Let us see how the Yukawa couplings among 4-D fermionic fields can be derived from the F-theory superpotential and relate them to the tree-level superpotential. This is of utmost importance since D7/D3-brane-phenomenology of 4-D F-theory can be promoted to M-theory in light of the F/M-theory duality and the compactness of Calabi-Yau 4-folds. Start with a Kähler coordinate expansion of which gives us, after inserting it in:
the following:
which is the exact 7-brane superpotential for F-theory and the integrand is independent of , entailing that the F-term conditions are purely topological and in no need for -corrections.
However, the D-term in:
is in need of -corrections, since it is evaluable as:
and the non-Abelian D-term has the form:
With our target Calabi-Yau 4-fold and Lie algebra , for:
we have:
with and the Cartan matrix of , effectively reflecting the F/M-theory duality.
In the local patch on the C-manifold, one takes the flat-space-Kähler-form as having the form:
Then, we decompose the Kähler-background B-field as:
thus giving us:
with the Abelian pull-back to determined by:
where locally the Higgs field is given by:
with a matrix in the complexified adjoint representation of and its Hermitian conjugate. Thus, I could derive:
Hence we have:
Now: realize that is a zero-form and does not have transverse-legs to , and thus the pull-back has a trivial action. So, after solving:
the D-term equation amounts to with:
and with the -field vanishing on the sheave of the C-manifold, one gets a reduction to:
which yields a non-Abelian -corrected Chern-Simons action of a stack of D7-branes with both terms at leading order in , entailing that for matrix algebras:
they are the matrix products in the fundamental representation of
and so the -corrections on D-terms with the gauge flux F diagonalization yields
the D-term equations
Deep upshot: the -corrections are given entirely by the abelian pull-back of the Kähler-form to
And this has a deep physical interpretation which can be extracted from the energy-momentum tensor and D-term of Q-clouds.
In the special case that is of interest, the Yukawa couplings among 4-d matter fields can be derived from the superpotential:
with the F-theory characteristic scale, and with dynamical dependence on the D-term:
Our equations of motion that follow from the superpotential and the D-term are given by:
which are the F-term equations, and the following holds for our fundamental form on :
which is the D-term equation.
In the bosonic case, to derive the equations of motion, define:
and expand the F-term equations and the D-term equation to first order in the fluctuations . Thus we find:
with the following relations:
and locally, we have the Kähler form:
Hence, our equations:
admit zero mode solutions that are localized on fermionic curves which are determined by the background of which in the absence of fluxes depends holomorphically on the complex coordinates of . So, a nontrivial VEV with the property that its rank changes at curves implies that instead of a single there are intersecting surfaces:
Now, at any point on , splits to times due to the 7-branes wrapping the , and at there are additional commuting generators whose associated fluctuations give rise to matter localized on as implied by solving the equations of motion. At point where the matter curves intersect, there is bi-uplifts to . Locally, a worldvolume flux is included, entailing that a hypercharge generator exists that breaks to the group.
A sketch of the proof:
such that:
with the mass parameter; thus we have a VEV breaking of to at generic points in and so the group is enhanced to:
at curves:
The generators determined by:
commute with when . Inducing chirality involves including the flux:
Under the holomorphic gauge such that:
solutions to the equations of motion are derived by gauge transformations, noting that equations:
Hence, the following equations of motion:
admit an F-theory zero-mode local model and the Yukawa couplings tree-level superpotential:
includes the trilinear term:
leading to 4-d couplings – given by an integral of the zero mode wavefunctions – among the zero modes of and .
Solving the D-term equation:
we get a description of an F-theory-GUT model in the vicinity of a single point by computing the down-like Yukawa couplings:
or the up-like Yukawa couplings:
The proof, and the structure of the argument, generalizes to F-theory models with with differing , the most interesting cases being:
all of which explicitly reflect the ‘no-two-time’ property of F-theory.