Spacetime geometric structures and the Search for a Quantum Theory of Gravity One of the biggest challenges to theoretical physics of our time is to find a background-independent quantum theory of gravity. Today one encounters a profusion of different attempts at quantization, but no fully accepted – or acceptable, theory of quantum gravity. Any such approach requires a response to a question that lies at the heart of this problem. “How shall we resolve the tension between the background dependence of all hitherto-successful quantum theories, both non-relativistic quantum mechanics and special-relativistic quantum field theory, and the background independence of classical general relativity?” (see [28]) The need for a background-independent quantization procedure forms the starting point of my approach. In this paper I shall present a gaugenatural formulation of general relativity, and provide some insights into the structure of the space of geometries, which plays an important role in the construction of a non-perturbative quantum gravity using a path integral approach, as well as in string theory (see e.g., [2, 18, 31])