On the Kähler-Yang-Mills-Higgs Equations
In this paper we introduce a set of equations on a principal bundle over a
compact complex manifold coupling a connection on the principal bundle, a section of an
associated bundle with K¨ahler fibre, and a K¨ahler structure on the base. These equations
are a generalization of the K¨ahler–Yang–Mills equations introduced by the authors. They
also generalize the constant scalar curvature for a K¨ahler metric studied by Donaldson
and others, as well as the Yang–Mills–Higgs equations studied by Mundet i Riera. We
provide a moment map interpretation of the equations, construct some first examples,
and study obstructions to the existence of solutions.
Tate’s algorithm and F-theory
The “Tate forms” for elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds are reconsidered in order to
determine their general validity. We point out that there were some implicit assumptions
made in the original derivation of these “Tate forms” from the Tate algorithm. By a careful
analysis of the Tate algorithm itself, we deduce that the “Tate forms” (without any futher
divisiblity assumptions) do not hold in some instances and have to be replaced by a new type
of ansatz. Furthermore, we give examples in which the existence of a “Tate form” can be
globally obstructed, i.e., the change of coordinates does not extend globally to sections of the
entire base of the elliptic fibration. These results have implications both for model-building
and for the exploration of the landscape of F-theory vacua.
Exotic branes in Exceptional Field Theory: the SL(5) duality group
We study how exotic branes, i.e. branes whose tensions are proportional to g−α s, with α > 2,
are realised in Exceptional Field Theory (EFT). The generalised
torsion of the Weitzenböck connection of the SL(5) EFT which, in
the language of gauged supergravity describes the embedding tensor, is shown
to classify the exotic branes whose magnetic fluxes can fit into four internal
dimensions. By analysing the weight diagrams of the corresponding representations
of SL(5) we determine the U-duality orbits relating geometric and
non-geometric fluxes. As a further application of the formalism we consider
the Kaluza-Klein monopole of 11D supergravity and rotate it into the exotic
6 (3,1)-brane.
Global tensor-matter transitions in F-theory
We use F-theory to study gauge algebra preserving transitions of 6d supergravity
theories that are connected by superconformal points. While the vector multiplets
remain unchanged, the hyper- and tensor multiplet sectors are modified.
In 6d F-theory models, these transitions are realized by tuning the intersection
points of two curves, one of them carrying a non-Abelian gauge algebra, to a
(4, 6, 12) singularity, followed by a resolution in the base. The six-dimensional
supergravity anomaly constraints are strong enough to completely fix the possible
non-Abelian representations and to restrict the Abelian charges in the hypermultiplet
sector affected by the transition, as we demonstrate for all Lie algebras and
their representations. Furthermore, we present several examples of such transitions
in torically resolved fibrations. In these smooth models, superconformal
points lead to non-flat fibers which correspond to non-toric K¨ahler deformations
of the torus-fibered Calabi-Yau 3-fold geometry.
Non-geometric Calabi-Yau Backgrounds and K3 automorphisms
Abstract: We consider compactifications of type IIA superstring theory on mirrorfolds
obtained as K3 fibrations over two-tori with non-geometric monodromies involving
mirror symmetries. At special points in the moduli space these are asymmetric
Gepner models. The compactifications are constructed from non-geometric automorphisms
that arise from the diagonal action of an automorphism of the K3 surface and
of an automorphism of the mirror surface. We identify the corresponding gaugings of
N = 4 supergravity in four dimensions, and show that the minima of the potential
describe the same four-dimensional low-energy physics as the worldsheet formulation
in terms of asymmetric Gepner models. In this way, we obtain a class of Minkowski
vacua of type II string theory which preserve N = 2 supersymmetry. The massless
sector consists of N = 2 supergravity coupled to 3 vector multiplets, giving the STU
model. In some cases there are additional massless hypermultiplets.
