. Generically a U(1)r
gauge theory arises from the R-R bulk sector if the base of the elliptically fibered CalabiYau
fourfold supports 2r harmonic three-forms. The gauge coupling functions depend
holomorphically on the complex structure moduli of the fourfold, comprising closed and
open string degrees of freedom. The four-dimensional electro-magnetic duality is studied
in the three-dimensional effective theory obtained after M-theory compactification. A
discussion of matter couplings transforming in the adjoint of the seven-brane gauge group
is included.
Exciting Implications for String/M-Theory from LHC Higgs Boson Data
Abstract: naively, the LHC Higgs boson looks like a Standard Model Higgs boson,
with no guidance to physics beyond the Standard Model, as has
often been remarked. The data show that what was discovered is the
true Higgs boson. If one includes the full information available, experimental
and theoretical, there are actually four significant clues implied
by data. They point toward a supersymmetric two-doublet decoupling
theory, and a hierarchy problem solution via TeV scale supersymmetry.
That in turn suggests an underlying compactified string/M theory with a
de Sitter vacuum, so we can be confident that the low scale model has an
ultraviolet completion.
De Sitter Space in Supergravity and M Theory
Two ways in which de Sitter space can arise in supergravity theories are discussed.
In the first, it arises as a solution of a conventional supergravity, in which
case it necessarily has no Killing spinors. For example, de Sitter space can arise
as a solution of N = 8 gauged supergravities in four or five dimensions. These lift
to solutions of 11-dimensional supergravity or D = 10 IIB supergravity which are
warped products of de Sitter space and non-compact spaces of negative curvature.
In the second way, de Sitter space can arise as a supersymmetric solution of an unconventional
supergravity theory, which typically has some kinetic terms with the
‘wrong’ sign; such solutions are invariant under a de Sitter supergroup. Such solutions
lift to supersymmetric solutions of unconventional supergravities in D = 10 or
D = 11, which nonetheless arise as field theory limits of theories that can be
obtained from M-theory by timelike T-dualities and related dualities. Brane solutions
interpolate between these solutions and flat space and lead to a holographic
duality between theories in de Sitter vacua and Euclidean conformal field theories.
Previous results are reviewed and generalised, and discussion is included of KaluzaKlein
theory with non-compact internal spaces, brane and cosmological solutions,
and holography on de Sitter spaces and product spaces.
Flux Compactifications of M-Theory on Twisted Tori
We find the bosonic sector of the gauged supergravities that are obtained from 11-
dimensional supergravity by Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction with flux to any
dimension D. We show that, if certain obstructions are absent, the Scherk-Schwarz
ansatz for a finite set of D-dimensional fields can be extended to a full compactification
of M-theory, including an infinite tower of Kaluza-Klein fields. The internal space is obtained
from a group manifold (which may be non-compact) by a discrete identification.
We discuss the symmetry algebra and the symmetry breaking patterns and illustrate
these with particular examples. We discuss the action of U-duality on these theories
in terms of symmetries of the D-dimensional supergravity, and argue that in general it
will take geometric flux compactifications to M-theory on non-geometric backgrounds,
such as U-folds with U-duality transition functions.
M theory and Singularities of Exceptional Holonomy Manifolds
M theory compactifications on G2 holonomy manifolds, whilst supersymmetric,
require singularities in order to obtain non-Abelian gauge groups, chiral
fermions and other properties necessary for a realistic model of particle physics.
We review recent progress in understanding the physics of such singularities.
Our main aim is to describe the techniques which have been used to develop
our understanding of M theory physics near these singularities. In parallel, we
also describe similar sorts of singularities in Spin(7) holonomy manifolds which
correspond to the properties of three dimensional field theories. As an application,
we review how various aspects of strongly coupled gauge theories, such as
confinement, mass gap and non-perturbative phase transitions may be given a
simple explanation in M theory.
Effective action from M-theory on twisted connected sum G2-manifolds
We study the four-dimensional low-energy effective N = 1 supergravity theory
of the dimensional reduction of M-theory on G2-manifolds, which are constructed by
Kovalev’s twisted connected sum gluing suitable pairs of asymptotically cylindrical
Calabi–Yau threefolds XL/R augmented with a circle S1. In the Kovalev limit the
Ricci-flat G2-metrics are approximated by the Ricci-flat metrics on XL/R and we
identify the universal modulus — the Kovalevton — that parametrizes this limit. We
observe that the low-energy effective theory exhibits in this limit gauge theory sectors
with extended supersymmetry. We determine the universal (semi-classical) K¨ahler
potential of the effective N = 1 supergravity action as a function of the Kovalevton
and the volume modulus of the G2-manifold. This K¨ahler potential fulfills the noscale
inequality such that no anti-de-Sitter vacua are admitted. We describe geometric
degenerations in XL/R, which lead to non-Abelian gauge symmetries enhancements
with various matter content. Studying the resulting gauge theory branches, we argue
that they lead to transitions compatible with the gluing construction and provide
many new explicit examples of G2-manifolds.
