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D3-Branes, Second Quantization, Sasaki–Einstein Manifolds And Calabi–Yau ‘Tips’

Where is the real? All appearance are deceitful, the visible surface is deceptive. I look at my hand.. ..It is nerves, muscles, bones. Let us go deeper: it is molecules and acids. Further still: it is an impalpable waltz of electrons and neutrons. Further still: an immaterial nebula. Who can prove that my hand exists? ~ Salvador Dalí!

In my last post, I introduced the notions of a p-brane and D-brane (D for Dirichlet) and provided some of the most essential facts about them, and went on to show that the ONLY solutions to the D = 10/D = 11 supergravity actions ARE p-branes, and D-branes in the AdS/CFT setting. In this post, I will show why, for p = 3, D3-branes are highly unique and critical in unification physics. First, the propagation of a D3-brane through spacetime generates a 4-dimensional worldvolume WV_P^{D3} that has 4-dimensional Poincaré invariance: this is crucial since the generators of the Poincaré group and the generators of the Supersymmetry group are in convolution, and that analytically implies that superstring theory is a quantum theory of gravity and hence of spacetime, and thus Supergravity can be derived by solving

    \[1.\quad \frac{d}{{d{\sigma _t}}}\frac{1}{{2\pi {g_s}{k^2}}}\int {\left( {\sqrt { - h} \,\, - \sqrt { - {\rm{det}}\left( {{G_{\mu \nu }} + k{F_{\mu \nu }}} \right)} } \right)} \,{d^4}x({\sigma _t}) + \frac{\chi }{{8\pi }}\int {F \wedge F} \]


    \[{G_{\mu \nu }} = {h_{\mu \nu }} + {k^2}\frac{{{\partial _\mu }{\phi ^I}{\partial _\nu }{\phi ^I}}}{{{\phi ^2}}}\]

    \[k = \sqrt {{g_s}N/\pi } \]

    \[{h_{\mu \nu }} = {\phi ^2}{\eta _{\mu \nu }}\]

and {\eta _{\mu \nu }} being the 4-dimensional Minkowski metric. Note that we have \sqrt { - h} = {\phi ^4}. The Second criticality regarding D3-branes is that the open string worldsheet generating the graviton via quantum fluctuations can be topologically embedded in Ad{S_5} \times {S^5} space via the irreducible representation of its De Rham cohomology group by use of Stokes’ theorem. The Third point is that D3-branes have constant axion and dilaton fields, which are necessary conditions by gauge and unitarity constraints. A fourth criticality is that a D3-brane is self-dual. The solution can be characterized by {g_s} = {e^\phi }, C constant, {B_{\mu \nu }} = {A_{2\mu \nu }} = 0,

    \[d{s^2} = H{(x)^{1/2}}d{x^\mu }d{y_\mu } + H{(y)^{1/2}}\left( {d{y^2} + {y^2}d\Omega _5^2} \right)\]

    \[F_{5\mu \nu \rho \sigma \tau }^ + = {\varepsilon _{\mu \nu \rho \sigma \tau \nu }}{\partial ^\mu }H\]

where {\varepsilon _{\mu \nu \rho \sigma \tau \nu }} is the volume of the transverse to the 4-D Minkowskian D3-brane in D = 10/D = 11 supergravity theory. So, a D3-brane solution is a 2-parameter family of solutions indexed by the string coupling constant {g_s} and the instanton angle {\theta _I} = 2\pi C, with modular parameter

    \[\tau = \frac{\theta }{{2\pi }} + i\frac{{4\pi }}{{g_s^2}}\]

By the self-duality of D3-branes, we hence have a string-gauge correspondence

    \[\chi = \frac{\theta }{{2\pi }} \sim {g_s} = \frac{{g_s^2}}{{4\pi }}\]

in Ad{S_5} \times {S^5} space, and so the gravitonic D3-brane action is

    \[2.\quad {S_{D3 - B}} = \frac{1}{{2\pi {g_s}{k^2}}}\int {\left( {\sqrt { - h} - \sqrt { - {\rm{det}}\left( {{G_{\mu \nu }} + k\,{F_{\mu \nu }}} \right)} } \right)} \,{d^4}x + \frac{\chi }{{8\pi }}\int {F \wedge F} \]