Gauged Supergravities in Various Spacetime Dimensions
In this review articel we study the gaugings of extended supergravity theories
in various space-time dimensions. These theories describe the low-energy
limit of non-trivial string compactifications. For each theory under consideration
we review all possible gaugings that are compatible with supersymmetry.
They are parameterized by the so-called embedding tensor which is a group
theoretical object that has to satisfy certain representation constraints. This
embedding tensor determines all couplings in the gauged theory that are necessary
to preserve gauge invariance and supersymmetry. The concept of the
embedding tensor and the general structure of the gauged supergravities are
explained in detail. The methods are then applied to the half-maximal (N = 4)
supergravities in d = 4 and d = 5 and to the maximal supergravities in
d = 2 and d = 7. Examples of particular gaugings are given. Whenever possible, the
higher-dimensional origin of these theories is identified and it is shown how
the compactification parameters like fluxes and torsion are contained in the
embedding tensor.
What is F-theory?
In this talk, I will formulate F-theory in a way which
emphasizes its close connection to type IIB supergravity as
well as its differences from type IIB string theory. My
formulation gives an intrinsic description of F-theory and
does not rely on dualities with other theories. The SL(2, Z)
invariance which is characteristic of F-theory will be
implemented by using the classical theory of elliptic integrals
together with some features of SL(2, Z) which were only
understood in modern times.
Although this formulation provides a much broader class of
F-theory vacua than has previously been available, there are
a few things which it misses that I will discuss at the end of
the talk.
The Cremmer-Scherk Mechanism in F-theory Compactifications on K3 Manifolds
Abstract: It is well understood — through string dualities — that there are 20 massless
vector fields in the spectrum of eight-dimensional F-theory compactifications on smooth elliptically
fibered K3 surfaces at a generic point in the K3 moduli space. Such F-theory vacua,
which do not have any enhanced gauge symmetries, can be thought of as supersymmetric
type IIB compactifications on P1 with 24 (p, q) seven-branes. Naively, one might expect there
to be 24 massless vector fields in the eight-dimensional effective theory coming from worldvolume
gauge fields of the 24 branes. In this paper, we show how the vector field spectrum
of the eight-dimensional effective theory can be obtained from the point of view of type IIB
supergravity coupled to the world-volume theory of the seven-branes. In particular, we first
show that the two-forms of the type IIB theory absorb the seven-brane world-volume gauge
fields via the Cremmer-Scherk mechanism. We then proceed to show that the massless vector
fields of the eight-dimensional theory come from KK-reducing the SL(2,Z) doublet two-forms
of type IIB theory along SL(2,Z) doublet one-forms on the P1. We also discuss the relation
between these vector fields and the “eaten” world-volume vector fields of the seven-branes.
Matter From Geometry Without Resolution
We utilize the deformation theory of algebraic singularities to study charged matter in compactifications
of M-theory, F-theory, and type IIa string theory on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds. In Ftheory,
this description is more physical than that of resolution. We describe how two-cycles can be
identified and systematically studied after deformation. For ADE singularities, we realize non-trivial ADE
representations as sublattices of Z N , where N is the multiplicity of the codimension one singularity before
deformation. We give a method for the determination of Picard-Lefschetz vanishing cycles in this context
and utilize this method for one-parameter smooth deformations of ADE singularities. We give a general
map from junctions to weights and demonstrate that Freudenthal’s recursion formula applied to junctions
correctly reproduces the structure of high-dimensional ADE representations, including the 126 of SO(10)
and the 43,758 of E6. We identify the Weyl group action in some examples, and verify its order in others.
We describe the codimension two localization of matter in F-theory in the case of heterotic duality or
simple normal crossing and demonstrate the branching of adjoint representations. Finally, we demonstrate
geometrically that deformations correctly reproduce the appearance of non-simply-laced algebras induced
by monodromy around codimension two singularities, showing the reduction of D4 to G2 in an example.
A companion mathematical paper will follow.