M-Theory from the Superpoint
The “brane scan” classifies consistent Green–Schwarz strings and membranes in terms of
the invariant cocycles on super-Minkowski spacetimes. The “brane bouquet” generalizes this by
consecutively forming the invariant higher central extensions induced by these cocycles, which
yields the complete brane content of string/M-theory, including the D-branes and the M5-
brane, as well as the various duality relations between these. This raises the question whether
the super-Minkowski spacetimes themselves arise as maximal invariant central extensions. Here
we prove that they do. Starting from the simplest possible super-Minkowski spacetime, the
superpoint, which has no Lorentz structure and no spinorial structure, we give a systematic
process of consecutive maximal invariant central extensions, and show that it discovers the superMinkowski
spacetimes that contain superstrings, culminating in the 10- and 11-dimensional
super-Minkowski spacetimes of string/M-theory and leading directly to the brane bouquet.
Exceptional M-brane sigma models and η-symbols
We develop the M-brane actions proposed in arXiv:1607.04265 by using η-symbols
determined in arXiv:1708.06342. Introducing η-forms that is defined with the η-symbols,
we present U-duality covariant M-brane actions which describe the known brane worldvolume
theories for Mp-branes with p = 0, 2, 5. We show that the self-duality relation
known in the double sigma model is naturally generalized to M-branes. In particular,
for an M5-brane, the self-duality relation is nontrivially realized, where the Hodge star
operator is defined with the familiar M5-brane metric while the η-form contains the
self-dual 3-form field strength. The action for a Kaluza-Klein monopole is also partially
reproduced. Moreover, we explain how to treat type IIB branes in our general formalism.
As a demonstration, we reproduce the known action for a (p, q)-string.
M-theory Beyond The Supergravity Approximation
We analyze the four-point function of stress-tensor multiplets for the 6d quantum
field theory with OSp(8∗|4) symmetry which is conjectured to be dual to M-theory
on AdS7 × S4, and deduce the leading correction to the tree-level supergravity prediction
by obtaining a solution of the crossing equations in the large-N limit with
the superconformal partial wave expansion truncated to operators with zero spin.
This correction corresponds to the M-theoretic analogue of α^03 corrections in string theory. We also find solutions corresponding to higher-spin truncations, but they
are subleading compared to the 1-loop supergravity prediction, which has yet to be
A Fundamental Advance in Understanding M-Theory: an M5-Brane Model
We present an action for a six-dimensional superconformal field theory containing
a non-abelian tensor multiplet. All of the ingredients of this action have
been available in the literature. We bring these pieces together by choosing
the string Lie 2-algebra as a gauge structure, which we motivated in previous
work. The kinematical data contains a connection on a categorified principal
bundle, which is the appropriate mathematical description of the parallel transport
of self-dual strings. Our action can be written down for each of the simply
laced Dynkin diagrams, and each case reduces to a four-dimensional supersymmetric
Yang–Mills theory with corresponding gauge Lie algebra. Our action
also reduces nicely to an M2-brane model which is a deformation of the ABJM
Evidence for M-theory based on fractal nearly tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing
Developing a theory that can describe everything in the universe is of great interest, and is closely
relevant to M-theory, neutrino oscillation and charge-parity (CP) violation. Although M-theory
is claimed as a grand unified theory, it has not been tested by any direct experiment. Here we
show that existing neutrino oscillation experimental data supports one kind of high dimensional
unified theory, such as M-theory. We propose a generalization of the tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing
ansatz, and we find that the latest neutrino oscillation experimental data constraints dimension in
a range between 10.46 and 12.93 containing 11, which is an important prediction of M-theory. This
ansatz naturally incorporates the fractal feature of the universe and leptonic CP violation into the
resultant scenario of fractal nearly tri-bimaximal flavor mixing. We also analyze the consequences of
this new ansatze on the latest experimental data of neutrino oscillations, and this theory matches the
experimental data. Furthermore, an approach to construct lepton mass matrices in fractal universe
under permutation symmetry is discussed. The proposed theory opens an unexpected window on
the physics beyond the Standard Model.