Now here is where the Poincaré symmetry comes in: in the crucial case of N = 1 sypersymmetry, its irreducible representation allows us to identify the massless fermions with the Goldstinos. One finds that the field {\phi ^I} and the gauge fields {A_\mu } are \sqrt {2\pi {g_s}} times the normalized fields in canonical form: so, Eq. 2. reduces to

    \[3.\quad {S_{D3 - B}} = \frac{1}{{{\gamma ^2}_A}}\int {{\phi ^4}} \left( {1 - \sqrt { - \det {M_{\mu \nu }}} } \right){d^4}x + \frac{1}{4}{g_s}\chi \int {F \wedge F} \]


    \[{M_{\mu \nu }} = {\eta _{\mu \nu }} + {\gamma _A}\,{}^2{\partial _\mu }{\phi ^I}{}^2{\partial _\nu }{\phi ^I}/{\phi ^4} + {\gamma _A}{F_{\mu \nu }}/{\phi ^I}\]

and {\gamma _A} = \sqrt {\frac{N}{{2{\pi ^2}}}}. Note now that \gamma _A^2 = {R^4}{T_{D3}}, with R being the radius of Ad{S_5} \times {S^5} and {T_{D3}} is the D3-brane tension. So, it follows that R = 4{g_s}{N_c}\,l_p^4, with {N_c} being the number of c-brane stacks on the conformal boundary. But, it is not apriori of the same order of magnitude as the Planck length {l_P} = {\alpha ^\dagger }, however, their ratio is given by

    \[{R^4} = 4\pi {g_s} \cdot {N_c}l_{{P_k}}^4\]

This identity is crucial for the Lagrangian, where in D = 10, becomes

    \[4.\quad L = - \frac{1}{{2g_s^2}}{\rm{Tr}}\left( {{F_{\mu \nu }} - 2i\mathop {\lambda \,{\Gamma ^\mu }{{\not D}_\mu }\lambda }\limits^ \sim } \right)\]

and by a supersymmetric transformation induced by {\Gamma ^{\mu \nu }} \equiv \frac{1}{2}\left[ {{\Gamma ^\mu },{\Gamma _\nu }} \right], we get

    \[5.\,\quad \delta {A_\mu } = - i\mathop \xi \limits^ \sim {\Gamma _\mu }\lambda \]


    \[\delta \lambda = \frac{1}{2}{F_{\mu \nu }}{\Gamma ^{\mu \nu }}\xi \]

for a Majorana-Weyl spinor gaugino \lambda and the Lagrangian density can be derived now as

    \[\begin{array}{c}6.\quad L = \frac{1}{{{\gamma _A}^2}}{\phi ^4}\left( {1 - \sqrt {\left( {1 + \frac{{\gamma _A^2\left[ {{\phi ^ + } - {E^2}} \right]}}{{{\phi ^4}}}} \right)\left( {1 + \frac{{\gamma _A^2{B^2}}}{{{\phi ^4}}}} \right)} } \right)\\ + {g_s}\chi {G_{\tau \tau }}\end{array}\]


    \[7.\quad {G_{\tau \tau }} = {\phi ^2} + \gamma _A^2{\left( {{\phi ^\dagger }/\phi } \right)^2}\]

where the field conjugate to {A_\tau } is

    \[\begin{array}{c}8.\quad \not D = \frac{{\partial L}}{{\partial {G_{\tau \tau }}}} = {G_{\tau \tau }}\sqrt {\frac{{1 + \gamma _A^2{F_{\mu \nu }}/{\phi ^4}}}{{1 + \gamma _A^2\left[ {{{\left( {{\phi ^\dagger }} \right)}^2} - G_{\tau \tau }^ + } \right]}}} \\ + \,{g_s}\chi {G_{\tau \tau }}\end{array}\]