Theories of Class F and Anomalies
We consider the 6d (2, 0) theory on a fibration by genus g curves, and dimensionally reduce
along the fiber to 4d theories with duality defects. This generalizes class S theories, for which
the fibration is trivial. The non-trivial fibration in the present setup implies that the gauge
couplings of the 4d theory, which are encoded in the complex structures of the curve, vary and
can undergo S-duality transformations. These monodromies occur around 2d loci in spacetime,
the duality defects, above which the fiber is singular. The key role that the fibration
plays here motivates refering to this setup as theories of class F. In the simplest instance this
gives rise to 4d N = 4 Super-Yang–Mills with space-time dependent coupling that undergoes
SL(2, Z) monodromies. We determine the anomaly polynomial for these theories by pushing
forward the anomaly polynomial of the 6d (2, 0) theory along the fiber. This gives rise to
corrections to the anomaly polynomials of 4d N = 4 SYM and theories of class S. For the
torus case, this analysis is complemented with a field theoretic derivation of a U(1) anomaly in
4d N = 4 SYM. The corresponding anomaly polynomial is tested against known expressions
of anomalies for wrapped D3-branes with varying coupling, which are known field theoretically
and from holography. Extensions of the construction to 4d N = 0 and 1, and 2d theories with
varying coupling, are also discussed.
Topological Strings on Elliptic Fibrations
We study topological string theory on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds using mirror
symmetry. We compute higher genus topological string amplitudes and express these in terms
of polynomials of functions constructed from the special geometry of the deformation spaces.
The polynomials are fixed by the holomorphic anomaly equations supplemented by the expected
behavior at special loci in moduli space. We further expand the amplitudes in the base moduli of
the elliptic fibration and find that the fiber moduli dependence is captured by a finer polynomial
structure in terms of the modular forms of the modular group of the elliptic curve. We further
find a recursive equation which captures this finer structure and which can be related to the
anomaly equations for correlation functions.
F-theory on Quotient Threefolds with (2,0) Discrete Superconformal Matter
We explore 6-dimensional compactifications of F-theory exhibiting (2, 0) superconformal
theories coupled to gravity that include discretely charged superconformal matter. Beginning
with F-theory geometries with Abelian gauge fields and superconformal sectors,
we provide examples of Higgsing transitions which break the U(1) gauge symmetry to a
discrete remnant in which the matter fields are also non-trivially coupled to a (2, 0) SCFT.
In the compactification background this corresponds to a geometric transition linking two
fibered Calabi-Yau geometries defined over a singular base complex surface. An elliptically
fibered Calabi-Yau threefold with non-zero Mordell-Weil rank can be connected to
a smooth non-simply connected genus one fibered geometry constructed as a Calabi-Yau
quotient. These hyperconifold transitions exhibit multiple fibers in co-dimension 2 over
the base.
The Toric SO(10) F-Theory Landscape
Supergravity theories in more than four dimensions with grand unified gauge symmetries
are an important intermediate step towards the ultraviolet completion of the Standard
Model in string theory. Using toric geometry, we classify and analyze six-dimensional
F-theory vacua with gauge group SO(10) taking into account Mordell-Weil U(1) and discrete
gauge factors. We determine the full matter spectrum of these models, including
charged and neutral SO(10) singlets. Based solely on the geometry, we compute all matter
multiplicities and confirm the cancellation of gauge and gravitational anomalies independent
of the base space. Particular emphasis is put on symmetry enhancements at
the loci of matter fields and to the frequent appearance of superconformal points. They
are linked to non-toric Kähler deformations which contribute to the counting of degrees
of freedom. We compute the anomaly coefficients for these theories as well by using a
base-independent blow-up procedure and superconformal matter transitions. Finally, we
identify six-dimensional supergravity models which can yield the Standard Model with
high-scale supersymmetry by further compactification to four dimensions in an Abelian flux background.