GUT Precursors and Entwined SUSY: The Phenomenology of Stable Non-Supersymmetric Strings
Recent work has established a method of constructing non-supersymmetric string models that are
stable, with near-vanishing one-loop dilaton tadpoles and cosmological constants. This opens up
the tantalizing possibility of realizing stable string models whose low-energy limits directly resemble
the Standard Model rather than one of its supersymmetric extensions. In this paper we consider the
general structure of such strings and find that they share two important phenomenological properties.
The first is a so-called “GUT-precursor” structure in which new GUT-like states appear with masses
that can be many orders of magnitude lighter than the scale of gauge coupling unification. These
states allow a parametrically large compactification volume, even in weakly coupled heterotic strings,
and in certain regions of parameter space can give rise to dramatic collider signatures which serve
as “smoking guns” for this overall string framework. The second is a residual “entwined-SUSY” (or
e-SUSY) structure for the matter multiplets in which different multiplet components carry different
horizontal U(1) charges. As a concrete example and existence proof of these features, we present a
heterotic string model that contains the fundamental building blocks of the Standard Model such
as the Standard-Model gauge group, complete chiral generations, and Higgs fields — all without
supersymmetry. Even though massless gravitinos and gauginos are absent from the spectrum, we
confirm that this model has an exponentially suppressed one-loop dilaton tadpole and displays
both the GUT-precursor and e-SUSY structures. We also discuss some general phenomenological
properties of e-SUSY, such as cancellations in radiative corrections to scalar masses, the possible
existence of a corresponding approximate moduli space, and the prevention of rapid proton decay.
Hidden supersymmetry and quadratic deformations of the space-time conformal superalgebra
We analyze the structure of the family of quadratic superalgebras, introduced in J Phys A
44(23):235205 (2011), for the quadratic deformations of N = 1 space-time conformal supersymmetry.
We characterize in particular the ‘zero-step’ modules for this case. In such modules,
the odd generators vanish identically, and the quadratic superalgebra is realized on a single
irreducible representation of the even subalgebra (which is a Lie algebra). In the case under
study, the quadratic deformations of N = 1 space-time conformal supersymmetry, it is shown
that each massless positive energy unitary irreducible representation (in the standard classification
of Mack), forms such a zero-step module, for an appropriate parameter choice amongst the
quadratic family (with vanishing central charge). For these massless particle multiplets therefore,
quadratic supersymmetry is unbroken, in that the supersymmetry generators annihilate
all physical states (including the vacuum state), while at the same time, superpartners do not
Not only in physical string theories, but also in some highly simplified situations,
background independence has been difficult to understand. It is argued that
the “holomorphic anomaly” of Bershadsky, Cecotti, Ooguri, and Vafa gives a fundamental
explanation of some of the problems. Moreover, their anomaly equation
can be interpreted in terms of a rather peculiar quantum version of background
independence: in systems afflicted by the anomaly, background independence does
not hold order by order in perturbation theory, but the exact partition function as
a function of the coupling constants has a background independent interpretation
as a state in an auxiliary quantum Hilbert space. The significance of this auxiliary
space is otherwise unknown.
No, string theory does not need SUSY: Calabi-Yau compactifications of non-supersymmetric heterotic string theory
Phenomenological explorations of heterotic strings have conventionally focused primarily on the E8×E8
theory. We consider smooth compactifications of all three ten-dimensional heterotic theories to exhibit
the many similarities between the non-supersymmetric SO(16)×SO(16) theory and the related
supersymmetric E8×E8 and SO(32) theories. In particular, we exploit these similarities to determine
the bosonic and fermionic spectra of Calabi-Yau compactifications with line bundles of the nonsupersymmetric
string. We use elements of four-dimensional supersymmetric effective field theory to
characterize the non-supersymmetric action at leading order and determine the Green-Schwarz induced
axion-couplings. Using these methods we construct a non-supersymmetric Standard Model(SM)-like
theory. In addition, we show that it is possible to obtain SM-like models from the standard embedding
using at least an order four Wilson line. Finally, we make a proposal of the states that live on five
branes in the SO(16)×SO(16) theory and find under certain assumptions the surprising result that
anomaly factorization only admits at most a single brane solution.
