Klebanov-Strassler warp-throat conifold-background will be the basis for our explicit analysis of warped D-brane inflationary cosmology
For a visual treat of the mathematical ‘picture’, scroll to the bottom of this post. In part two of this series on M-theoretic world-brane cosmology, I showed that a Klebanov-Strassler geometry naturally arises by considering string theory compactification on where
is the Einstein manifold in five dimensions, with the interaction-Lagrangian of the massless Klebanov-Strassler field and the brane fields fermions is
then I showed that after integrating over the extra dimensional part, the effective 4-D Lagrangian reduces to
with the fundamental Planck scale and the 4-D Planck scale
related as
Moreover, I demonstrated that the moduli spaces of compact Calabi-Yau spaces naturally contain conifold singularities and that the local description of these singularities is a conifold, a noncompact Calabi-Yau three-fold whose geometry is given by a cone, and that the orbifolded conifold equation
allows us to consider the orbifolded conifold as a fibration over the
plane and is a chiral theory with the gauge group
the deep part being that this AdS background is an explicit realization of the Randall-Sundrum scenario in string theory
that I discussed here and here. And so in line with the AdS/CFT duality, the geometry
has a dual gauge theory interpretation
namely, an gauge theory coupled to bifundamental chiral superfields, and adding
D5-branes wrapped over the
, the gauge group becomes
giving a cascading gauge theory. The three-form flux induced by the wrapped D5-branes – fractional D3-branes – satisfies
and the Klebanov-Strassler warp-throat factor is
thus allowing explicit analysis of warped D-brane inflationary cosmology. Since M-theory remains the only promising paradigm for a corrective UV-completion of the Standard Model that also unifies gauge and gravitational interactions in a consistent quantum field theory, it is natural to analyze the theory for an explicit realization of inflationary cosmology. In small steps, in this post, let me do some warped-throat-analysis and set the stage for the next post on Klebanov-Strassler throat-analysis.
Now, the low-energy limit of type IIB superstring theory is type IIB supergravity, whose action is
by which is meant ‘fermion-terms’, with the 10-d reduced Planck mass, and
the 10-d Einstein frame metric with Ricci scalar
, and
is the axio-dilaton, formed from the Ramond-Ramond axion
, with the dilaton
defined by
and the RR 4-form potential, whose field strength is
. The fields
are constructed from the RR and Neveu-Schwarz 2-form potentials
with their respective field strengths
and since one can include additional localized sources of flux and energy density, such as D-branes and orientifold-planes, in the background, then
can be supplemented by a piece from these sources, containing the tensions and couplings to the p-form fields. Hence, generally, for a compactification background which preserves 4-d Poincaré invariance, the metric can be parametrized as
with is the 4-d Minkowski metric and
are coordinates on a compact 6-d internal space
is the warp factor function. Note that
can only have Picard-saddle-legs in the compact directions, and the self-dual
must take the form
for scalar function of the internal coordinates. Since antibranes break supersymmetry, and orientifold planes break 4-d N = 2 SUSY, which is preserved by a pure Calabi-Yau flux-compactification, to N = 1, throughout this post-series, I will tacitly assume a Calabi-Yau orientifold, which is N = 1 supersymmetric in 4-d setting. In the presence of additional antibranes, or for particular flux choices, SUSY may even be completely broken. Also, Poincaré invariant backgrounds contain localized objects such as D3 and D7-branes which fill the non-compact dimensions, or Euclidean D3-brane instantons wrapping 4-cycles in the internal manifold. If all objects in the background satisfy a BPS-like condition on their tensions, then
is imaginary self-dual with respect to the 6-d internal metric
with the flux related to the warp factor as
and to preserve 4-d N = 1 supersymmetry, must be a (2, 1)-form on the internal manifold.
This is crucial because in the 4-d effective theory, G3 flux on a Calabi-Yau compactification manifold M gives rise to a superpotential of Gukov-Vafa-Witten type
that I discussed here. Now, in type IIB
string compactifications to four dimensions, a warped-throat is a region of the internal space where the warp factor varies strongly along a particular direction and the classic model is the geometry near a stack of D3-branes. Placing N coincident D3-branes in 10-d flat spacetime will deform the metric to give
and this space is asymptotically flat as , given that
. For small
, the second term dominates, and the metric becomes that of
with the branes sourcing N units of flux through the internal
The AdS/CFT correspondence states that, for large N, classical supergravity on this background is dual to strongly coupled 4-d N = 4 SU(N) superYang-Mills theory and the conformality of the 4-d theory is reflected by translational invariance along the r direction of the 5-d AdS space and provides a stringy realization of the Randall-Sundrum-II model
This is deep, and next post I will apply to, and study, the Klebanov-Strassler throat.