Gauged supergravities from M-theory reductions
Abstract: In supergravity compactifications, there is in general no clear prescription on
how to select a finite-dimensional family of metrics on the internal space, and a family of
forms on which to expand the various potentials, such that the lower-dimensional effective
theory is supersymmetric. We propose a finite-dimensional family of deformations for
regular Sasaki–Einstein seven-manifolds M7, relevant for M-theory compactifications down
to four dimensions. It consists of integrable Cauchy–Riemann structures, corresponding to
complex deformations of the Calabi–Yau cone M8 over M7. The non-harmonic forms we
propose are the ones contained in one of the Kohn–Rossi cohomology groups, which is finitedimensional
and naturally controls the deformations of Cauchy–Riemann structures. The
same family of deformations can be also described in terms of twisted cohomology of the
base M6, or in terms of Milnor cycles arising in deformations of M8. Using existing results
on SU(3) structure compactifications, we briefly discuss the reduction of M-theory on our
class of deformed Sasaki–Einstein manifolds to four-dimensional gauged supergravity
ADE String Chains and Mirror Symmetry
Abstract: 6d superconforaml field theories (SCFTs) are the SCFTs in the highest possible
dimension. They can be geometrically engineered in F-theory by compactifying on noncompact
elliptic Calabi-Yau manifolds. In this paper we focus on the class of SCFTs whose
base geometry is determined by −2 curves intersecting according to ADE Dynkin diagrams
and derive the corresponding mirror Calabi-Yau manifold. The mirror geometry is uniquely
determined in terms of the mirror curve which has also an interpretation in terms of the
Seiberg-Witten curve of the four-dimensional theory arising from torus compactification.
Adding the affine node of the ADE quiver to the base geometry, we connect to recent
results on SYZ mirror symmetry for the A case and provide a physical interpretation in
terms of little string theory. Our results, however, go beyond this case as our construction
naturally covers the D and E cases as well.
Heterotic Line Bundle Models on Elliptically Fibered Calabi-Yau Three-folds
We analyze heterotic line bundle models on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau three-folds over
weak Fano bases. In order to facilitate Wilson line breaking to the standard model group, we
focus on elliptically fibered three-folds with a second section and a freely-acting involution.
Specifically, we consider toric weak Fano surfaces as base manifolds and identify six such
manifolds with the required properties. The requisite mathematical tools for the construction
of line bundle models on these spaces, including the calculation of line bundle cohomology, are
developed. A computer scan leads to more than 400 line bundle models with the right number
of families and an SU(5) GUT group which can descend to standard-like models after taking
the Z2 quotient. A common and surprising feature of these models is the presence of a large
number of vector-like states.
Fibrations in CICY Threefolds
In this work we systematically enumerate genus one fibrations in the class of 7, 890 Calabi-Yau
manifolds defined as complete intersections in products of projective spaces, the so-called CICY
threefolds. This survey is independent of the description of the manifolds and improves upon past
approaches that probed only a particular algebraic form of the threefolds (i.e. searches for “obvious”
genus one fibrations as in [1, 2]). We also study K3-fibrations and nested fibration structures. That
is, K3 fibrations with potentially many distinct elliptic fibrations. To accomplish this survey a
number of new geometric tools are developed including a determination of the full topology of
all CICY threefolds, including triple intersection numbers. In 2, 946 cases this involves finding a
new “favorable” description of the manifold in which all divisors descend from a simple ambient
space. Our results consist of a survey of obvious fibrations for all CICY threefolds and a complete
classification of all genus one fibrations for 4, 957 “K¨ahler favorable” CICYs whose K¨ahler cones
descend from a simple ambient space. Within the CICY dataset, we find 139, 597 obvious genus
one fibrations, 30, 974 obvious K3 fibrations and 208, 987 nested combinations. For the K¨ahler
favorable geometries we find a complete classification of 377, 559 genus one fibrations. For one
manifold with Hodge numbers (19, 19) we find an explicit description of an infinite number of
distinct genus-one fibrations extending previous results for this particular geometry that have
appeared in the literature. The data associated to this scan is available here [3].