Solving M-theory with the Conformal Bootstrap
We use the conformal bootstrap to perform a precision study of 3d maximally supersymmetric
(N = 8) SCFTs that describe the IR physics on N coincident M2-branes placed either
in flat space or at a C 4/Z2 singularity. First, using the explicit Lagrangians of ABJ(M) [1,2]
and recent supersymmetric localization results, we calculate certain half and quarter-BPS
OPE coefficients, both exactly at small N, and approximately in a large N expansion that we
perform to all orders in 1/N. Comparing these values with the numerical bootstrap bounds
leads us to conjecture that these theories obey an OPE coefficient minimization principle.
We then use this conjecture as well as the extremal functional method to reconstruct the first
few low-lying scaling dimensions and OPE coefficients for both protected and unprotected
multiplets that appear in the OPE of two stress tensor multiplets for all values of N. We
also calculate the half and quarter-BPS operator OPE coefficients in the SU(2)k × SU(2)−k
BLG theory for all values of the Chern-Simons coupling k, and show that generically they
do not obey the same OPE coefficient minimization principle.
Beauty is Attractive: String-Theory, D-Branes, and Moduli Trapping at Enhanced Symmetry Points
We study quantum effects on moduli dynamics arising from the production of particles
which are light at points of enhanced symmetry in moduli space. The resulting forces trap
the moduli at these points. Moduli trapping occurs in time-dependent quantum field
theory, as well as in systems of moving D-branes, where it leads the branes to combine into
stacks. Trapping also occurs in the presence of gravity, though the range over which the
moduli can roll is limited by Hubble friction. We observe that a scalar field trapped on a
steep potential can induce a stage of acceleration of the universe, which we call trapped
inflation. Moduli trapping ameliorates the cosmological moduli problem and may affect
vacuum selection. In particular, rolling moduli are most powerfully attracted to the points
of greatest symmetry. Given suitable assumptions about the dynamics of the very early
universe, this effect might help to explain why among the plethora of possible vacuum
states of string theory, we appear to live in one with a large number of (spontaneously
broken) symmetries.
The most comprehensive global fits to date of GUT-scale SUSY models with GAMBIT
We present the most comprehensive global fits to date of three supersymmetric models motivated by grand unification: the Constrained Minimal
Supersymmetric Standard Model (CMSSM), and its Non-Universal Higgs Mass generalisations NUHM1 and NUHM2. We include likelihoods from a number of direct
and indirect dark matter searches, a large collection of electroweak precision and flavour observables, direct searches for supersymmetry at LEP and Runs I and II of
the LHC, and constraints from Higgs observables. Our analysis improves on existing results not only in terms of the number of included observables, but also in the
level of detail with which we treat them, our sampling techniques for scanning the parameter space, and our treatment of nuisance parameters. We show that stau
co-annihilation is now ruled out in the CMSSM at more than 95% confidence. Stop co-annihilation turns out to be one of the most promising mechanisms for achieving
an appropriate relic density of dark matter in all three models, whilst avoiding all other constraints. We find high-likelihood regions of parameter space featuring
light stops and charginos, making them potentially detectable in the near future at the LHC. We also show that tonne-scale direct detection will play a largely complementary
role, probing large parts of the remaining viable parameter space, including essentially all models with multi-TeV neutralinos.
On an integrable deformation of Kapustin-Witten systems
In a celebrated work, Kapustin and Witten [1] described the geometric Langlands
program (GLP) in terms of a compactification on a Riemann surface of a certain twisted
version of the N = 4 superymmetric Yang-Mills theory (SYM) in four dimensions. In
such paper, the authors introduced a set of equations after imposing a BRST-like
preservation conditions on a twisted version of N = 4 SYM theory in four dimensions;
these equations are now known as the Kapustin-Witten (KW) equations and have been
the subject of an intensive work in the last decade in physics as well as in mathematics.
In particular, a relation of KW equations with knot theory is also described by Witten
in [2], where the author describes an approach to Khovanov homology using gauge
theory; in that context, the KW equations appear as a localization condition of the
N = 4 SYM theory in four dimensions (see [3] for a review on this topic). The KW
equations are also closed related to another set of equations, recently introduced by
Ward [4] and usually called the (2k)-Hitchin equations; it is important to mention that
these equations are a natural generalization of another set of equations introduced by
Hitchin [5] in a pionnering work in complex geometry; indeed, the article of Hitchin
is the origin of the notion of Higgs bundle in mathematics, a notion that plays an
important role in the physical interpretation of the GLP developed by Kapustin and
Witten. In this article we study an integrable deformation of the Kapustin-Witten
equations. Using the Weyl-Wigner-Moyal-Groenewold description an integrable
⋆-deformation of a Kapustin-Witten system is obtained. Starting from known
solutions of the original equations, some solutions to these deformed equations
are obtained.