Now the GKP-Witten relation for D3-branes

    \[{Z_{CFT}} = {{\mathop{\rm e}\nolimits} ^{\int_{D3 - B} {{\phi ^\dagger }} }}\]

gives us canonically

    \[9.\quad {Z_{CFT}}{\left[ {\frac{{\mathop {{\rm{lim}}}\limits_{{\sigma _t} \to \infty } {\rm{propagation}}\,{\rm{(}}WV_P^{D3}{{({\sigma _t})}^{R{{_{{S_{({\sigma _s},{\sigma _t})}}}^{2d}}_{{\sigma _s} \to 0}}}}}}{{{\rm{boundary}}\,{\rm{(}}WV_P^{D3})}}J_\omega ^{\nabla - 3 + \tau } = J_{D3}^{{\rm{current}}}} \right]_{D3 - brane}}\]

thus entailing that spacetime ‘lives’ on the boundary of Ad{S_5} \times {S^5} and ‘time‘ and ‘space‘ as Hilbert space functors are interpretable as holomorphic emergent entropic properties of the integrable forms of the exterior algebra of the D3-brane 4-dimensional worldvolume WV_P^{D3} dynamically propagating in time as {\sigma _t} \to \infty.

Now, we need to see how the quantization can be carried out for the D3-brane: with l_P^{D3} the Planck length for D3-branes’ 4-dimensional worldvolume WV_P^{D3}, we get

    \[\int_{{l_P}}^{{S^{D3 - B}}} {{}^2\not D} {\phi ^I} * {F_{3 + 2}} = \frac{{2{k^2}{N_c}}}{{{g_s}}}{T_{D3}}\]

with {T_{D3}} being the D3-brane tension, where, explicitly

    \[{T_{D3}} = \frac{{\sqrt {{\phi ^I}} }}{k}{\left( {4{\pi ^2}{\alpha ^\dagger }} \right)^{1/2}}\]


    \[k = 8{\pi ^{1/2}}{g_s}{\left( {{\alpha ^\dagger }} \right)^2}\]

is the D = 10 gravitational constant. Now: in the all-too important AdS/CFT setting, there is a gauge operator {\vartheta _i}living‘ on the boundary of Ad{S_5} \times {S^5} with non-trivial quantum fluctuation of its self-dual supergravity field A_\mu ^{{\rm{SuGra}}} propagating in the bulk of Ad{S_5} \times {S^5}, and hence we get

    \[{\not {\rm Z}_{{\rm{STRING}}}}\left[ {A_\mu ^{SuGra}} \right] = {\left\langle {\exp \left( {\int {{d^4}x\,{\phi ^I}{\vartheta _i}} } \right)} \right\rangle _{D3 - {\rm{Brane}}}}\]

with boundary conditions for the supergravity field A_\mu ^{SuGra}

    \[A_\mu ^{SuGra}(\tau ,{\chi ^\mu }) \sim {\phi ^I}({\chi ^\mu })\,{e^{\left( {{\Delta _i} - 4} \right)}}\tau \]

with {\Delta _i} being the conformal dimension of the operator {\vartheta _i}. The central argument of this post now is clear: by Eq. 9, the ONLY way one can derive a finite quantum theory of gravity, and by GR, spacetime, satisfying gauge and unitarity constraints, is if the action of that theory is ONLY integrable, and it is, on a 5-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein Manifold ^5{E_S} that has a ‘D3-brane’ 4-dimensional worldvolume WV_P^{D3} homological reduction that places its corresponding stack {N_4} D3-branes at the ‘tip’ of a Calabi–Yau manifold corresponding to the string-compactification, with the cone topologically embedded in ^5{E_S}. This is as deep as mathematical results ‘get’ in physics, or any science for that matter. I shall next start explicitly quantizing the action(s) of D3-branes.