Calabi-Yau Orbifolds over Hitchin Bases
Abstract. Any irreducible Dynkin diagram ∆ is obtained from an irreducible Dynkin
diagram ∆h of type ADE by folding via graph automorphisms. For any simple complex Lie
group G with Dynkin diagram ∆ and compact Riemann surface Σ, we give a Lie-theoretic
construction of families of quasi-projective Calabi-Yau threefolds together with an action of
graph automorphisms over the Hitchin base associated to the pair (Σ, G) . These give rise to
Calabi-Yau orbifolds over the same base. Their intermediate Jacobian fibration, constructed
in terms of equivariant cohomology, is isomorphic to the Hitchin system of the same type
away from singular fibers.
A new twist on heterotic string compactifications
Abstract: A rich pattern of gauge symmetries is found in the moduli space of heterotic
string toroidal compactifications, at fixed points of the T-duality transformations.
We analyze this pattern for generic tori, and scrutinize in full detail compactifications on
a circle. We show the gauge symmetry groups that arise at special points, in figures of
slices of the 17-dimensional moduli space of Wilson lines and circle radii. We then study
the target space realization of the duality symmetry. Although the global continuous duality
symmetries of dimensionally reduced heterotic supergravity are completely broken
by the structure constants of the maximally enhanced gauge groups, the low energy effective
action can be written in a manifestly duality covariant form using heterotic double
field theory. As a byproduct, we show that a unique deformation of the generalized diffeomorphisms
accounts for both SO(32) and E8 ×E8 heterotic effective field theories, which
can thus be considered two different backgrounds of the same double field theory even
before compactification. Finally we discuss the spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking
and Higgs mechanism that occurs when slightly perturbing the background fields, both
from the string and the field theory perspectives.
Geometric Singularities and Enhanced Gauge Symmetries
Using “Tate’s algorithm,” we identify loci in the moduli of F-theory compactifications
corresponding to enhanced gauge symmetry. We apply this to test the proposed
F-theory/heterotic dualities in six dimensions. We recover the perturbative gauge symmetry
enhancements of the heterotic side and the physics of small SO(32) instantons,
and discover new mixed perturbative/non-perturbative gauge symmetry enhancements.
Upon further toroidal compactification to 4 dimensions, we derive the chain of Calabi-Yau
threefolds dual to various Coulomb branches of heterotic strings.
Weaving the Exotic Web
String and M-theory contain a family of branes forming
U-duality multiplets. In particular, standard branes with codimension higher than or equal to two, can be explicitly
found as supergravity solutions. However, whether domain-wall branes and space-filling
branes can be found as supergravity solutions is still unclear. In this paper, we firstly
provide a full list of exotic branes in type II string theory or M-theory compactified to
three or higher dimensions. We show how to systematically obtain backgrounds of exotic
domain-wall branes and space-filling branes as solutions of the double field theory or the
exceptional field theory. Such solutions explicitly depend on the winding coordinates
and cannot be given as solutions of the conventional supergravity theories. However, as
the domain-wall solutions depend linearly on the winding coordinates, we describe them
as solutions of deformed supergravities such as the Romans massive IIA supergravity
or lower-dimensional gauged supergravities. We establish explicit relations among the
domain-wall branes, the mixed-symmetry potentials, the locally non-geometric fluxes,
and deformed supergravities.
Beyond Triality: Dual Quiver Gauge Theories and Little String Theories
The web of dual gauge theories engineered from a class of toric Calabi-Yau threefolds is
explored. In previous work, we have argued for a triality structure by compiling evidence
for the fact that every such manifold XN,M (for given (N, M)) engineers three a priori
different, weakly coupled quiver gauge theories in five dimensions. The strong coupling
regime of the latter is in general described by Little String Theories. Furthermore, we also
conjectured that the manifold XN,M is dual to XN0,M0 if NM = N0M0 and gcd(N, M) =
gcd(N0, M0). Combining this result with the triality structure, we currently argue for a
large number of dual quiver gauge theories, whose instanton partition functions can be
computed explicitly as specific expansions of the topological partition function ZN,M of
XN,M. We illustrate this web of dual theories by studying explicit examples in detail. We
also undertake first steps in further analysing the extended moduli space of XN,M with
the goal of finding other dual gauge theories.
Non-simply-laced Symmetry Algebras in F-theory on Singular Spaces
We demonstrate how non-simply-laced gauge and flavor symmetries arise in F-theory on
spaces with non-isolated singularities. The breaking from a simply-laced symmetry to one that
is non-simply-laced is induced by Calabi-Yau complex structure deformation. In all examples the
deformation maintains non-isolated singularities but is accompanied by a splitting of an I1 sevenbrane
that opens new loops in the geometry near a non-abelian seven-brane. The splitting also
arises in the moduli space of a probe D3-brane, which upon traversing the new loop experiences a
monodromy that acts on 3-7 string junctions on the singular space. The monodromy reduces the
symmetry algebra, which is the flavor symmetry of the D3-brane and the gauge symmetry of the
seven-brane, to one that is non-simply-laced. A collision of the D3-brane with the seven-brane
gives rise to a 4d N = 1 SCFT with a non-simply-laced flavor symmetry.
Toric Geometry and String Theory
In this thesis we probe various interactions between toric geometry and string theory.
First, the notion of a top was introduced by Candelas and Font as a useful tool to
investigate string dualities. These objects torically encode the local geometry of a
degeneration of an elliptic fibration. We classify all tops and give a prescription for
assigning an affine, possibly twisted Kac-Moody algebra to any such top. Tops related
to twisted Kac-Moody algebras can be used to construct string compactifications
with reduced rank of the gauge group. Secondly, we compute all loop closed and
open topological string amplitudes on orientifolds of toric Calabi-Yau threefolds, by
using geometric transitions involving SO/Sp Chern-Simons theory, localization on the
moduli space of holomorphic maps with involution, and the topological vertex. In
particular, we count Klein bottles and projective planes with any number of handles
in some Calabi-Yau orientifolds. We determine the BPS structure of the amplitudes,
and illustrate our general results in various examples with and without D-branes.
We also present an application of our results to the BPS structure of the coloured
Kauffman polynomial of knots.
SU(n) × Z2 in F-theory on K3 surfaces without section as double covers of Halphen surfaces
We investigate F-theory models with a discrete Z2 gauge symmetry and SU(n) gauge
symmetries. We utilize a class of rational elliptic surfaces lacking a global section, known
as Halphen surfaces of index 2, to yield genus-one fibered K3 surfaces with a bisection,
but lacking a global section. We consider F-theory compactifications on these K3 surfaces
times a K3 surface to build such models. We construct Halphen surfaces of index 2 with
type In fibers, and we take double covers of these surfaces to obtain K3 surfaces without
a section with two type In fibers, and K3 surfaces without a section with a type I2n
fiber. We study these models to advance the understanding of gauge groups that form
in F-theory compactifications on the moduli of bisection geometries.
Our results also show that the Halphen surfaces of index 2 can have type In fibers up
to I9. We construct an example of such a surface and determine the complex structure
of the Jacobian of this surface. This allows us to precisely determine the non-Abelian
gauge groups that arise in F-theory compactifications on genus-one fibered K3 surfaces
obtained as double covers of this Halphen surface of index 2, with a type I9 fiber times
a K3 surface. We also determine the U(1) gauge symmetries for compactifications when
K3 surfaces as double covers of Halphen surfaces with type I9 fiber are ramified over a
smooth fiber.
String theory and emergent de Sitter cosmology from decaying AdS
Recent developments in string compactifications demonstrate obstructions to the simplest constructions
of low energy cosmologies with positive vacuum energy. The existence of obstacles to creating
scale-separated de Sitter solutions indicates a UV/IR puzzle for embedding cosmological vacua in
a unitary theory of quantum gravity. Motivated by this puzzle, we propose an embedding of positive
energy Friedmann-Lemaˆıtre-Robertson-Walker cosmology within string theory. Our proposal
involves confining 4D gravity on a brane which mediates the decay from a non-supersymmetric false
AdS5 vacuum to a true vacuum. In this way, it is natural for a 4D observer to experience an effective
positive cosmological constant coupled to matter and radiation, avoiding the need for scale
separation or a fundamental de Sitter vacuum.
Calabi–Yau operators
Motivated by mirror symmetry of one-parameter models, an interesting
class of Fuchsian differential operators can be singled out, the so-called Calabi–Yau
operators, introduced by Almkvist and Zudilin in [7]. They conjecturally determine
Sp(4)-local systems that underly a Q-VHS with Hodge numbers h30 = h21 = h12 = h03 = 1
and in the best cases they make their appearance as Picard–Fuchs operators of families
of Calabi–Yau threefolds with h12 = 1 and encode the numbers of rational curves on
a mirror manifold with h11 = 1. We review some of the striking properties of this
rich class of operators.
Models of Particle Physics from Type IIB String Theory and F-theory: A Review
We review particle physics model building in type IIB string theory and F-theory. This is a region in the
landscape where in principle many of the key ingredients required for a realistic model of particle physics can be
combined successfully. We begin by reviewing moduli stabilisation within this framework and its implications for
supersymmetry breaking. We then review model building tools and developments in the weakly coupled type IIB
limit, for both local D3-branes at singularities and global models of intersecting D7-branes. Much of recent model
building work has been in the strongly coupled regime of F-theory due to the presence of exceptional symmetries
which allow for the construction of phenomenologically appealing Grand Unified Theories. We review both local
and global F-theory model building starting from the fundamental concepts and tools regarding how the gauge
group, matter sector and operators arise, and ranging to detailed phenomenological properties explored in the
The 2017 TASI Lectures on F-theory
F-theory is perhaps the most general currently available approach to study non-perturbative
string compactifications in their geometric, large radius regime. It opens up a wide and evergrowing
range of applications and connections to string model building, quantum gravity, (nonperturbative)
quantum field theories in various dimensions and mathematics. Its computational
power derives from the geometrisation of physical reasoning, establishing a deep correspondence
between fundamental concepts in gauge theory and beautiful structures of elliptic fibrations. These
lecture notes, which are an extended version of my lectures given at TASI 2017, introduce some of
the main concepts underlying the recent technical advances in F-theory compactifications and their
various applications. The main focus is put on explaining the F-theory dictionary between the local
and global data of an elliptic fibration and the physics of 7-branes in Type IIB compactifications to
various dimensions via duality with M-theory. The geometric concepts underlying this dictionary
include the behaviour of elliptic fibrations in codimension one, two, three and four, the Mordell-Weil
group of rational sections, and the Deligne cohomology group specifying gauge backgrounds.
String Geometry and Non-perturbative Background-Independent Formulation of String Theory
We define string geometry: spaces of superstrings including the interactions, their
topologies, charts, and metrics. Trajectories in asymptotic processes on the topological
space of strings reproduce the right moduli space of the super Riemann surfaces
in a target manifold. Based on the string geometry, we define Einstein-Hilbert action
coupled with gauge fields, and formulate superstring theory non-perturbatively
by summing over metrics and the gauge fields on the spaces of strings. This theory
does not depend on backgrounds. The theory has a supersymmetry as a part of the
diffeomorphisms symmetry on the superstring manifolds. We derive the all-order perturbative
scattering amplitudes that possess the super moduli in type IIA, type IIB
and SO(32) type I superstring theories from the single theory, by considering fluctuations
around fixed backgrounds representing type IIA, type IIB and SO(32) type I
perturbative vacua, respectively. The theory predicts that we can see a string if we
microscopically observe not only a particle but also a point in the space-time. That is,
this theory unifies particles and the space-time.